Antidotes (Kat?)

"You have to somehow produce the antidote, Kat. I don't care how, you just have to. We can not die here" Leon tried to convince me. Not gonna lie, he can sound very convincing.

"We were poisoned because of you, so this is your responsibility, Kat" Raphael adds weakly

"I know" I answer softly

I know this is all my fault. While it is true that I do not like my teammates but it does not mean I want them dead. Heck, I don't even know my poison can kill human now. Before, the worst it can do is just knocked someone out unconsciously, which is why I can sell my poison quite freely in the market before. I turned my brain to think really hard, because have never been poisoned so I am not sure how to counter my own blood.

"I will go to the pond to collect some to try making the antidotes" I lied to Raphael and Leon, not realizing they looked slightly relieved.

I walk to the small pond nearby and after making sure I was alone, I sat there by the edger. I need to think carefully and not be disturbed, especially if I want to be able to produce an antidote to my own poisonous blood.

'What would I do if I were poisoned to death? I would.. seek help, oh! The pill from the guards. Is it possible maybe I could use it to turn it into antidotes?' I suddenly think of the pills the guard gave me just before he shoved me into the portal. I rummage through my sling bag and took out 2 small vial full of black and red pills.

I take a look at both the black and red pills on my hand, not actually sure what both of them do. In the first place, do I even believe the guard's word? I have to, right? It's not like I have a choice now. I need to try them out and I crossed my finger that they'd better work or my teammates die, and I will be stuck here for god's know how long to try to kill a thousand badgers. I sigh, contemplating which pill should I take first.

I take a sniff on both the pills and none of them smell like anything. I have a feeling I should take the red pill first since it looked more poisonous and poison does not work on me.

"Here goes nothing" I said after a long pause, placing the red pill onto my mouth and then swallow it.

I closed my eyes, a little scared but also full of anticipation. I wait, expecting something will change, but so far… nothing happened.

'This…. might be poison, right? since it did nothing to me' I think to myself, not ruling out the possibility them being of an antidote as well. It may as well be an antidote since poisons have no effect on me. I am not sure how my body would react to antidotes, but I think it probably would not have much difference. I crease my brow, even more confused now than before.

Well, no point thinking about things I can't solve now. I take a long stare at the black pill, not realizing the familiar feel surging from inside me. I am not sure how to explain it, but it feels like I want to take the pill but at the same time, I don't. If I take the pill, I think it's going to be okay, but I don't want to know how am I okay. I know I can't drag this for long, so I took a big long breath and immediately swallow the black pill I carefully place onto my mouth. One big gulp, and the next thing I know is that I'm on the ground, my eyes are blurry and I think I will fall unconscious next. No, I don't think, I am pretty sure I will.

A couple of minutes later I opened my eyes, I sat up straight and take a quick look at my surrounding

'Hmm… has it been 2 minutes since she's out? Well, it has been awhile since the last time I came out in broad daylight' I think to myself.

'Let's make this quick, then. The faster I make this antidotes for them, the faster we could all go our separate ways'

I take a couple of red pills out from the vial and crushed them into powder. I then take an empty vial from my sling bag and pour all the crushed red powder from my palm into the vial. I pursed my lips slightly and let out a few drip of saliva into the vial then I swirl it with one swift motion. Immediately, the red power mixed with my saliva turns it into pink thick gel-like liquid. After confirming the potion, I pack all the stuff back into my sling bag. I stand and slowly getting ready walk back to the hidden rocky area where the team is located.

While walking I looked back to the small pond, and along the path I can't help but find all of this is funny

"Ha, I can't believe we are struggling with this. So much that to the point I'd have to step out of my way to make an antidote" I scoffed, looking uninterested.

As soon as I reached the area where the team is, I see the two boys seating weakly and two girls still lying down unconsciously. They are no longer struggling to breath, and the girls are no longer twisting in pain. I walk closer to them and the two boys immediately sat straight with their backs against the rock.

"Kat, you are back" Leon said weakly while looking at me weirdly

"Take this" I said, ignoring their gazes. Trying to hand them the pink vial in my hand

"Is this… the antidote?" Leon asked

"Are you sure about this, Kat?" Raphael chimed in. He might not say it, but can clearly hear the accusation in his voice. Like I'd want to poison him to death, except I already did.

I mood soured as I rolled my eyes, then I walk to the girls and force open one of their mouths and I poured about a fourth of the pink liquid into Scarlet's mouth, not exactly forceful but not gently either. Not long later, her complexion turned back normal, she is no longer sweating, and she now looked like she is just taking an afternoon nap. Seeing this, Raphael ran so fast and snatch the vial from my hand and with no hesitation wanted to take a big gulp of the pink potion.

"Be careful now, I only make enough for 5 so try not to take too much. I have not yet give it to your sister and the others" I said as I arched one of my brows, looking at him with skepticism, doubting if he heard it or at all.

After Raphael take a gulp, everyone can see he looked so much better as he pass the vial to Leon. I can tell that Leon look like he could not believe it at first, but after seeing both Scarlet and Raphael seemingly cured, his disbelief look turned into an anticipatory one. Leon took one big gulp and finally passing the vial back to me. I take this as him telling me to feed it to Gabrielle, so I did just that. Once again, i lower my knee to the ground and force open gaby's mouth. I poured the rest of the pink liquid, only leaving a little small amount inside the vial to keep, you know, just in case.

"They should wake up soon" I said shortly to the two boys beside me who stare at both Scarlet and Gaby. As soon as I said that, they turned to me looking like they wanted to say something, so I stare back and wait for what they are about to say. Just about then, we could hear the two girls waking up. Leon and Raphael do not waste any time and rushed to their sides, helping them sit up and checking for their discomfort.

"Uh…? What happened?" one of the girl asked groggily.