Invitation (Kat)

"I will think about it" I said slowly, still thinking of all the benefits Lucy had just said. It definitely sound tempting, but I wonder if it is actually too good to be true since nothing in this world is as perfect as it seems.

"Actually, you are Arcadia Tower's member right? Can I ask you a question?" I asked again

"Absolutely! I will answer if I can"

"The… Arcadia Tower, it actually helped me quite a few times, and I even met a guard saying all Arcadia affiliates will help me if I just mention my full name. Do you know anything about it?" I asked carefully after I made sure noone is around us to hear about this

"Yeah, I do. It's an order from above. I mean the top seat within Arcadia ordered us to help you" Lucy smiled

"Wha… Why? and Who?" I asked, flabbergasted and also at the same time shocked by how easy it is for Lucy to give out such information.

"I have no idea" She answer, "On the side note, did you finish your hidden individual quest?"

"How did you.. ugh, yes I did" I answer reluctantly, not even surprised anymore of how can they know about my individual hidden quest.

"Oh my that is wonderful! That actually solve one of our problems now." Lucy clapped enthusiastically and suddenly typing really fast in her monitor, seemingly changing something data-like

"Okay, from now on, you will be known as Kat the poisonous. Everything including your hall of fame records, will be recorded in that said nickname. Now that you won't have to mention your last name anymore, people will come to know the name Kat the poisonous" She adds, feeling proud of the nickname she just created.

"What,,,? Kat the poisonous? Why did you have to add the poisonous part?" I said as I cringed so hard.

Regardless of what I said, I actually quite like it. As cringe as it may be, it sounds pretty cool in my opinion. And I would love it if it could scare away useless things so that no one would deliberately look down on me or try to mess with me.

"I will have you know, I am pretty proud of it" She said with her chin and nose up in the air.

"Hahaha fine, as you wish then. But why is it I shouldn't reveal my full name?" I asked again.

"That, I can't tell you. But what I can tell you is, you'd better rest well for now Miss Steel. Rest well and continue with your good work. With your talent, I am sure soon recruit invitations from many towers will appear sooner than later. You just have to prepare for it, and when Arcadia Tower's invitation comes… well, you simply have to accept it." Lucy said this time, more mysteriously than ever. Her eyes gleam as she bid goodbye, signaling our conversation today is done.

I thanked her and slowly walk back to the Inn-like building. On my way back, my thoughts keep circling back to the conversation I had with Lucy.

'Such a sweet girl is a member of Arcadia Tower. Surely it could not be that bad of a place, right?' I think to myself

I walk and walk mindlessly until I reach the accommodation. After I reached the front door of my room, I turned open the handle as I slip in my own keys into its' keyhole. Just as I step into my own room, I froze. Sitting there beautifully with all its' glory on my small shabby table, a neat black envelope with tiny little silver vines of Ivy leaves wrapping elegantly on its' rim.

Within 3 steps, I reach out to the black envelope with curiosity and rushing to check its' content. Unless you have been living under a rock, everyone knows that this black envelope with silver leaves on it's rim is a signature of Arcadia Tower's letters. Everyone- and when I say everyone, I really meant everyone know this color and pattern combination.

You'd have to be a dumb idiot to attempt to even try to mimic this, and you might not even be successful. I tear the envelope and read the content written inside

[The Arcadia Tower extend an invitation to Ms. Katarina Steel,

In recognition of your wonderful achievements on the previous quest you have completed, we are pleased to invite you to join The Arcadia Tower.

Arcadia Tower seeks talented adventurers with potentials to further strengthen and protect our beloved kingdom of Alexandria. The members of Arcadia Tower are to be provided with protection and all its' resources, including and not limited to exclusive tools and trades from many different part of dungeons we explored.

There are no dues, but as a member of Arcadia Tower, we expect that each member to improve themselves as an adventurer you can be proud of yourselves.

Those of us who have been with Arcadia Tower for some time have found it to be some of the most rewarding and honorable experience, thus We hope you will join us in our efforts and we hope that Ms. Steel will enjoy this affiliation.]

'Holy shit, I never thought I would get an invitation from Arcadia Tower, one of the most influential tower in capitol' I think silently, still in a state of a shock.

Being a member of a tower sure does bring many benefits one could want for, but at what cost? If I want to be free, could I choose to be only an affiliate?

Now that I can not exactly sell my poison in the regular market anymore is also problem which can be solved by joining a tower. However, it is true that I am still hesitant.

Just when I was just thinking about it, I hear a small knock on my door. I wonder who would seek for me in the middle of a day, so I confusedly walk to my door and opened it. Immediately, I saw 2 men dressed head to toe in black with a few silver chain adorned their shoulder and waist.

"Greetings, Ms Steel. Hopefully we are not disturbing your good rest" The man who looked like he is in his late 30s spoke in a respectful and elegant way

"You are..?"

"We are from Arcadia Tower, so please do not be alarmed. We are just here to ask for your answer regarding our invitation" the other man a little bit younger than the previous man spoke, while not as elegantly shown as the previous man, he still speak to me in a respectful manner

"I did not know the members of Arcadia Tower personally secure the answer to the invitation" I said cynically

"It's not common, but we sometimes do it. Especially in this case, if you are still considering our invitation, we are tasked to invite you to give a visit to our tower, instead" The older man replied this time

with a slight amused smile

"Tasked? by whom?" I asked curiously

"The owner of Arcadia Tower, of course. He has been wanting to meet you for quite some time now" He replied again

"The owner of Arcadia Tower? and why is that?" I asked, starting to get suspicious that this is all just a farce

"Of that, we have no idea. You should ask him yourself, we are sure that He can answer all your questions" He said

"And if you are still hesitant on joining Arcadia Tower, while you are at it, who knows, he might have convinced you to join" the other young man adds

"You mean me? meeting and asking questions to the famously mysterious tower owner of the Arcadia Tower? Don't you think this is all sounds a little suspicious?" I tried to probe mockingly

"We expected your suspicion so we prepared this. Here is our identifications, and you can ask the receptionist or the Inn owner downstairs that we personally sent you the black invitation you are holding right now" The older man looked happy to explain

"Honestly, we would be a little disappointed if you have no suspicion at all. After all, the Tower is quite cutthroat. So it's good to always be suspicious at all times" he adds, as the younger man nods in agreement

I take a look at the identification which looked legit. Anyone would feel the importance from such sigil that is made from this expensive quality material. No one is stupid enough to spend this much cost on an identification unless you have the money to do so. Even mimicking this sigil would cost a wealthy family quite a fortune, with its' intricate design, material, and the magic crystal embedded in it. In the end, I give the 2 men their identification back and said

"So, what is it do you want me to do?" I asked

"Are you willing to visit Arcadia Tower, Miss Steel?" The younger man asked back

"We just have a small little problem to trouble you, Miss Steel. Please do not take offense, but you will have to take this pill before we could escort you to the tower" The older man chimed in as he hands me a familiar black pill

"You have got to be kidding me right? Am I just being paranoid to say this is extremely suspicious?" I scoffed, disbelief of how bizarre this attempt of kidnapping starting to look

"I am afraid we are quite serious. We swear we mean no harm, you will just be knocked out unconscious for a little bit" the younger man started to panic a little

"You know poison don't work on me, right? And I will have you know, suicide pill will not work either. Believe me, I know" I said mockingly

"We believe you, and we know poison won't work on you. But our pills are quite special and you know that, don't you? Didn't the black pill looked familiar? Like something you have consumed before, given by a certain guard?" The older man asked carefully

My eyes widen, suddenly remember the pills given by the guard before I enter the portal. I look at the pill in my hand, the black pill does look exactly the same. But then again, what do I know about pills? Well, the previous pill did not bring me harm indeed, and poison does not work on me, so I thought 'Oh well, why not?'

"Fine, but if you claim it's the same, then I will take the one I received before and not this one. Is that okay with you?" I asked trying to trigger them

"Yes that is fine" both of them said almost at the same time

So I take out the vial from my sling bag, as I pop out the black pill, I paused. Thinking if I have everything I need just in case I was escorted out immediately.

'Yeah I have everything I need since I packed out before I went out this morning to the guild. Too bad I was not able to purchase some poisons and potions in the market before'

"Um.. Miss Steel, just in case you wanted to know, we have also informed both the guild and the Inn-keeper that you will be in the Arcadia Tower for a day or two. If you are not to return here after 2 days, a report will be submitted and request will be made to Arcadia Tower for your search. You know, if it make you feel more at ease" The younger man spoke carefully

"Good to know" I smirked as I put the pill into my mouth and I swallow it. Soon, I can feel everything become blurry as pitch black darkness embraces me.