Achievements (Kat)

[Achievement Unlocked: Poisonous]

Poison and killed 1000 monsters

Reward: Chance to gain blood related skills after absorbing poisonous blood

[Achievement Unlocked: Monster Rookie]

Defeat more than 1000 monsters before level D

Reward: Your name is now part of the 'Hall of Fame'

Never has it occurred to me that I am able to completely ravished an ecosystem, but this is a pleasant surprise. These achievements are not something easy to obtain, and yet I got 2 achievements because of the planktons I accidentally poison and killed?

'I need to test out my skill' thinking excitedly what kind of skill I have. The world system won't give this kind of information out, so it's usually up to the adventures to find out themselves. They can even lie about it if they want to, so unless you spend time and money to figure out a person's skill, no one would know.

I spend my remaining time searching and trapping badgers, poison them with my blood and just wait for them to die. Some traps are more effective than others, while some badgers are more resistant to poison than most. I am not very confident with physical attack since my main weapon is poison, but it does not mean I can't fight if needed to. When encountered a persistent badger or the one resistant to poison, I will have to attack it in its' weaken state.

Exactly just like right this moment, I move quickly to the side and stab the poisoned badger. Although it is strong, I have all the advantage since it is now weak and poisoned, and soon my wristband lit up. I take a look at the hologram showing what I want to know

[Badger 72]

After confirming its' death, I remove my knife from its' body and take a gulp of its blood. I have been doing this for several times now ever since I got the achievements. After drinking 71 times of badgers' blood, I finally understand that the chance to get a skill is very low. But still, a chance is a chance, right? That is already so much better than no chance. And if I could get a skill from doing this, even if I have to taste the whole 200 badgers worth of blood, I'd do so gladly. So far I have yet to be so lucky to get anything, but I kept trying anyway. To my surprise, this time the blood tasted different.

'It's sour, but not a bad taste. Kinda refreshing, even' surprised by how I don't hate it. Instinctually, I know the blood is different and thinking I might just get a skill from it. No, I definitely got a skill from it, I just need to figure out what it is. I quickly slash and make a cut on my palm then drip it onto the dead badger's body. I waited, but strangely nothing happened.

'Strange, nothing happened even though I am pretty sure that this blood has a skill. Is it because its' already dead?' curiously thinking.

I looked at my bloody palm and think 'what a waste of blood'. I should have waited until I found another badger to test it out but because of how excited and impatient I was, now I have to cut myself again later.

Just because I'm used to the pain to draw blood doesn't mean I don't feel the pain at all. I mean who the hell would be happy if the reason for your own survival is you have to harm yourself again and again? But suddenly, an idea pops out. I kneeled and started to take out all my poison vials and a big empty bottle from my sling bag. I mix all the poisons I have into the the empty bottle, not caring about how it turned black. After that, I drip some of my blood from my bloody palm into it, thinking it must have create a new type of poison.

I tried to drink the newly made poison, but just after I take a gulp, I can feel my blood starting to overwhelm the poison, trying to fade it out and overpower it.

"I guess I need blood as medium to absorb the poison, just as I always do" not noticing I mumbled it out loud. I walk toward the dead badgers and pour out almost half of the poison onto its' pool of blood. Afterwards, I scoop it out with my bloody palm and take another gulp of the blood.

"Ugh, that tasted so bad" I said as I winced. I know I did not do it properly, unlike those researchers in a lab with their tools. But I have always done it this way, mixing different kind of poisons, use a blood as a medium, and then absorb it so then my body would concoct a new type of poison. But never has it tasted this bad.

'Is it because the badgers' blood has been there for some time? I mean it did kinda clotted a little, but I did not think it would be a problem'

Soon after, the blood on my palm immediately clotted and dried. The wound has yet closed completely but the blood clot helped the flowing blood stopped, which is unusual. My blood doesn't really clot that easily, since it's poisonous and it's pretty much poison the area around the wound, slowing its healing.

Suddenly my eyes widen as I realized, I might just get another skill from this badgers' blood. Not only that, there is a correlation between the taste of blood and gained skills. Blood usually tasted like… well, blood. I have no idea how to explain it, but it tasted like blood. You'd know, like if you suddenly bit your lips and tasted blood. There is a tinge and a slight taste of iron in it.

While there are some differences depending what type of blood it is, or the different species of monsters whether they are animal type or plant type, for example. But I'd recognize it after tasting it a few times. What intrigues me is that when the blood tasted like something you'd explain in a human vocabulary, like it taste "sweet" or "sour" or "bad". Now that kind of blood will surely give a skill. It won't even matter what type of blood it is, because you won't notice it. You'd only noticed how sour or bad it tasted.

Now that I'm sure of it, I smile widely, excited to find out what my first skill I gained is. My second skill I gained might not be the most impressive, but it is good enough since my unplanned injuries are usually not very convenient for me to heal myself effectively.