Kill or Killed (Kat?)

"Uh…? What happened?" one of the girl asked groggily. The one who said that is a girl with hair as scarlet as fire scorching, so I'd assume that girl is Scarlet? Well, I was never good with names so that is expected, at least her hair is a hint.

"Raph? The poison.." now the other girl with the face identical to Raphael spoke softly. That'd make her Gabrielle, right?

It seems like this is the first time I met them face to face, so I should be a little careful not to act too out of usual as to not to be suspected. Not that I care, honestly. None of us would like it very much but if push come to shove, I could just poison all of them to death.

There is a lot of things I do not like, and one of them is these two girls in front of me.

"It's cured… Kat make an antidote for all of us" Leon stepped in to answer

"Well, we don't know the full effect yet.. but seems okay so far, and the two of you woke up" This time Raphael adds in

"Ha, of course she did. As it should be, since she is the master poison and all" Scarlet snarky remarks darting towards 'Kat'

"Yeah, at least she is responsible enough to make us an antidote after poisoning us. I am just glad that we are able to hold her accountable" said Gaby in her usual angelic voice

"What? you are the one poisoned us? Is it true?" Scarlet snaps and turn to me, demanding an explanation

'Oh? what's this? Her tongue is snarly enough but she seems shocked that she did not think I could do such cruel thing. What is she? A tsundere? How cute' I think to myself.

"Of course it is true, how else is she able to find us in the middle of a hidden cave, and on top of that, make an antidote for all of us in such a short time. She must have already prepared both the poison and antidotes" Gaby answer, looking at me with intense hatred in between her sweet angelic voice

"Ha, you are funny. If I did, I would not have save all of you, especially not you Gabrielle" I said back nonchalantly.

Not expecting my comment, they are shocked and speechless.

"She is right, if Kat wanted to poison us, she could have just choose not to save us. But she did. We owe her our gratitude, and you owe her an apology" Leon said suddenly towards the two girls

Gaby's face was as red as tomato, not wanting to utter a word of thanks and definitely not apology. Especially not in front of her twin brother Raphael and their leader Leon. She was not raised to say those word so casually, so she consider those words are not in her dictionary. Scarlet, on the other hand, is just filled with so much jealousy of Kat. She was already wary of her since the day they met because how Kat's beauty always resulting in both men and women stealing glances at her, and that includes their leader slash captain Leon.

I suspect that Scarlet has the biggest crush on Leon, so hearing how she has to thank and apologize to Kat from her crush made her furious, I guess. Flame started ablaze from her fingertips, slowly she stand up and then suddenly rushed towards me. Behind her, you can see Gaby is smiling slightly in the embrace of her twin brother. However, no one noticed that her eyes have a faint purple gleam, indicating she is using her mind control right now.

I dodge left, avoiding Scarlet's attack. Distancing myself with her, I take a quick look at the other three behind her. I see the boys just standing still seemingly enjoying the show without wanting to interfere and Gaby is still in her twin brother's embrace, which looked disgusting if you ask me. And then I take a quick look at Scarlet in front of me. Yeah, she looked angry, but at what? and why? Why is she suddenly angry? Because of petty jealousy? And with such intensity? I have all these questions in my mind. Just then, I saw a faint gleam in Gaby's eyes. I have a hunch that she is mind controlling all of them right now, just when they are weaken and are not in their full strength yet.

"Interesting" I said. "So if you save your teammates, they will end up attacking you" I said mockingly

"You did not save us. You poisoned us" Scarlet screamed and rushed towards me for the second time.

I kept dodging her attacks, but her fire magic is not something I could avoid for long, not if I want my skin to be burned to crisps. I could heal it with my potion, but I would hate to see a burn scar in this body. At first I don't want to attack because I am not sure how much damage can Scarlet take with her weaken body. One push and she might just break. But hey, it's a cutthroat world and it's kill or killed, right? so I released the poison bomb Kat had just obtained, which is quite convenient for wide range attacks.

"I did not poisoned you before, at least not purposefully. But after all this, I just did poisoned you. You should feel weaker in about… now" I said with a smirk.

Hearing this, all of their eyes widen. Clearly shocked while feeling weaker and weaker by time after realizing they are poisoned. Scarlet stopped her attack and looked at her teammates. I can see from her face that she feels guilty for attacking me and resulting in everyone got poisoned again. I smiled, it seems like Gaby's mind control is quite weak, to be able to break with a slight distraction.

"You…!!!!" Raphael jumps in front of me, getting ready to attack.

"You sure you want to attack me? I have just enough antidotes left for 3 people, if you attack me, I might reconsider and think I will only give out 2" I said mockingly

Raphael stopped, realizing the meaning behind my words. Behind us, it seems Leon who is quick on the up take also realized what just happened. As I thought, they are not stupid, they are just greedy and selfish.

"I know you are a devil, Katarina. Why did you poisoned us again?" Gaby cried loudly

"What do you want, Kat?" Leon asked

"What do you mean? I saved you guys from poison, but you attacked me so I retaliate, what is so wrong about that?" I asked lazily

"We did not attack you, only she did" Raphael said while pointing at Scarlet.

"Oh you are right, fine, I will give both you and Leon the antidotes, but not Gaby and Scarlet" I said with a smile

"What?? Wha…why not? I did not attack you!" Gaby screamed, her voice not so angelic anymore I guess.

"But I was accused of poisoning you when I didn't, and I feel very sad about that" I said with a fake frown

"Katarina!! You can't do this to me. I demand you to give me the antidotes!!!" Gaby screamed with all her might, her face distorted.

"What to do? I only have enough antidotes for 3 people. You choose, then. Which 3 of you will live, while 1 of you will be poisoned to death" I said lightly, this time with a wider smile

The four of them gulped, looking at each other. I can tell the boys are feeling relieved that they will get the antidotes since they did not attack me, but they also feel a slight guilt because they need to drive someone to death. Seems like they have made a tacit decision, so I give them another nudge.

"Well then, what's your choice? Don't think you have infinite amount of time" I asked impatiently

"Give the three of us the antidotes, Kat. Raphael and Gaby are from the Bright family, you'd better not offend them and build a good nice relationship with them" Leon said heavily

"Exactly, me and Gaby are twins, so we should both be seen as one. If I get the antidote, Gaby should too. Also Leon is the leader, you can't kill him" Raphael adds

"Yes, that's right. You'd better be nice to me if you want to live in the city. You can't afford to offend my family" said Gaby softly, no longer screaming.

I smile as I nod and turn to look at Scarlet

"Seems like you are abandoned, Scarlet. What a nice and beautiful team, don't you think?" I laughed loudly

"You made us do this, you evil Katarina! I would have never leave Scarlet if not because of you" Gaby yelled in anger

"I made you do this? Then you should not mind control them to attack me in the first place" I said as I turned back to face Gaby

Her face paled, maybe because of the poison, maybe it's not, doesn't matter to me

"What do you mean?" She brushed it off lightly.

"You know what I mean. You did this upon yourself. You knew I would retaliate, you just did not think it would affect you if you mind control them to do your bidding" I replied also lightly.

I turned back to look at Scarlet, seemingly understood what was happening. She could not understand before why she had such an urge to attack Kat, now that she knew she was mind controlled and used, her face disbelief that her so-called friend that she trust just betrayed her.

I giggled, 'Now this is fun, it's been a while since I get to manipulate and look at such fresh agony in their face' I think cheerfully