Prolog (Civ)

"Does she know? or realized?" I said while I looked at her softly, while glancing at the phone on the table.

 "She doesn't" she said calmly

"Not even the tiniest bit? and you're sure about this?"

"No, and yes"

"And you don't want her to know?" I asked carefully

"No..Leave her be, the less she knows, the better" her face sours

"Ivy.. you kno-" but before I could finished my sentence, she quickly adds

"Deep down she must have realized something is off. She isn't stupid, she just doesn't want to acknowledge it. Let her be. She's… weak"

I take my eyes off my phone, indicating today's date: 21 Sept 2024, 2:31 a.m and it's raining hard right now

I take a step closer to Ivy, wrapping her waist with my arms. I sink my face into her neck, inhaling her scent which makes me calm and wild at the same time. She stands stiff, letting herself being hugged which she allowed only me to do, and i like that.

The thunder strikes loudly, and without even seeing her face, I know she is pale although she tries not to show it. She doesn't like the rain, hates it even. That must be why she's a little unstable right now, I thought to myself

"Anything you wish, Ivy. As long as you're safe" I whisper to her, consoling her.

Knowing full well I won't be able to just leave her be. If I can't do anything then at least I could keep close and watch, carefully. It's not like Ivy will be here 24/7 forever. Heck, I would be happy if she could. What's the use of all this power if I can't even just keep tabs on a bunch of girls?

"Let me put you back to sleep" I said after awhile.

I take her silence as a nod and carry her up to her bed. I slowly slid into the bed by her side and watch her breathing slowly calming down. As she started to drift into her sleep, I stare at her, processing all this information I had just realized like puzzles clicked into place.

'How could I not noticed it before? no, She hid it so well and it's not like I could pry into her back then. These past few months might be the happiest days of my life that I was blindsided. Seems like I turned into a softie here'

I recall our memories again, trying to find any discrepancies. What she's hiding makes a lot of sense due to her trauma. Her abusive environment, she has to somehow survive this harsh world. Not by being weak, but by being strong. That is how Ivy is now the second in command in the entirety of Arcadia Tower. While I might be the owner of Arcadia Tower, I could not phantom her strength as the Master of Alchemy. I know she is strong enough to challenge me for the first seat, but she doesn't. Because she loves me, she said.

'But for how long?' I could not help but ask myself.