Arcadia Tower System (Kat)

"Anytime now" Otto said while wrapping my wound on my palm

"Nothing yet" I answer as a matter of fact, knowing that Otto said that implying something would happen very soon, so I should prepare myself. Immediately after I said it, I heard a bip sound and a floating window came up

[Arcadia Line] !

[World Line] !

'Huh, is it giving me an option?' I think to myself while my fingers reach out to press the said option.

When Otto noticed my gesture, he simply said "Just your mind and thought is enough, after all it is just an illusion projected into your mind and consciousness" indicating my gesture is not needed at all for the choice

Listening to him, I chose the world line, thinking it might be important to confirm my status as of now and see how accurate this thing is. The moment I chose the World Line, my floating window landing page changes

Name: Katarina Steel (?)

Race: Human (?)

Age: 20

Affiliation: Arcadia Tower

Job: Adventurer (Poison Master)

Level: D


- Poisonous Blood (D)

- Partial Skill Absorption (D)

- Skill Developer (D)

- Tough Skin (E)

- Poison Bomb (E)

- Mind Poison (F)

Kill Count:

Human 1

Badger 470

Fish: 32

Frog: 16

Turtle: 6

Snake: 3

Crocodile: 1

Dinoflagellates: 1286

'Everything looks good. But I do have several things I want to test out' I think while I check my world line.

Before long, I heard Otto clearing his throat to get my attention, "Well?" He asked

"It worked, Otto! I am seeing a floating window! You said we'll get used to it?"

"By time. Now, I want to give you all the time you need to examine and play with it for you are new to this, but I advise you to get your wound checked out first. Your wound seems having a little trouble closing in" He said with a slight worried face after wrapping and seeing my wound

"Oh this? don't worry about it. My wound heal a little slower, but I will be fine" I said lightly since I know my blood now clot faster than before, so it should not have any problem. On the other hand, my eyes are still scanning each and every word of my floating window.

"Still, you should get it treated. I would hate to see a young lady like you to be scared because of the system imprinting" He adds, trying to convince me

"I guess you are right. Sure, I will go and get it treated later" I said with a hum

"You should also go and get some healing pill from the trade point. We have some of the best, although a little expensive they are very impressive, can even grow a severed limb. But you can get less potent and cheaper ones made by member's tower, I guess"

"Uh huh"

"You are not listening, are you?"

"Uh huh" I nod again aimlessly trying to look like I understand

"Look, go to your room and check your line there. I will make sure to add medical supply to your daily package" Otto said in frustration while he grabbed my shoulder and pushed it into the door, essentially showing me a way out.

"Great idea, good bye for now Otto" I said. I ran through the long corridor towards the big staircase in the middle of the lobby. A grand staircase split into two directions but joint again on the second floor,

'Just a decoration, I guess,' While I was thinking about this, I accidentally bump on a girl with light blue hair

"Sorry" I said startled by the accidental bump.

The girl just looked at me from head to toe and then proceed to ignored me and just passed by like nothing happened. 'How rude, not even a word of apology' I think to myself. The lobby is quiet but by all means it is not exactly empty either. So maybe that blue haired lady is busy and in some kind of rush? Anyway, since no one was hurt, I moved on.

The tower is mysteriously tall, but from the lobby, you can only see the two floors connected by the grand staircase. The rest, is hidden behind a big door on the left of the grand staircase. A big blue tube resembling an elevator will take us to the exact room we wanted. With a face scan and our own room number, we can head directly into our room. So that's what I did.

I pressed the number 4172 and a face scanner scanned my face with a glow, including my eyeball and fingerprint.

[Katarina Steel verified. Heading to room #4172 in a 3…2…1]

I heard a robotic voice from the tube. I'd say it is pretty secure if it's not for the fact that the whole front entrance of the tower is not guarded at all. It is a wonder why there has not any wild animal trespassed yet considering how loose the front entrance is. Soon the door of the tube opened and I was presented with a neat simple room all covered in beige, with a couple of boxes piling up on the corner.

"Those must be the daily package" I said as I walk towards them and start opening up those boxes. Inside, there are many things both I need and does not need.

There are some daily necessities from food, cleaning supply, a small amount of normal medication, some threads and needle, to things I doubt I would need, like some unused fabrics and silks, vouchers to a red light district in some city I have never heard of, and some basic unused old weapons. Beside them, there is also another white box seemingly quite different from the rest.

When I opened it, more than a gift, it looked more suitable called something like a beginner-starter-pack. There are some pots and pans, just in case if I ever wanted to cook, some vials for my poisons, some pills that I suspect are healing pills, and some bandages for wound.

'What is this? A custom beginner starter pack? Why does it have all my essentials? hahaha' I found it quite funny that this box looked easily different from the rest of the boxes. It feel more targeted and specific, unlike the other daily package which only contains general items.

After I finished my unboxing, I started to sort some things out, especially what need to be done about the food that has been here for a few days that they are starting to rot. It's not like I can cook and eat a couple of days worth of food in one sitting? I sort them out and salvage what could be saved. After that is done, I began to take a closer look around the room, no- my room.

Beige, that is one word to describe my room is. It is covered with the color beige in everything, from wallpaper, bedsheets, blankets, carpets, even the window shades. I guess they want to give off a natural feeling regardless of your gender and race. I have to say that I do not hate it, it kind of grew on me, even.

I sat on the bed and start recalling my floating window. True to it's name, it started to float back into my sight after I kind of order it to 'get out of my sight' before. I think of the world line again, rechecking everything for me to understand my position. After the 4th time re-checking, honestly I just wanted to make sure so I can sleep soundly for tonight.

After that is done and dusted, now I check the Arcadia Line


The sound indicating I opened the Arcadia Line. I am not sure what kind of sound that is, but I kind of feel nostalgic, like I have heard that sound before. Anyway, I cast aside my thoughts and started to look at the floating window infant of me more seriously

[Arcadia Line]

Name: Katarina Steel

Member number: #4172

Level: D

Rank: -Unranked-

Mission: None

Tower Points: 300 points


System (1)

Members (1)

'That is quite short' I think to myself while I crease my brows in confusion. Thinking that the tower's line is a little different than the world line, where the tower line goes more indepth about my position in the tower than the general information I got from the world system. What funnier is that I can get messages now from both the system's line and the members. So without further wait, I open the messages.

[Arcadia Tower System Line]

Congratulations on imprinting Arcadia Tower Line!

The Arcadia Tower System Line will be your companion for life and help you understand your position to further strengthens and improve the great Arcadia.

The system will be updated in real time with your accomplishments, and you will be able to stay in contact with the members through this line. It is including and not limited to making deals, sending messages, and even trades between members of Arcadia Tower.

The system will also act as guide, hence it will be possible from now on to use the tower's search function on a certain information or forums exclusive to the members.

With this, you are now an official member of Arcadia Tower!

I scanned through the message quickly as it is essentially telling me things I have already know. But I do find the search function to be quite interesting and helpful for later when I need to gather information about the tower, so I will take time to put it to good use. Next, I take a look at the message from a member, which I think is funny since I have not interact with any member after I imprinted the system.

[Member Ottoman Beaumont has sent to a friend request with a message]

Ottoman: Does it work? Are you alright?

I let a small laugh when I see the message, touched by the gesture Otto sent. I immediately accept his friend request and send him a short reply.

[It did! Thank you for asking and the friend request. Having a big shot as my first friend does wonder to my friend list. ps: I am fine]

When I look for a send button but could not find it, I think about what Otto said about the system is just an illusion that projected the line into our mind, I start to think 'send' and magically, the message disappeared from my sight. Hopefully it will reach Otto, if not, well, I hope he forgives me as I was kind of new to this. He should not expect me to expertly manage this system suddenly in first try, should he?