Skill Reveal (Kat)

Things definitely got easier and I could feel it. Every time I need make a cut to draw blood, my blood clot immediately and my wound close and heal faster. I am in a pretty good mood because not only my badger kill count has reached over 100, but also I feel like I finally figured out my first skill that tasted "sour". I am not completely sure of it yet, so I need to do some experiments to test it out.

When I saw a couple of badgers from afar, I immediately splash a couple of my blood vials that I prepared beforehand. Around me, a couple of thick skinned frogs died slowly. I can't exactly see or tell, but I can feel a slight change in my body, especially my skin. 'Now, let's go hunt those stupid badgers' I charged towards the badgers after coating my knife with my poisonous blood.

It's a technique I created where it combined my physical combat with my poison. It's nothing new nor special, but this way I'll be able to hunt faster and more efficiently than just poisoning and waiting for it to die slowly. I move as stealthily as I can and inflict a small cut to the badgers whenever I can, effectively wounded and poisoned them at the same time.

Some charged back at me, but my thicken skin damps its' charged, only for me to get some shallow scratches here and there. When I do get deeper scratches, it will bleed and eventually kills them too so I wasn't too worried. As for the stronger badgers, I fight and stab them over and over again until they can no longer move.

'Now is the time to test this out' I know I can absorb some of the skill or characteristics of my kills without needing to drink its' blood. Now, I just need to know whether I have the choice of absorbing it or not. If I don't have a choice, then I won't have much time before the badgers die and I will automatically gained some of its' traits. So I waited, immediately after it dies I place my focus on myself, trying to feel any changes.

'Huh, nothing?' confused when nothing is happening. Then what if...

Almost immediately after I think I want to absorb it, I feel the change in my body. Again, I don't know what it is exactly that changes so I take a quick look at my lit up wristband to see my latest kill

[Badger 134]

After confirming my latest kill is a badger, I start to think what are the special traits or skill of a badger so that I can take full advantage of this.

"I know they are quite resistant to poison, but as a poison master I don't think anything will change. They're well known for their strong legs and claws... Claws? No my hands are still normal" mumbling to myself while I lift up and take a careful look at my hands. Not gonna lie, I am a little disappointed about the claws. If I do get them, it will be helpful since I will no longer need my knife. But then again, if I suddenly gain claws, isn't it kinda branching out into the beastification category?

"Ugh, no. At lease nothing physical that can relate me to beastification. Anyway, the badgers are also famous for being able to drop stinky bomb. ..... Eyyy, no way, right?" I said it slowly, but my mind starting to turn quickly, worried about what if I can suddenly produce a stinky bomb?

While I am indeed extremely curious, at the same time, I am also afraid to try.

'What if I can drop a stinky fart now???? oh no, I am gonna die of embarrassment. I need to quickly absorb and change this skill. But wait, I need to know if it is true, but I really don't want to try it' I whined

"Ugh, let's just try and get it over with. If I can't then it's good, I can think of other skill to try out. If I do able do drop some stinky bomb..... let's just quickly absorb other skill" I grumbled.

I close my eyes shut and focused on my whole body. I can feel something accumulates and just when I tried to drop whatever it was accumulating inside me, a gas-like smoke dissipates from all over my body.

'Fuck, so now I have big gassy smoke-like stinky fart-'

But before I can finish my embarrassing thoughts, a ridiculous amount of small bugs around me suddenly drop dead.

My eyes widened, a feeling suddenly surged from within, forming a curve on my lips. I started laughing so loud that it looked like I was manic and mad. The reason I laughed so hard is because I was embarrassed with myself for being so displeased ever since I might have gained a big gassy stinky fart skill. The other reason is because I realized it wasn't stinky bomb I just dropped. It was poisonous gas.

"It make so much sense. HAHAHAHAHA. Of course, since I am a poison master, of course the I could drop poison bomb instead of the useless stinky bomb HAHAHAHA" I laughed and laughed while covering my face. I laughed so hard that I tear up a little. I wiped my happy tears, relieved but also confused why the hell am I so happy about this.

"Well, at least I figured it out" I said happily, not to mention I now have a way to do a wide-range poisonous attack. This gift from the badgers is definitely a big benefit for me. I smile widely and continues to search for more badgers to hunt. Soon, I can finally complete my kill count and finish this damn team quest.

Although I am curious about the hidden individual quest, the feeling of being able to separate from the teams overwhelmed the former. While it's nice to be able to complete the hidden quest, there is a reason it's called "hidden". Obviously not just anyone can figure it out, so I decided to leave the matter for later.

"The portal guard said it will be a big help for me, but they don't know I will get these amazing achievements. These skills are enough help, honestly. I might not even need the reward from the hidden quest anymore" I said.