Otto Who? (Kat)

I walked into a room not smaller than the trading point's room, and yet because of how busy everyone is, it does feel a little more hectic and… full. The room is full of paper… quite physically and literally.

"Are those… paper shikigami?" I asked the old man who is still walking in front of me

"Indeed they are. The elites have been using their powers to help with managing the tower, and decided that menial tasks can be done by their subordinates, hence the shikigami"

"So paperworks are literally managed by papers, huh?" I said in disbelief

"It was first done as a joke since they found it quite funny. Don't you also think so?"

"It is indeed. And they are quite adorable as well" I answer as I passed by several paper shikigami with cute animal shaped running around carrying boxes filled with papers

"Adorable as they are, but they prove to be quite effective and efficient in handling repeated boring tasks like paperworks" The old man said with a little chuckle after seeing my reaction.

We walked to a section on the right corner where several human shaped shikigamis are working. The old man told them to pull out the box with my name Katarina Steel, and the shikigami adorably did so.

"You did not come even after the master told me you have already signed the contract agreement, so I was quite worried you would not know your way around here" The old man said while handing me some files

"Oh I am really sorry, I did not know I was supposed to do that. I only found out I needed to come here because the trade's receptionist told me so" I said while flipping the pages of the file to do a quick scan

"Nonsense. I guess it must be that fool of a tower master to not tell you such thing. On a side note, my name is Otto, the supervisor of the administration office. The shikigamis do all the work, and I supervise. Sometimes I work, helping, and cleaning up people messes, somtimes I don't. But that story can wait for another time with a cup of tea on the side" He winked as he said that

I laughed, delighted that I found someone friendly and not snarly like the trade receptionist. I wonder if Otto knew I am a poison master, because no one usually wanted a cup of tea with me knowing my skill. At least not easily, but I really do not want to tell him that in fear that he did not know and I would be dissapointed. Moreover, Otto called the owner of the tower-Civ, a fool. Signifying that he is also not an ordinary middle-aged man with beard who supervise the administration office.

"I came here after I was told that it turns out I have a room here, and I was sent daily essentials without me knowing. Even my trade rewards I did just now were sent there, can you believe that? Is there any way I can go to my room?" I ask Otto in a friendly way, not caring if he is a middle aged man, a friendly lad is a friend I welcome.

"Of course, it is yours to begin with"

"What is?" I asked while handing him back the files I just read, about the complete benefits I would received as a member of Arcadia Tower

"Your… room" Otto answer with a smile.

"Right, and if what I read just now is correct then my room is on the north wing, 2nd floor, and number #4172?" I asked for confirmation

"That is correct. Anything else you need to know?" Otto asked

"If I want to booked and rent a training room, who should I look for?"

"You can do all that by coming here to the administration office, or you can do it all with your imprinted tower system. Speaking of which, have you imprinted one, Miss Steel?"

"Please, call me Kat. And no, I have not. The trade receptionist did ask me to get one, but how do I actually get one? I did not even know they exist a few moment ago if not for that said receptionist"

"I will get you all settled and go ahead to have the tower system imprinted on you, then. We don't usually do this to member below level C, but think of it as a apology from the tower owner for not telling you this" Otto said happily

"What? is that even allowed? What if you get into trouble because of this? If I need to be level C then so be it, I will wait until I level up and I will get it imprinted then" I said

"Don't worry. Despite how I look, I actually hold a bit of authority here. That brat you call the tower owner will not be able to do anything to his uncle, anyway" Otto happily shrugged off my worries

"You are Mr. Beaumont's uncle?" I raised my voice in shock, my eyes widen, thinking back if anything I did before was considered rude, but it just seems like he does not care about it at all.

"Mind you, I am also Mr. Beaumont" Otto said with a laugh

"I mean, you are Civ's uncle?" I asked again, realizing this old man in front of me is Ottoman Beaumont, the Beaumont Family's military-administrative elite. He is practically the mind and the general behind the defenses we deploy against the neighboring kingdoms on this border.

Otto's tactical and battle politics are extremely well-known, and it was pretty much studied by the scribes and becoming a text-book manual for many tactical and military academies. It was due to his intelligence that our border reached the peak of its power, prosperity, and political development. Who would have thought that THE Ottoman Beaumont is also working as Arcadia Tower's supervisor of administration office.

"I am, but I am just an old administrator uncle now that we are not at war. So come, let's get you imprinted with the tower's system" He said lightly as if what is about to happen is no big deal.

Otto explained that the tower's system is basically a private line where the tower's message will be sent into our subconsciousness. It will appear like we have a floating notification window on the corner of our vision, but we will get used to it since it is mostly transparent. It does not overwrite the world system, just that we are now the recipient of 2 different lines. After we are imprinted, we should no longer be needing the wristband we get from the guild as it basically serves the same purpose. The difference is that now the system is imprinted, discreet and non-snatchable, meaning it is no longer transferable.

Otto hand me a small grey stone of some kind, saying it's chip the tower developed and consuming or embedded it into our body will dissolved it and practically imprinted itself on us.

"Do you think you could swallow it?" He asked

"I doubt it. It's quite big. Do I need to swallow it whole?" I asked

"Unfortunately yes. It need to be that size to be able to properly imprinted itself on you. I guess we go with embedding then"

"I guess" I said as I search for my knife from my sling bag

"If you need help to embed it into your body because you can't injure yourself, I can help" Otto said a little worried I might not used to injure myself.

My eyes widen in horror, thinking that if Otto helps me and my blood accidentally touched him, no one would know what would happen except me. I would not want to kill the only person who has been kind and friendly to me so far.

"No no no, I can do it myself, don't worry. What kind of adventurer can't even handle a small little cut?" I shook my head, not entertaining the thought of hurting Otto with my poison.

After I said that, I slash open my palm and push the clear gem onto my open wound. As I press it in, Otto gave me a long and thin towel to wrap my palm with. I anticipate what would happen next with high expectation. With this, I am now officially a full fledge member of Arcadia Tower.