Ch. 15 – Off the Deep End

Chapter Fifteen – Off the Deep End

"What the hell is this?" He held his phone up high, pushing it into his brother's face, the rage storming inside him barely contained. "Why did you have to go and do this? It's all lies!"

His brother seemed not in the least bothered by his outburst. On the contrary, the cocksure smile quirking the corners of his lips spoke volumes. The asshole was pleased, both with what he'd written and his little bro's reaction.

"I believe a picture is worth a thousand words. Don't they say that? No lies here. Your dear Jamie went batshit crazy on the other members of his band. Not a pretty look for him, I'm telling you."

"No, no, it's not true. That's not like him." He shook his head repeatedly, trying his damnedest to get rid of the annoying buzz in his ears. His brother had a trick of always putting him down and making him feel his opinion or thoughts didn't matter.

"Aww, poor lil' baby," his brother cooed, "and you know Jamie Vayne how? Or should I ask – how well?"

He clenched his fists and looked down. "That doesn't concern you. Stop stepping on my toes. How am I supposed to learn anything if you keep on doing that? I'm going to delete that post you just made and publish a correction."

"What?" His brother grinned, making a too-startling impersonation of a joker. At times, this guy gave him the creeps, but he had chalked it up to his being too intimidated by his accomplished sibling. He wondered if there wasn't something more to it.

"Yes, you heard me. You're crossing the line. Xpress belongs to me. I publish what I want. Don't you have better things to do? I thought you had a life, writing for big names and whatnot? By the way, when's the last time you wrote a piece of your own?"

"Yes," his brother gave him a brilliant smile that stank of hypocrisy, "show me those fangs, tiger. But use them on who matters, not me."

His questions always ended up being brushed away whenever he got close to whatever his brother did for a living. Sure, he kept the family publication alive and well in the twenty-first century, but that was small fry. By now, he was supposed to be famous, having his byline printed in small sharp letters under incendiary titles. Funny thing, he hadn't heard of anything like that lately.

The warm breath on his face jolted him out of his musings.

"Now listen to me, little bro, and listen carefully. You won't delete the post I wrote on Jamie Vayne, and you won't add some stupid correction, either. I have your best interests at heart, and I don't want to hear a squeak from you. Whether you like it or not, I will whip you into shape. Do you understand?"

A crazy burst of imagining he had a spine tried to push him into saying 'no'. What left his mouth was the opposite.


"All right. What else do you have to say?"

"Thank you."

The hand ruffling his hair was rough. "Good answer. Now shoo."


"Are you trying to tell me that it's true?" Janet grabbed his chin and inspected his face with a sympathetic look. "You might exude danger through all your pores, handsome, but I've never pegged you for someone who'd get into a fight in a bar."

"A club, actually." Jamie winced when Janet poked his bruised cheek. "And it wasn't as bad as that stupid gossip rag tries to make it out to be."

"Should I bench you for today? I'm afraid you might scare all our customers away."

"If you're kind enough," Jamie replied with a grin.

"Why don't you tell me all about it? I love myself a good fight-in-a-bar story."

"It wasn't a… okay, whatever, I guess you won't let me be until I give you all the juicy details. The Mitches crashed my jamming party. They were assholes, so I punched Voice in the face, Fiddle did me dirty by attacking me from my left, and Bass caught me from behind."

"Wow. How did you get out of that? Three against one, it must've been quite the fracas," Janet commented while wiping down the counter and throwing him sympathetic looks from time to time.

"Four actually, but Lead G didn't do much. He's careful about those fingers," Jamie said with a shrug. "And do you really think they were enough to bring me down? Only four guys?"

Janet snorted. "Okay, tough guy. Who helped you out?"

Jamie let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "Rusty was there with his boyfriend. They managed to wrestle the Mitches away from me, and then Melinda had the bouncers throw them out."

"And what caused the little squabble?" Janet examined the espresso machine with a thoughtful look on her face. "As far as I know, you're not so easy to rile up."

"They acted like douchebags from the get-go. Although Rusty did his best to appease them and keep the situation calm, I guess I flipped a lid when Voice told me I'm a cocksucker. Which I am, geez, I'm not denying it, but, you know, context." He shrugged again.

Janet turned and stared at him in disbelief, the hand with the wiping cloth planted against her hip. "What a fucking asshole," she said, shaking her head. "Did you at least give him a shiner to match yours?" She pointed at his face.

"You can bet your sweet bippy I did."

Janet snorted, then smacked her rear and laughed. "Then I'm proud of you, just as I'm proud that you know words that used to be popular half a century ago."

"What can I say? I know how to charm a lady," Jamie replied, giving his co-worker the most dazzling smile he could without feeling like his cheeks were going to split open.

"And not only. Look, a pretty boy just entered. Should I let you scare him off or get my ass over there to serve him?"

"Let's test your theory," Jamie offered and sauntered over to the counter. His face broke into a genuine smile when he saw who it was. It still hurt, though. "Hi, Matty. Did your husband send you to check on me?"

"Not exactly. I offered. Are you okay?" Matty's words showed genuine concern, making him smile harder and feel more pain.

"As much as I can be. I mean, I haven't been in a fight in ages. I forgot how much it can hurt."

"For the record, that was absolutely crazy." Matty shook his head like he still couldn't believe he'd been part of a fight in a bar, as Janet called the thing. For a goody two shoes like him, it was apparent why he'd be shocked by that. "If you need someone to vouch for you, talk to the police, and all that jazz, you know you can count on me and Rusty."

"Thanks for the concern, Matty boy, but the Mitches felt humiliated enough about the whole thing that they aren't going to make more waves."

"Aren't you going to report them then?"

"For what? Calling me names? I was the first to throw a punch."

Matty snickered. "I've never thought I'd say this, but it was pretty cool to watch you in action. I suppose you're not going to be part of that band anymore."

"I guess I made quite a spectacle out of handing in my resignation. With a whole bunch of witnesses to boot. Yep, I'd say that chapter is closed for me, and it's all for the better." He didn't know precisely what the future would look like for him now that he was a freelancer. But he'd figure everything out.

Matty reached out and squeezed his hand. "You're cool, Jamie."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "The coolest? That might make your beau pretty jealous."

"I'm not worried about it. Rusty talks big, but he's a huge marshmallow on the inside."

"Don't I know it? Thanks for stopping by. It's nice to know people care."

"We do. Talk to you later. I need to hurry to class."

"Not without this." Jamie grinned at Janet, who marched toward them with a sealed cup.

"You're always a lifesaver, Jamie," Matty said as he took the cup from Janet, politely thanking her for the effort.

Jamie winked at his friend. "Just one of my many talents."

After Matty left, he checked his phone again. There was no sign of a message from Cottontail. Could it be that, because he was Xpress, his mission to sleep with Jamie was now finished? It would be a major bummer, but nothing he couldn't live with.

He winced, holding his side for a moment. He needed to remind himself in the future that fighting hurt, no matter how good it felt in the moment.

His phone started ringing as if his thoughts alone could create the outcome he desired.

"Yeah?" he drawled, waiting for the other to fess up. He didn't mind that Xpress was a major asshole. He only wanted to look that bastard in the face and tell him to go fuck himself. With a smile on his face, of course.

"Are you all right?"

"Why shouldn't I be?"

"The word around campus is that you look like you got into a fight."

"And you don't know what fight that was?" Jamie asked lightly. He couldn't tell whether Cottontail was a fantastic actor on the phone or if he really cared.

"I have no idea," came the prompt reply. "Are you truly okay? You sound a little slurred."

"That's not true." He was against the use of painkillers unless he was on the floor, writhing in pain. He wasn't there yet and needed to feel the consequences of his fight with the Mitches for a while. It served to remind him why he should have abandoned those damn bastards years ago.

"I want to take care of you."

"Really?" Jamie straightened up and moved his phone from one ear to another. "How?"

"I can bring you soup."

Jamie chuckled. "I don't have a cold, bunny boy. I got sucker punched. Among other things."

"What should I bring you then?"

"Hmm, yourself should do it." Jamie gave Janet a thumbs-up as she watched him with a smirk.

"Are you thinking of sex while you're hurt?"

"Darling, I always think of sex," Jamie dragged the words out lazily. By the short intake of breath on the other end, he would bet a nut that his act was getting standing ovations.

"When do you want me?"

"Tonight. I'm shocked you're not a vampire, 'cause babe, you always come out at night."

"It's safer that way. And I'm not a vampire."

"I suppose that a vampire bunny would be too much."

"Too much for you?"

"Stop teasing me. I need to focus on work. Are you sure you don't want to drop by?"

"Ha, nice try. No, I'm fine with not seeing you until tonight. But are you going to stream, given your condition?"

Jamie shook his head in mirth. Bunny boy thought he'd get fucked only if there was streaming involved. "Change of plans, cutie. I'm not against training you off camera."

"Okay. I will visit you tonight." A short pause followed. "Take care, Jamie."

"Ah, don't sound so anxious. I'm a big boy."

"You definitely are."

"And you have a dirty, dirty mind. Ah, shoot, my boss is looking at me like she wants to take a big bite out of my check. Gotta go."

Janet quirked an eyebrow. "I told you already. You can sit today out if you want. Why did you have to go and brush that boy off?"

"You gotta keep them boys on their toes if you want them to cave in," Jamie said in a funny cartoonish voice that earned him a slap with Janet's wiping rag.

"Cave in? I thought you liked them better when they bend over," Janet joked.

"Yep, but in this case, I'm in it for the long term. Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting to fool around."

"Hmm, is that what you're doing? Fooling around?"

"A bit more than the usual, but we'll see." Jamie moved past his friend to reach the espresso machine. "People are coming in. Take the helm, boss, while I get to work."

A bit more than usual was an apt way of describing things for now. Cottontail cared enough about him to bring him soup, even though such a remedy was the least indicated for treating a split lip. Bunny boy was cute without even knowing it. Or did he know exactly what he was doing and was playing his tune for Jamie to dance to?

Only the future would tell, just as it would with regard to his musical career. Laid-back was the right attitude, and he was the champion of laid-back. He'd take things as they came.


Cottontail stopped just inside his door, giving him a long once over given the way his huge pink head bobbed up and down. "You look awful, Jamie," he exclaimed.

"You should see the other guy," Jamie replied. "Come on in. If you want to play nurse, you gotta step up your game. The night's not getting any younger."

He studied the rabbit as Cottontail walked inside. No matter how silly it was to think that he could read his visitor's emotions through the disguise he wore, Jamie felt sure a bout of shyness had bunny boy in its clutches.

"Go change into your sexier mask," he suggested.

"Am I going to play nurse naked?" The outraged question came right away.

"It's a nice thought, but I don't want you to catch a cold. Then I'd have to bring you soup, and I have no idea how to cook such complex foods."

"You're joking. That means that you don't feel as bad as you look."

"When did I complain? You're the one who got all agitated over my getting into a fight. I wanted to let you check my condition with your own eyes."

"Don't you want me to stay?"

Jamie sighed. "Just how insecure can you be? I left a t-shirt and a pair of shorts in the bathroom for you to change into."

"Okay, I'm going."

The temptation was too strong. Jamie smacked the cotton-filled bottom that traipsed by him on the way to the bathroom. How disappointing. There was no incensed reaction from his dear bunny boy. Instead, his action seemed to prompt Cottontail into hurrying even faster. The bathroom door slammed behind him with a loud bang.

Jamie shrugged and took off his t-shirt. If Cottontail wanted to be at his beck and call so badly tonight, he was going to have his work cut out for him.


The danger he had been trying to avoid was present in full force. Jamie looked delicious, wearing nothing but a pair of tight shorts that left nothing to the imagination. His tattooed arms were raised over his head and allowed enough ogling to make any guy with even the faintest gay inclinations swoon. Jamie was strong, but his waist was thin compared to his broad shoulders, making him look elegant at the same time. His legs were nicely shaped, too, making the watcher think of wild horses and their vitality.

"Don't tell me. You're waxing poetic inside your head again, right?"

"How could you tell?"

"Lucky guess. Come here. No, on the other side."

He noticed the bruise on the left flank and touched his finger to it gently. "They really hurt you."

"Come on, pity doesn't suit you. Get to work and take good care of me."

It was maybe something about the way Jamie's lips moved when he talked because he couldn't help himself. He pressed his hungry mouth against the smiling lips, earning a grunt of surprise.


Cottontail had the hots for him. His cute sausage tented the front of his shorts, and he looked close to bursting. Jamie shouldn't have been shocked, after all. He could make this guy come just by sending him a dick pic. However, tonight the guy would have to learn a bit of restraint. Not much, just enough to make things as delicious as possible.

He wrapped one hand around the back of his partner's head and held him gently while their kiss deepened. Cottontail wasn't the best of kissers, but he compensated for it with his appetite for all things Jamie. A lot of guys had told him he was handsome, sexy, and all the other lovely words, but how many had moved their hands with wonder over his pecs as if they were afraid they would wake up from a wonderful dream at any moment now?

"Do you like them?" he asked, flexing his chest muscles.

"I like everything about you, Jamie. Your body is like a work of art."

"Nerd," Jamie teased, laughing and brushing his nose against Cottontail's jawline. "You'd do anything to get in my pants, right?"

"It's not hard."

"What do you mean? It already is." Jamie took Cottontail's hand and placed it on his crotch.

"What I meant is that it's not hard to get in your pants. Because they're so… you know, accessible." Bunny boy blabbered on, his hand cupped around Jamie's erection through the shorts.

"Ah, you're hurting my heart with your harsh words."

"What harsh words?"

"You just assumed I'm easy, and that anyone who wanted to could get into my pants." Jamie continued to nuzzle the side of Cottontail's neck, earning tiny, anxious breaths from his partner.

"Jamie, when I'm with you," Cottontail whispered, "everything seems crazy. Crazy, but possible. Like I've gone off the deep end, and I can't stop it."

"It's all right."

"Why? Because you get told that a lot?"

"No, you silly. Because I'm fucking a guy whose face I've never seen. I'd say that's pretty crazy for me, too."