Money is the sweetest poison (Kat)

I know that being a member of Arcadia Tower has many benefits and one of them is we will not have to go out there and spend our time to look for missions or jobs to fill our belly and keep a roof over our head. We'd just have to wait until the tower assigned us while we can work on something else, like training yourself, or resting, or even crafting your weapons and skills.

But honestly, to me, the worst part is the waiting. When I have nothing in the first place, how am I going to feed myself while I wait? It's not like I can eat my poison, can I? This world runs with gold, anyone says not everything can be bought with gold is just essentially lacking in gold. With enough wealth, I would swear you can buy anything. And by anything i mean anything.

I sat on my bed for exactly 2 hours and starting to get tired of both waiting for a mission to come and thinking about just selling poison to earn a little bit of gold like before. The real question is, which one? As a poison master, naturally I can make several poisons. I need to be able to ready my poisons for my adventures at all times, but to ready my poisons, first I must choose which one to make.

Now that I was given a limited amount of time to craft my poisons, should I concoct deadlier ones for my adventures? Or should I concoct the less deadly ones to sell? What if I did the former and had nothing to sell, will I starve to death with no income? What it I did the later and suddenly thrown into a mission with less potent poisons and unable to fend for myself?

'I swear both choices are gonna be the death of me' I think to myself with a sigh

I decided that I need to at least have some gold on hand to be able to prepare just in case the mission I was waiting for is not coming in near future. Because well, frankly, eating my own poison will not fill me up, and do not ask how I know, because trust me, no one want to know how I know.

I spend the whole day and night trying to concoct enough poisons to sell to get at least a decent amount of gold. After that's done, I take all my poisons and wrap it prettily with a ribbon and shove all of them in my sling bag. I prepare my mind and body as I walk out, heading not straight to the market nor guild this time, but to the famous Arcadia Tower

'I can not believe that I know posses the information of where Arcadia Tower located. That is actually quite crazy, how is everyone in the tower not think of how close are they to power?' I thought as such while I was heading to Arcadia Tower.

Since every member with level D and above are able to know the exact location of Arcadia Tower for convenience and safety purpose. If we imagine every person there has every opportunity to sell information regarding Arcadia Tower and never once use that opportunity to do so, it's like knowing where the gold is but decided not to take it.

There are no traps, no curses, no nothing, to stop anyone from finding out and start attacking Arcadia, but they just keep letting people in to join Arcadia and telling them its' location, which both confused and also irritate the hell out of me. Regardless of how I feel, The Arcadia Tower might not looked well guarded, but every one knows that is no place safer than Arcadia Tower- or any tower, if a war breaks out.

I head to the lobby of the tower, immediately greeting by the amazing interior that my jaw almost dropped to the ground. It took me awhile to find the Trade Point in the tower. Not only because it turned out to be hidden behind a big door that I thought was supposed to be a ball room, but I was also taking my time looking around this famous tower.

I found an empty table where a lady greeted me with a bright smile.

"What will you trade today?" she said with her monotone voice despite her bright smile. The moment she spoke is the moment I realized that she is a summoned creature. A soulless vassal summoned by the Arcadia Tower's summoner to work on menial tasks like receptionist.

"Some poisons" I said shortly and taking out my poisons one by one

"Certainly" She replied in no time as her eyes glowed, scanning and sorting my poisons on the table

After a moment of silent as I waited for her to finish her scan, she said

"Good news is, we might need this for experiment, so the tower will first buy all of them from you. Will you take gold or tower points?"

"Um.. what is the difference and which one benefits me more?" I asked

"Depends on what you need. If there are things you would like to buy outside if the tower, you can take gold. But if you want to live well in the tower, you ought to take the tower points. It also valued more in tower points, and you can buy almost everything you need in the tower" She answer in her monotonous tone

"What about food and daily necessities? can I buy it here?" I ask again

"I am not sure I understand your question. If you mean your daily package we provide is not enough, then of course you could buy more from here if you want"

"What daily package?" I asked, confused

"Are you a new member? Did no one told you that we send daily necessities to your room?" She asked back, also equally confused

"What room? you mean my house?" I think the more I ask, the more confused I get

"No, I mean your room in the tower. Every member get a room in the tower, and provided with daily necessities" She explain as if she can not believe that I did not know that even though everything she said is monotonous

"You means all these days I did not know I have a room here and everyday I was sent daily supply to my room?" I asked for confirmation

"Correct. It might be just a small basic room but if you save up enough points, you will be able to purchase a bigger room in higher floors" She said as in matter of fact way

"Then.. which one is my room?"

"You will have to ask the administrator about that. You seem to forget that I am a trade point receptionist. Will you trade today?"

"Yes, I will take half in tower points and half in gold please" I said finally. I think that nothing can seem to shock me anymore after this.

"I understand. It has been transferred" The receptionist said shortly

"What? That's all? Then where is it?"

While the receptionist spoke in monotonous tone, her expression is actually quite expressive. And I don't need to be a psychic to be able read what her expression means; annoyed and tired of my stupidity, maybe

"It has been sent to your room. You should really go see the administration office, and while you are there, go and get yourself a imprinted system will you? My summoned time should not be wasted on doing the administrator's job" She said as a matter of fact way

"I will, thanks" I said as I rolled my eyes and bid goodbye empty handed. I guess now I have to quickly head to administration office, hidden behind another big wooden door. It is not my fault that I missed these rooms. While they are huge, they have no markings or indication that they are meant for specific point and purpose.

As I pushed the door that reminded me of a ballroom door, I hear a low and deep voice from inside

"Can I presume that you are Miss Katarina Steel?" an old man who dressed like a butler asked

"Yes I am" I answer suspiciously

"Very well, please come this way. We were waiting for you" The old man said respectfully