The meeting continues (Civ)

"Will you be okay having your own intelligence team out there exploring?" Luc asked seemingly quite worried about Ivy

"I just finished my mission, and I doubt I will be taking another mission anytime soon. So yeah, I could just create new healing potions and do more research on my own. My intelligence team will not be much help to me for now anyway" Ivy answer lightly

"Speaking of mission, what was the mission you just finished? I don't think we have heard anything significant enough for the second seat to personally handle" Darren chimed in trying to ease the intense mood we were wearing

"And missed on the report Gale is about to present? Not a chance. I would also very much like to know what is happening with you and Luc. Besides, I doubt that Civ will let me talk about my secret mission, will you, Civ?"

"Hmm that's right, Ivy will have a private meeting with me after this to discuss her secret mission" I said lazily but still manage to slip in a slight curve on my lips as I gaze at the lovely and cheeky woman beside me

"Ugh, enough. We should definitely give the room to them as soon as possible. I can taste the lust in the air" Garren replied looking disgusted.

"It's settled, then. You can take Ivy's intelligence team with you for the new dungeon exploration. Arrange for the details with John later and see what else do you need. With your capabilities, I do believe a team of 10 intelligence will be enough to explore the new dungeon. Inspect if it is indeed a Giant's dungeon portal and have it recorded as soon as possible. As you said, we would not want other tower to get a head start on us, would we? Since both Ivy's and your own intelligence team are boasted as one of the best intels, I expect good result will be presented to me soon?" I announced as I looked at Connor

"Yes, Mr. Beaumont" Connor replied shortly. I can already imagine him grinding his teeth in fury as he lead the team for exploration.

"Good, I think everyone is extremely pleased with this decision" I smiled

"Sir, If I may, I would like to be included in the new dungeon exploration" said Gale

"And to what reason?" Luc asked seemingly shocked by Gale's request

"I stayed in the tower most of the time and I barely had any mission so far this year alone. Now that Ivy is back and won't be taking any mission anytime soon, I think it would be fine for me help with the new dungeon exploration. After all, we never know what might be in there" Gale answer honestly

Hearing his answer dampen the mood of several people in the room. Although not purposely, he reminded us so much of the sacrifices his brother did for Arcadia few years ago. The pain is still fresh in the mind of a few core members of Arcadia, including mine. The reason Gale is treasured within this tower is not only because his precious power of dispeller inherited from his brother, but also because of the example his brother Hale showed that we will never want any more loyalty at the cost of the lives of our members.

"Ivy will provide potions for you, as much as you need. And you can take your guards and your intelligence team if you want" I said carefully, knowing full well I will not able to stop him from doing what he wanted. He was not asking for permission and I believe Ivy will understand and provide him with any potions he needed.

I can see Connor's eyes gleamed for a split second and then back looking as flat as a corpse while Ivy just smiled with her lips curve not reaching her eyes.

'Seems like we have spoilt her plans' I think to myself, feeling bad for not understanding what she wanted

"Of course I will, and we better come up with more plans as we now have more variables to take into consideration" Ivy said sweetly to Gale

"Thank you" Gale replied shortly with a nod, subtly understanding the meaning behind her words

After those are settled, we continue with the rest of the reports

"Me and Luc is still working on our mission, so not much we can say. We would hate for the outcome to change and misdirected because we discuss it from unverified and bias perspective" Garren finally said. I take that the unverified and bias perspective means his elemental spirits are sharing their opinions with him, so all of us kept silent.

"We will be sure hand you the report as soon as it is over" Luc adds shortly.

We all know Luc is not much of a talker, given his Kotodama power involves speech. The more precise and short the words he spoke, the more power it contained.

"Well then, I guess we can conclude the meeting now for. Do you have everything you need, Fred?" I conclude

"Yes, sir. Everything is in order" He replied respectfully

"Good. You all may leave then, I need a few words with Ivy alone" I said lightly

Soon, they all stand and left, disappearing one by one, only leaving me and Ivy alone

"I will have you know I just got back and extremely tired" Ivy said lazily

"Tired? how so?" I asked not believing a word she just uttered

"Try being surrounded by a bunch of idiots for a few weeks and then another bunch of idiots trying to take your seat as soon as you got back" she replied while laughing

"Been there done that" I said as I laughed

lightly, happy to hear her laugh this close to me

"Yeah well, you have me. So you'd survive anyway" She said while sitting on the table in front of me

"And you have me" I whispered to her ear as I close my distance with the table

"And that's how I survived" She said loudly and then lean on me as to ask for my kiss.

I oblige, kissing her hard without wasting more time. 'God I miss her' I think to myself. Her lips taste sweeter than any nectar there is, and more addicting than any drug in existent. I wrap my arms around her slender waist and pulling her closer to me. I can feel her warmth and my thirst for more of her. She kissed me back deeply, seemingly replying of my need for her and hers of me. After what felt like a second, our lips part.

She looked at me longingly, "Are you really going to meet her?" She asked softly but I know who she meant without even asking,

"Hmm" I hummed as confirmation.

Ivy know I will not back down once I decided on something, we have this tacit understanding of each other

"She can't know Civ," so she said

"then She won't have to know" I replied

"I don't understand why you have to see her. She is weak, and this will make it even more dangerous for her" She said again while staring at me with her doe eyes,

"Then isn't it better when she is in danger, we can watch over her right in this tower? Will it make you feel better if she is in another tower?" I asked patiently

"No" she answer shortly, not sure because that's what she meant or is it because I kept stealing kisses from her lips before she can even answer properly

"To be completely honest, I don't really care and I give zero fuck about her. But if it concerns you, and if it's to protect you, then you bet I will give my all to take care of it. Now, just leave it to me and we can enjoy tonight together. If it displease you, we can stop talking about it" I add, this time a little bit more insistent

After thinking about it for a bit, she relents and lean to me. I can see that she is in a deep thought still, where I very much wanted to somehow cut her head open and peek inside her deep captivating mind if I could. Slowly, I push her down on my work table, hoping the mood is good enough to get something out of her

"Civ, not here," She whispers

"Why not? It's not like it is the first time we have done it here" I said as softly as I caress her thighs just like how she liked it

"I rushed here as soon as I heard you call for elite 9 meeting, I thought an emergency happened" She replied back

"It is an emergency. I missed you so much my dick is about to burst" I said under my breath, but I am pretty sure she heard me loud and clear

"Well that, is an emergency" she giggles

I have already taken off her armory she had for her mission. I quite like her armory covering her white snow-like skin, at least noone would see it, all under the name of protection. I sink myself into her neck, breathing in everything like she is the oxygen I need. I kissed her hard and I kissed her everywhere. There will be no crooks around her body has yet to be kissed by me and I feel like the luckiest man alive.

"Uh, Civ these hickies are gonna to be the death of me" She laughed a little with her head arched back

"They will be cured in no time, don't worry. I have the greatest potion master and healer both at my beck and call. You will heal up nicely" I answer playfully as I put my fingers between her wet fold, ready to swallow me in. Her body is trained to accept me, to long and want for me, and I am proud and so so happy for it. I would want to lick and eat her up, but I really am at my limit. So I hold her hips steady and start pounding her in as hard as I'd envision it all this time when she was away. Knowing full well she can take this and likes it. No, I am pretty sure she likes it rougher than this, I might not be able to keep up.