Teammates (Kat)

I yawned as i rubbed my eyes hard. A single cup of coffee is definitely not enough as I have been busy with the quest lately. As tired as I may be, I glance at my wristband that shows 'level E' in holographic blur

'I can't wait to finally get to level D so I could finally break free from the temporary newbie group' I think to myself

As I walk to my meeting point my teammates set, I started to wonder how and why the hell am I bonded with this team. I guess it make sense that the world system feel the need team up a bunch of E and F levels together to make them hunt or complete quests together as it gets dangerous around especially if you are alone. But I have no idea why do they have to enforce it as law for a group of 5 low levels to bound together.

'I don't even get to choose my teammates. Not to mention I also hate them, and them me. I don't blame them, though. I mean, who would like poison master position like me?' Just as I started to spiral down into self depreciation, I heard a high pitched voice from afar

"Finally! our potion master is here" said a girl with her blonde straight hair, whose voice I can hear clear irritation from

"Ha! potion? you wish! it's POISON, not potion. And she had the audacity to be late to the meeting" another curly red haired girl replied with her snarly remarks

"Calm down guys, she's here now aint she?" a blonde haired guy who looked almost identical to the other girl said nonchalantly

"Look, Leon is clearly offended, but as a leader he is trying to hold this team together and not comment on this type of mundane thing. So I'm warning you Katarina!" the girl raised her voice, her red curly hair blazing around

"Leader? we don't have a leader yesterday? how come we suddenly have one today?" I snap back

"We voted it this morning, it was unanimous and you were late, so why complaint now?" this time the blond girl replied. Her angelic voice, just like her angelic name of Gabrielle, show no sign of kindness at all

"Alright, alright, it's too noisy. You guys will piss Leon off" said her twin blond brother, Raphael, with no less ominous sound than the former

"Oh don't mind me. I love to see beautiful girls bicker. Too bad they ain't bickering about me. I would have love that more" Leon's sinister smile spread as he looks at us.

'bunch of idiots' I think to myself, not brave enough to said it in front of Leon, our "supposedly-voted-this-morning-when-I-was-not-present" leader.

His aura is terrifying for me, and especially he is our only E level in this group- oh no wait, our group do have another E level today!

"I leveled up to level E last night!" I said suddenly, flaunting around the blurry holographic thing from my wrist. I have been trying to see their reaction for the longest time, knowing that I have a level higher above them now. But instead, all they give is a slight shocked face and all of them are looking at Leon, trying to gauge his reaction.

Unable to read his reaction, the room fell silent.

"Maybe it's broken?" suddenly Raphael said slowly, clearly unpleasant

"Yeah! It must have been broken" adds Gabrielle, or Gaby, whatever she is called

Another silent. I'm surprised that Scarlet isn't snarling with any of her usual remarks, but beggars can't be choosers right?

"Let's just focus on the next quest so we can all quickly level up" said Leo swiftly, but I can still see his face sours

"Our next quest is to kill at least the total of 1000 badgers between the 5 of us, and a minimum of 200 for each of us" Leo adds

"This means a certain person can't slack off and just rely on her poison immunity to do all the work like what she did back then, am I right?" Scarlet said mockingly, somehow magically found her snarky remarks back.

'This is bad. How do I kill 200 badgers with my physical stat? I bet they won't help, not when they have their own quotas to meet' I think to myself, starting to worry immediately after I heard the quests.

"Well then, let's go now" Leo conclude

"Wait what? now? bbb..but we have not prepare anything?" I shuttered, shock by how fast they are moving and my own lack of preparation

"Did you think this is just a meeting?" Raphael flash me a mocking smile

"Ha! you're so slow and stupid. If it's just a meeting, we would have asked you to come earlier for the voting" Gaby chimed in

"What a mess. And you had the audacity to be late for this morning meeting? One would thought you went all the trouble to get prepared, not to mention your poison is the most useless amongst us" Scarlet adds

"We don't have time for this. Let's run. And Kat? blame your own lack of preparation. I can't believe an E level poison master came out and about without anything prepared" Leo said coldly

I cursed inwardly, partially pushed to walk to my death by the blond guy behind me.

"Well, we won't miss you when you're dead. But I'll consider bringing back your body if there is any left. Don't forget to beg though, I'm still not convinced you're worth the trouble" Raphael whispers behind my ear

When I turned around and saw his smirk, oh how much I wanted to stick a poison vial up his ass so i'd watch him turn green and suffer. I took a big breathe to calm myself.

'Just focus on not getting killed, Kat. Just. Stay.Alive. you can do this. You managed to best the blue butterfly before, and now you are level E. You can definitely kill some badgers' I told myself repeatedly, trying to convince my own nerves

well, I guess I was too nervous to acknowledge what the other voice inside my head were telling me 'Yeah you were lucky the blue butterflies are toxics, and your poison immunity helped so it's harmless to you. Not this time though'