Home and Free (Kat)

This morning something strange happened to me, again. I woke up confused, because I was waking up to my own room and finding myself on my own bed? How does this make sense? To be completely honest, this has happened quite a few times now. Sometimes I would black out, maybe a side effect the poison has on my body. If I was in a street or someplace with a number of people, most of the time, someone kind would step out of their way and help me and I'd be waking up in my own room and bed, just like right now.

But if I think about what happened before I was knocked out unconsciously in the portal world, who would have helped me? I doubt my teammates would help me out and tuck me to bed. Not to mention they were poisoned the last time I remembered. Well, Let's rewind and think about this real quick. I got up from my bed and head straight to the bathroom. Bathroom is probably the most luxurious thing this house can offer, but it is one of the reasons why I bought this house. Although small, the bathroom I built adjacent to my room is something I enjoy very much.

Whenever I have some spare time, I would spend it slowly here, soaking away my tiredness in a hot steaming bath. I began undressing as I saw bruises all over my body, 'I did not know my time in the portal world would earn me so many bruises' I thought, looking at the small deep purple bruises all around. There are a lot of them even at places my hand could not reach, but since they do not hurt, maybe that is why I did not noticed them before.

I might have the luxury to take a quick wash in a small stream in the portal world, but it is not like I could properly looked for any bruises there. After all, it was a dark cave even though it was well lit. I tried to touch the bruises, realizing I do not feel bad at all, in fact, I think I smell pretty good,

'Maybe the people who helped me back home washed me, what a kind soul' I think gratefully.

I fill my bath with hot steaming water, the steam could practically cover the whole bathroom but I quite enjoy my time this steamy room. After the bath is filled, my forehead and body is already drenched in sweat. I quickly step into the hot bath and immediately feel my skin reddens, stimulated by the heat from the bath water.

My sweat mixed with the water, and as I soaked in my bath, my body starts to relax and my mind starts to clear up, I took a deep breath and sat there in my hot bath, thinking back about what happened, what did I do and the last thing I remember. If I were to recall, I remembered clearly that I took a pill to help to make an antidote for the poison, and yet I was knocked out unconsciously just like that after I took the black pill.

"I knew it. Turns out I could not trust the guard either, huh? I really should not have trusted anyone. Those pills could have had me killed and I would not even know" I said disappointedly, wrapping my arms around my legs and pressing my legs against my chest.

Feeling betrayed by the guard's word, I am determined to never take anyone's word ever again. Those pills could have poisoned me, even though they didn't, but still… I started to wonder about those pills. Poisons do not work on me, let alone some random ordinary sleeping pills. So how exactly did I get knocked out unconsciously by just some pills? Those pills are definitely not any ordinary pills.

All this thinking coupled with the hot bath practically fried my brain. It really is no point in thinking about things I can not recall, let alone have the answers for it.

So after deciding the bath was enough, I stand and pat myself dry with a white fluffy towel. I wrapped the towel over my body and walked back into my room. Just when I was about to reach my wardrobe, I saw a white envelope on the table by my bedside.

I narrow my eyes suspiciously, was it there before or did I just not noticed it? I walked back towards the envelope and I grab it quickly from the table. It has no markings nor any house sigils so I think it is not an official letter. I tear it open in one sweep move, and to my surprise, there I found an old paper folded, resembling something looked like a letter. I was quite confused, but I reach out my hand inside the envelope and pull out the letter.

[To Kat:

You might be confused as to why we wrote this letter, but we just wanted to let you know the situation as we might not be in the capital anymore by the time you read this.

Good news is, we have finished the quest, and yes that includes you. However, Gaby, being the weakest amongst us, died because of the poison. Just know that we do not blame you, as you did try to produce an antidotes for us even when you are not able to, so just the thought is more than enough.

When Gaby died, we transferred all her kill count into you, so we all have over 200 kill count and over 1000 badgers in total. You were unconscious by the time we found you, so hopefully you will forgive us for dragging your body roughly since our weaken poisoned bodies are not able to help much.

We have already reported the quest completion on our end, so if you have healed enough, you can just go to the nearest guild to report yours. We have also taken care of all the paperworks so you should be able to receive your level up immediately after you finished with the procedure.

Now, we are finally level D and free of each other, just like you have always wanted. All three of us have things needed to be done, so we decided that we should go our separate ways. Because of that, unfortunately, we do not have time to see you in person and convey this to you, so please forgive us for only leaving you with this letter.

If we ever meet again, hopefully it will be in better condition and we pray you will always be healthy, safe and sound.


Leon, Raphael and Scarlet

PS: Raphael has given you his blessings and buffs as thanks for healing us before and giving us your potion.

PPS: You should join Arcadia, they will help you, but you should never trust anyone, not even yourself.]

'What the fuck? What in the world is this sweetly sickening letter? Don't tell me this is from Leon, Raphael and Scarlet? That can't be, right? I can not believe it' I think, disgusted by the overly sweet tone of the letter. If anyone said it was addressed to their loved ones, I would believe you 100% but if it was a letter addressed to me? I am sure as hell it would not look or read like this.

No one in their right mind would write something like this to the people they hate, especially not my teammates. They are cruel, crude, rude, and borderline evil. I am quite relieved that Gaby died. I feel bad, of course, but life wouldn't been hell if it weren't for them and the world already felt so much better without her.

No matter what anyone say, I will not change my view about them. I might not like them but I won't kill them, or take any part in killing them. But if they die, that's on them and I will be glad about it. I honestly have felt so much mental abuse from them that I need to hold myself back from poisoning them to death.

Luckily I am quite used to it now, so apart from the guilt of accidentally poisoning them, I felt nothing towards them. It is a good thing that we part ways, and I hope we would never meet again.

I was sitting on my bed thinking about why would they ask me to join Arcadia, with my body still wrapped in my white fluffy towel. When the wind blows, I felt a little chill all over my body.

So I stand and walk to the wardrobe and pull out a casual off duty outfit to wear. After putting on a dark shirt and a pair of pants that is made easy to move, I grab my sling bag and make my move towards the door.

As I close the door behind me. I walk out of my private quarter and down the stairs, and I look around this Inn-like building. As I thought, not many people is hanging out in this place since it's quite a pricey accommodation considering its' small space.

'I'm not sure how long has it been since I came back. I need to hurry up and report my quest completion' I walk out of the building and head straight to the guild.