Ch. 16 – Use Me

Chapter Sixteen – Use Me

Manipulating the bunny boy around was difficult with the pain in his side that seemed to have started acting up like a bitch while the rest of his body was getting horny. It helped that his nurse for free was willing to accommodate him in every possible way, although he was endearingly clumsy.

"Are you sure we can have sex with you in this condition?" his guest asked, his eyes wide and shiny behind his mask.

"Are you going to ruin my reputation? If I don't get hard tonight and perform properly, tomorrow Xpress will have plastered all over the place that Jamie Vayne has lost his touch. Or something uglier. Definitely uglier since I can tell the asshole writing it is not pulling any punches."

"Why do you think that?"

"Why do I think my temporary downstairs problem will end up in Xpress?" Jamie played with the idea of telling Cottontail about suspecting him, but that wasn't how he wanted to go about it. "Geez, I don't know. It looks like the guy is following me everywhere."

"Why do you think it's a guy writing Xpress?"

"It's just a manner of speaking. It could be one guy, or it could be a dozen. Regardless of their number and gender, they're all assholes."

"But saying that a thing like you failing to perform in bed would end up in Xpress tomorrow is like saying I'm going to blabber about it to others," Cottontail complained.

So bunny boy was dancing around the topic, too. He wasn't accusing Jamie of his suspecting him to be Xpress, which was quite the hint. The jury was still out on whether Cottontail was involved with the gossip rag or not. Jamie found himself wishing he was because that would give him some pretty good leverage when tormenting the guy later. Not in a bad way. In a fun way.

He hissed as Cottontail grabbed his cock through his shorts. "Are you learning how to drive stick? 'Cause that's what it feels like."

Cottontail scoffed and seized Jamie's little friend with both hands. "How can I learn if you keep putting me down for lack of experience? And I believe that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to problems with your cock. It looks to me like it's working as intended if not better."

"It must be your magic touch then," Jamie teased, leaning in to snatch a kiss.

Cottontail must have misinterpreted his action because he pulled away suddenly, but without letting go of Jamie's cock. That made them tumble into an awkward position, with Jamie plastered on top of his cute guest.

"Stop being so jumpy," Jamie reproached. "I only wanted to kiss you. Ah, damn, my rib is killing me."

"You shouldn't joke about such things. And I'm here to play nurse anyway. Let me help you get on your back again."

Surprisingly, the bunny boy seemed to have a good bedside manner. Jamie allowed himself some coddling on occasion, but usually it was self-inflicted, not like this. A lot of people didn't seem to think that Jamie the stud would enjoy a little bit of pampering.

"I had no idea about the extent of your injuries, but I did bring a topical treatment that might work," Cottontail informed him with a nod of his head.

"For real? And where did you hide it? In your pants?"

"That's not for you to know. But, for your peace of mind, the treatment in question wasn't carried anywhere near my dick," came the prompt reply.

"I do feel like my peace of mind is perking up. I wanted you here for something else, though. There's no better treatment than a good session of knocking boots, if you get what I mean." Jamie drawled the words on purpose, while gauging his partner's reaction to his odd way of talking.

"None of us has boots on, and it would be impractical anyway."

"Ah, don't tell me that I'm no longer shiny and new," Jamie complained. "I thought you really had the hots for me, waxing poetic about my body and whatnot."

"Are you asking me to use you, Jamie?" The question came out startled, which surprised him.

"Why not?" He put his hands behind his head and stretched as much as his hurt ribs allowed him to move. "You got my hopes high with your phone call, so you better step it up, bunny boy."

"I'm just a novice. What am I supposed to do? Are you going to give me hints along the way?"

"Nah, not tonight. As your teacher of sex," Jamie felt his lips twitch, "I first need to establish your current level. I have already introduced you to the good ol' to and fro, so it can't be that hard for someone like you."

"What do you mean, someone like me?"

Jamie shrugged his shoulders. "You strike me as a fast learner."

"Okay." Cottontail puffed his cheeks out and then let out a self-encouraging loud exhalation. "I will get to work then."

Jamie was willing to joke some more, but the laughter died on his lips when Cottontail pulled down his shorts in one determined move. His good friend popped up like a jack-in-a-box, something that appeared to please his partner a great deal. Cottontail smiled and grabbed Jamie's cock by the root. It looked like he wasn't willing to play, either, because he went straight for the prize, stuffing the hard leaking thing in his mouth.


When rushing to Jamie's tonight, he hadn't imagined that the man of his dreams would give him full rein regarding their interactions. He had thought that Jamie would tease him and eventually allow him to play nurse, but a part of him had definitely thought about the possibility of sex. Seeing how his host was incapacitated to some degree, that left enough room for a few experiments he had fantasized about. Such as licking the head of Jamie's cock until he was satisfied.

"You do know how to lick a lollipop, don't you?" Jamie whispered. His posture suggested that he preferred acting nonchalant about it all, but it wasn't hard to tell that his cock was now doing most of the thinking. It twitched and leaked more precum. It was too delicious to waste.

He didn't consider the question worthy of a verbal reply. When he was silent, he seemed to be better with his mouth anyway. Now, as his lips moved past the head, he felt accomplished at how much of Jamie's glorious sex stick he could get in his mouth. It wasn't all, definitely not, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't get there. As long as Jamie offered himself up for using, it would happen in his lifetime.


Someone was putting in the effort, Jamie thought, as his fingers itched to get a hold of Cottontail's head to push him further. But no, tonight wasn't to be played that way. The anticipation was growing in his balls, but it was a sweet sort that overcame the pain he was otherwise feeling. There was no need for any treatment, after all. Cottontail's mouth on him was everything he needed.

"You are injured, so you may relax while I take care of you," bunny boy offered, pulling Jamie's cock out of his mouth with a satisfying pop.

"What sort of teacher would I be then?"

"Tonight, you're the one getting served," Cottontail said promptly. "You're not streaming, so you don't have to think about your audience. And I'm not here to judge your performance. Nothing of it will appear on Xpress tomorrow, I swear."

"You sound awfully confident about that," Jamie decided to throw another jab to see how his partner would react.

"I don't suck dick and tell. You can trust me on that."

"Well, if you're putting it like that, knock yourself out."

He had barely allowed those words to leave his mouth before Cottontail was hard at work again. He was definitely enthusiastic, although his skills weren't quite there yet, but it didn't matter. It felt really good not to have to care as much as he usually did about what other people thought, about using the best angle, smiling charmingly until his cheeks hurt, and all that jazz.

Jamie closed his eyes and relaxed. That was only a figure of speech because the lower part of his body was now under assault and on high alert. Cottontail had found his way around his balls, too, and when he wasn't trying to gobble down the whole of Jamie's cock, he was getting busy putting one of those in his mouth, and then the other. His deepthroat technique left much to be desired, but he definitely knew how to put that tongue to good use. It really brought a smile to Jamie's face. Cottontail was doing his best, and he could both relate to and appreciate that. As much as everyone thought he was laidback and didn't give a damn, when it mattered, he did the same.

"Do you intend to do me with your mouth?" he asked, his throat surprisingly dry. "All the way, I mean?"

"I can try," Cottontail replied right away. "I am, as I mentioned earlier, a beginner in the realm of satisfying a cock like yours, but my heart is in the right place."

There he went, with his strange speeches. Jamie felt a sudden need to learn more about the guy sucking his cock with so much dedication. Why did he talk funny like that? What was his family life like? Did he have many friends? What did he do with his free time when he wasn't practicing cocksucking?

Cottontail stopped his train of thought by swallowing more than half of his cock. It looked like the guy was getting somewhere on his own, without even getting any pointers from his so-called teacher.

"Now that's--" he began and then forgot how to talk, as the sensations grew, overwhelming him and making his skin turn to goosebumps everywhere. With his hands on Cottontail's head now, he let the guy take the lead for real.

He was sucking that cock like his life depended on it. From time to time, he helped himself with a hand, too, but it looked like he preferred to torture Jamie's balls instead. Torture was a bit of an exaggeration since, yes, it was a little rough, but it felt too good to ignore the outcome.

"I'll come in your mouth if you're not careful," Jamie warned his partner.

Cottontail took the warning at face value. He straightened up just so he could take off his t-shirt before returning to the task at hand. The momentum hadn't been lost despite the short break, so Jamie felt that he was getting closer and closer at a rapid pace.

There was no need for a second warning. Cottontail knew his cues, and when Jamie erupted, he removed the cock from his mouth, pointing it toward his chest. It was something to watch his cum flying straight to the masked face, and lower. Cottontail's neck and upper chest were soon splashed with ropes of white.

"Wow, Jamie, you can come so much," Cottontail let out in an appreciative whisper. "When I get around to eating it, I need to take that into consideration."

Jamie chuckled, but he sounded spent and happy, not as teasing as he wanted to be. "What about you?" he asked as he traced a lazy pattern on Cottontail's chest. He felt satisfied to see his mark on the guy. Usually, he wasn't one for ownership, but he liked to play with the idea under the circumstances. A cute little bunny, all his.

"You told me I could use you tonight," the bunny boy reminded him. "That means that I'm calling the shots, okay?"

"Why not? But make sure you get something out of this, too."

"Trust me, Jamie, I'm getting a lot out of you."

"I said 'out of this', not 'out of me'."

"And I didn't say it wrong. Just the way I meant it. How long until you think you're back in business? I know that each guy's mileage may vary, but I want to know yours."

"How about you go back to work and we'll find out together?" Jamie suggested. The high from coming was yet to dissipate, but seeing how he could banter and joke around, it only meant that he would soon be ready for a second round. "Are you going to use your ass this time?"

"Not just yet. My mouth seems addicted to you."

"You're a bit crazy."

"I'm not. I just like you a lot. Since you offered to let me use you, how about you comply?"

"Yes, sir," Jamie replied, laughing. "I'm all yours."

Was it supposed to be this simple? He had always worked hard for getting freaky, no matter what other people thought about him and his adventures. They only saw the façade, the Jamie he intended them to see. Right now, he didn't care much about that. He only cared about allowing his bunny boy to use him until his balls were dry. And he didn't have to perform. And he didn't have to think whether he was making a good impression or not. His partner seemed engrossed in him to the point that he would surely get him off again and again.

Cottontail's mouth was back on his cock, engulfing it as deep as he could.

"Do you always apply yourself with so much dedication?" he asked and caressed the masked head slowly.

"I suck at studying, so no, it doesn't apply to everything," Cottontail replied promptly. "I'd say that what I'm doing right now is likely the exception, not the rule. You have a really tasty cock, Jamie. I feel like I could go at it like this for hours. But you might not like it."

"I do have staying power, if that's what you're asking. However, I wouldn't want you to end up with a stiff neck. How about you vary things a bit?"

"What do you have in mind?" Cottontail inquired politely.

Jamie cupped his partner's chin and made him look up. "I'd like to see you bouncing on my cock. Do you think you have what it takes to get me off like that, too?"

The bunny boy seemed to ponder over his reply. "I'm not sure. I might come too fast, and then my coordination would surely suffer. I am not as confident in fucking myself on your cock as I am in providing you with a decent oral performance."

"Doesn't it hurt your tongue to talk like that all the time? There's no need to be so formal, seeing how your mouth is on my dick as we speak."

"Point taken. But it's difficult since it's in my nature."

"I'll get better, and then I'll have you speaking in tongues in no time."

"Is that a promise?" Cottontail giggled and slapped Jamie's cock against his lips. He seemed to enjoy doing that a lot.


"Is it going to happen during one of your livestreams?"

"We'll see about that. I think I want to get to know you better."

It seemed like not the best thing to have said. Cottontail fell quiet. "Maybe we'll get to know each other one day."

"Now it's my turn to ask you whether that's a promise or not." Jamie liked that his bunny boy was already considering dropping the pretenses and getting acquainted for real.

"We'll see," Cottontail replied and then looked up. "Where do you keep your condoms? I'll bounce on your cock, because you're injured, and injured people are allowed to ask for things."

Jamie pointed his guest in the right direction and followed him around with his eyes. Yes, he was a skinny boy, but Jamie liked even that about him. Maybe he'd been needing a little challenge in his life for a long time.


His decision was made. He would try to get as close to Jamie as possible without a mask. The chances were that the notorious bad boy wouldn't give him the time of day if he approached him without wearing a bunny costume. That meant that he would have the opportunity to prove that Jamie was just as superficial as people said he was. Even if that were the truth, it didn't sit well with him. The Jamie he was getting to know wasn't cocky to the point of becoming annoying. From afar, he seemed untouchable. But he, a bunny boy, someone in disguise, who was as socially inept as a rabbit in a room full of foxes, was in the same room as Jamie Vayne, blowing his dick and his mind.

He would have to put his theory to the test. After all, if he was so keen on proving his brother wrong regarding Jamie, he needed more than the games the two of them were currently playing. With a mask on, he was most likely an exciting change of pace compared to the pretty boys on campus Jamie liked to woo.

No, not to woo, although Jamie had been quite the bad boy recently. He needed to ask.

"Why am I here instead one of your many conquests?"

"Ah, I see. So you do read Xpress and all the bullshit that guy pours over the page." Jamie was looking at him with his haunting blue eyes. No, not a fox. A wolf. A nice one, but still a wolf.

"I don't, but people are bragging left and right about bagging you. There must be some truth to it."

Jamie shook his head. "The only guy you should trust on the topic of me is me. Clear enough?"

What was that supposed to mean? Jamie was asking him to trust him, but was he capable of giving it away? Just like that?

"I can tell that you're caught up in a tough debate with yourself. I won't pressure you into it. Instead, I'll let you convince yourself."

"How?" He licked his lips nervously.

"By letting you get to know me. Wasn't that what you wanted from me in the first place? Since the times you chased all my dates away, dressed like Sherlock Holmes?"

He remained silent. That wasn't Sherlock Holmes, he wanted to say. Jamie beat him to it.

"But you asked me to call you 'inspector'. So not Sherlock Holmes. The question, bunny boy, is this: do you even know who you are?"