Quest Completion Report (Kat)

As I walked to the guild I take a small detour, walking around the market, just trying to see what the market has to offer and demand. As someone who's main source of income until now is a poison seller, this skill is a very much needed indeed. Since I am in a hurry, I was not trying to dig around too much and just looking around what the merchants are selling right now.

I can see a lot of them started to sell summer fruits, so summer must be coming soon. There are still a slight chilly breeze here and there but I think soon it is going to be a little hot around here. I guess I have to start preparing to stocked up spring ingredients for some of my best seller poisons.

'Oh wait… holy shit, my poison can kill now. Although not immediately, but still.. now it will kill, can I still sell it? ugh,' Thinking about my poison can now kill gives me headache. I will now have to find another way to sell my poisons.

As I keep walking dejectedly, I finally reach a big white majestic building, The Capitol Association Guild or usually shorten to just The Guild. The guild is an association that manages several towers within a certain territory, and this guild manages the towers in the capital city of Alexandria Kingdom, the Capitol. The capitol guild manages several big and small towers, including one of the biggest tower in the contingent, Arcadia Tower.

Arcadia Tower is located in the outskirt of capitol, becoming one of the famous guardian of the capital city, protecting capitol's border of neighboring kingdoms.

Although Arcadia Tower is located far from capitol's center, its' influence is far and wide so I am pretty sure I can find a member of Arcadia Tower in the guild. I pushed open the guild's big wooden door, and the bright greeting smile of the petite receptionist welcomes me

"Welcome to The Capitol Association Guild, how can I assist you today Miss Katarina Steel?" said the receptionist cheerfully.

They sure are incredible, these receptionists. I am pretty sure I only came here for maybe two times in total, and yet they had already remember my name, my face and immediately recognized me. I wonder how did they do it, memorizing hundreds or maybe thousands of people walking in and out of the guild everyday.

"How did you know me? I am pretty sure the one assisting me last time was not you, miss…."

"Lucy, you can just call me Lucy, Miss Steel. And of course we keep track on all the talented and promising individuals like you, so no matter who is it here, they'd recognized you right away" Lucy answer cheerfully

"Is… that so? haha. Thank you for saying that" I said while blushing

"Not at all! After all, what I just said is true! So, what can I do for you today?" asked Lucy with a gleam in her eyes

"Oh right, I want to report about the completion of my quest" I said hurriedly while taking out both my own and Gaby's wristband

"Oh my! Big congratulations to you Miss Steel, seems like you are now level D!" Lucy said while clapping her hands happily

"Um.. that's all? I mean…"

"Huh? Oh, If you mean about your case, your former teammates have already reported theirs and explained what had happened in the portal world. Don't worry, we understand death happened sometimes, and we agreed to transfer Miss Gabrielle Bright's kill count to you" Lucy explains

"Hmm.. is it okay if I know my kill count now?" I asked as I was being curious about how many exactly Gaby killed

"Let me check for a moment.. Your kill count is now 470 and the highest within your team" Lucy said after checking some information in her monitor with a big grin

"Oh.. that's quite a lot" I said to myself while I do the calculation in my head.

If I am not mistaken, I killed about 190-ish baggers, so that make Gaby's total kill is about 260? It is definitely well over 250 as Leon had said.

"Miss Steel, now that you are able to go solo, do you have a plan yet? If not, I'd recommend you to join a tower" Lucy snapped me back into reality with her cheerful anticipating voice

"Hm?? Ah.. no, maybe not now" I smile bashfully, embarrassed that I was caught thinking about doing just that

"Why not? If you are not too fond of being a member of a tower, you can choose to start with being one of its' affiliates. The benefit might not be as much as being a member, but it still brings a few helpful resources and protection, being under the name of a tower, especially if you are under a powerful one" Lucy explains, her eyes gleaming like a predator waiting silently for her prey to take the bait

"Um.. can I know some benefits of both being a member and affiliates?" I asked curiously after hearing the explanation

Lucy's smile widen, "It's not always the same exactly, after all some tower gives out different benefits. Do you have any tower particular in mind?" she asked

"Um.. no, maybe Arcadia?" I said carefully

"Wonderful! I will tell you this as a congratulations of your quest completion, Miss Steel. I am actually a current active member of Arcadia Tower, and I will say it's such a good choice!" Lucy answer gleefully

"You are?" I asked, shocked

"Yes! I was an affiliate at first, but after tasting its' benefits.. there is no way I can pass out being a member"

"Then.. you must be the perfect person for me to ask this. Can you tell be about it?"

"Oh right, if you became an affiliate, it's usually the same everywhere. You are free to choose your missions and are able to take any missions of other tower's as well as long as it does not contradict or cross with your affiliate tower. You are basically a free adventurer under the protection of a certain tower. However, mission do not come easily for this type adventurer. So unless you have a stable income on the side, I would not recommend this for someone who wants to make a living. That is why a lot of affiliates and free adventures take missions from several towers, they will have to make do when offered anything since the tower do not give out missions to affiliates very often"

"You said you were an affiliate before?"

"Oh yes, it was perfect as my side job as I was already a guild receptionist by that time. So with stable income, I could leisurely took part on some missions when I have spare time. But as I said, after I tasted the member benefits, I can no longer go back" Lucy answer honestly

"What are these benefits you spoke of?"

"If you become a member of a tower, not only you are under it's protection, but also earn the right to use its' facilities!! Every tower has it's own training room that the member can book and rent for a small fee. You get to train there, even gain points to exchange within the tower.

Also, you get to buy and sell the tower's exclusive items for a good price! For example, Arcadia is famous for the defense right?

You can buy exclusive potions there, even talisman like seals are available. You can also sell your own potions there, and the you can get it for either tower points or gold. If you ask me, I'd definitely choose tower points because it's actually 30% more valuable than gold" Lucy explain practically manic now

"You can sell there too? That's convenient" I said

"Oh yes yes! If you sell your craft or spoils of war within the tower, you'd basically earn more than the market price since there will be no third party for the handling fee. Especially if you sell and spend with tower points, you would practically able to buy anything and still keep your gold for outside of the tower"

"That is… very tempting, indeed" I nod in agreement.

"Think about it, Miss Steel. It will definitely do you good" Lucy said mysteriously, her smile deepen as she is sure I had taken the bait, hook, line and sinker