Ch. 17 – I’m Okay with Being Used

Chapter Seventeen – I'm Okay with Being Used

He had no comeback. Jamie had most likely just thrown that out randomly, without expecting to hit a sore point. To hide it, he turned away, his face angled so that nothing could be read in his eyes. As the mask covered most of his features, he hoped Jamie wouldn't be able to see that he was troubled by that off-hand remark.

"What?" Jamie drawled. "Don't tell me I hit a nerve with that."

"You haven't," he denied. "And I'm here for the sex you can provide, anyway. Not for conversation and soul-searching."

Jamie caught his wrists and dragged him close. He couldn't avoid the stare, so he braved meeting it for lack of other options. To his surprise, Jamie seemed serious.

"I meant it when I said that I'd like us to get to know each other better."

"Intimately?" he asked with half a mouth.

"I think we're pretty good on that front already," Jamie replied. "It's the rest that's lacking."

"You can't ask me about my name." He squirmed in Jamie's lap. His dick kept rubbing against the famous bad boy's abs, and it was distracting him from keeping his head screwed on right.

"I doubt a name alone will tell me very much about you."

He made a lame attempt to laugh it off. "Wow, Jamie, are you, like, deep?"

"You sound so not like yourself right now. Stop pretending to be someone you're not."

"That's hard. Especially as it's what I do all the time."

He was at fault for the depth of the conversation, to be honest. Jamie had made little effort to needle him into spilling the beans.

"Really?" Jamie teased. "I thought you wore your bunny outfit only when you come over to see me."

"I've seen you enough," he said quickly, happy for the easy way out offered by his host. It didn't matter what others thought; Jamie was intelligent, too. He tuned in fast, particularly when other people's feelings were involved. Right now, he was making light of the situation just so his partner could find an escape route.

"Don't tell me you don't want to see me anymore," Jamie ribbed him again.

"What I meant is this." He pressed his mouth against Jamie's lips. "I want to keep my eyes shut and moan in your arms."

"Well, if you put it like that," Jamie said good-naturedly. "Let me indulge you."


Whatever Cottontail had to hide, it was not a fresh wound. He had talked to enough people to know that it wasn't easy to admit a personal flaw or understand what was stopping a person from being happy. As much as he enjoyed joking about it, he had a flair for being a good listener. People opened up to him; Cottontail, not so much, it seems.

Still, it was experience nonetheless that made him realize pushing for the truth would get him nowhere. For now, he'd backpedal, leave the other enough space to gain courage and develop trust. That was one thing. The other was pressing pretty hard against his belly. It looked like neither of them could afford the luxury of waiting for their conversation to run its course.

It could wait, he thought, wrapping his arms tightly against the intriguing bunny boy.

"Is this going to be different?" Cottontail asked in a begging voice.

"What do you mean?" Jamie was already slowly fingering the other's entrance. Their fingers touched because Cottontail was trying to lube himself at the same time. That was making it easier for his searching digits to slide in. They battled a little for who would get to do it, but it appeared that the bunny boy ultimately conceded Jamie was doing a better job and left him alone on the battlefield.

"Different from the livestream?"

"Sure. We don't have to worry about getting the right angle. You have one tight ass, furry tail."

"I'm sorry about that."

Jamie snorted. "You don't have to be sorry about it. It's good that it's tight. I'm going to have a lot of fun with you tonight."

A soft exhalation followed. "I thought I was in charge."

"You seem a little lost, little lamb. I only want to lend you a helping hand is all."

"You're doing a lot more than that. I can feel your fingers stretching me so good." Cottontail dropped his head to Jamie's shoulder.

It would be so easy to turn his head, making their lips meet again. But Jamie believed in delayed gratification when it mattered. It was funny to think that he, the guy who could get a date or at least someone to hook up with at the drop of a hat, was tiptoeing around someone because he didn't want to lose him.

An intriguing personality like Cottontail's could be blamed for his sudden interest. But that was far from everything. Jamie had a knack for finding the vulnerabilities in people, and it was hidden in an invisible part of him. He never talked about it to anyone, because he preferred to listen. Like an avid reader absorbed by the drama of fictional characters in the hope that the good would prevail and the hero would overcome all the obstacles and pass all the tests, he offered his hookups, dates, and everyone in between his generous ear. Of course, he was pro-active in the sense that he offered a helping hand whenever he could as well. Each little win his fleeting friends of this nature scored belonged to him. He had a whole secret stash of them.

What was Cottontail's vulnerability? The physical aspect ran only skin-deep. Even if the bunny boy would argue until he was blue in the face that he didn't want his mask removed on the grounds that he was ugly, Jamie didn't believe him.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," he found himself quoting a dead but never to be forgotten author.

Cottontail gave him a startled look. It had to be weird to quote the classics while his partner was poised at the point of swallowing his cock with his tight ass.

"What?" Jamie challenged the surprised stare. "Do you think I don't read?"

Cottontail shook his head. "No, it's not that. But you're about to fuck me. Does Gothic romance from times past get you hard, perhaps?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Jamie shrugged and tried to pull Cottontail in for a kiss. It had been a mistake to turn all melodramatic like that.

"I would. I want to get to know you. How many times do I have to repeat the same thing?"

"I guess it's okay if you remind me of your intentions from time to time. And now, your intention should be to get dicked by yours truly." A joke should erase that misstep. Although Cottontail seemed to be a sharp one, despite his quirks, he might just let it slide. At least Jamie hoped so.

Cottontail shook his head. "You're pulling away. That quote was meant for me."

"I'm not pulling away," Jamie objected. "I'm trying to get in, but it looks like you're keen on not letting me."

"I will get to know you, Jamie Vayne," Cottontail promised and began sliding down, helping himself to a good dose of cock. He shivered and hissed, and Jamie caressed his back without pushing him down, no matter how loud his body screamed to rush things along. Soft lips brushed against his ear. "Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?"

"What?" Jamie mumbled.

Cottontail seemed disappointed. "It's from the same book. But I suppose you didn't read it as closely as I did. And how could you? You're too beautiful to identify with someone as ordinary as that sort of character."

The bunny boy had no idea what Jamie saw sometimes when he looked in the mirror, what bad parts, and not so good parts, and parts no one wanted to know or see he observed himself with a careful eye so he could hide them well and so deep that no one would even make the effort to uncover them.

Why was he thinking about such things right now? He was about to have fun, like he usually did, the no-strings-attached kind. Was there anything more liberating than that? Maybe he could teach Cottontail that. In every win he scored by getting someone else to understand themselves and reach toward what could really make them happy, he got something in return. Something invaluable, but they couldn't know what that was and never would.

"I'm sure you're not any of the things you enumerated earlier," he said, brushing his lips along the bunny boy's ear and jawline, unhurried as he aimed for capturing his partner's mouth again.

"How do you know? I'm wearing a mask," Cottontail objected.

"Let's see. You mentioned plain, I think?"

"Yes," came the breathless, ragged whisper. Jamie was slowly getting there, reaching Cottontail's secret pleasure point by the reactions he elicited with each push.

"How can you even say such a thing? Your ass is far from plain." To make a point, Jamie smacked his bunny boy's rump.

"It's skinny," Cottontail whined.

"It has its own charm. Tell me more about how you're… what was it?"

"Obscure," Cottontail breathed out.

"Hmm, I have no idea what that word is supposed to mean in this context. If it's obscure like in mysterious, you're all that. But think about it this way. It works to your advantage, because you're keeping me interested by holding onto that mask of yours for dear life. You also said poor," Jamie recalled, "and I can't comment on that since I don't know your financial hurdles. Am I using complicated enough words for your taste?"

It was getting harder and harder to talk since Cottontail's body heat was doing him in. He was all the way inside, and the bunny boy was doing a great job of bouncing up and down, squeezing the life out of him, but in a good way.

He wrapped one hand around the cock slapping against his belly with each up and down. "As for little, I'd say you're in the big ballpark. Don't complain about things that aren't true. It's a sure way to put yourself down, and it's not worth it."

"Jamie," Cottontail moaned while his moves became erratic, "how come you're so good?" The last word turned into the sweetest of long moans.

Nothing pleased him better than pleasing someone else, especially someone who was in the self-deprecation business. Jamie wanted to put a stop to that, and if he had to use his cock and well-chosen words to do it, that was his own strategy, and no one could advise him to do otherwise.

"You really like my cock, don't you?" Jamie teased his partner while smacking against him over and over again. He could feel the tremor growing inside the body he held in his arms and knew they would both be close soon enough.

"I like all of you. I like you so much," Cottontail confessed.

"Oh, really? And what do you like about me?" Jamie goaded him. "Besides my cock? My tattoos? My reputation?"

"All of it." Honesty could be a powerful weapon in the right hands. "But the thing I most… like…" Cottontail whispered while going up and down like a pile driver, "is how kind you are, Jamie."

He hadn't expected that. He grabbed Cottontail hard and kissed him, with the sole intention of shutting him up. How could he say stuff like that when they were fucking? Obviously, bunny boy had no idea what dirty talk was. More lessons were required, obviously. Then, he'd keep his mouth zipped about things that didn't concern him.

"It's true," Cottontail keened, as if he could read his mind.

"Nah," Jamie grunted, "everything I do comes from the bottom of my selfish heart. I'm using you right now."

"I'm using you too," Cottontail retorted and held Jamie by the shoulders while making him bottom out in his ass. "Can't you tell?"

"I don't mind it. It's quid pro quo. Did I say that right? I'm not a college kid like you."

"You said it well. But you're wrong. I'm getting more. A lot more than you get. I feel guilty about it."

"Don't. I'm okay with being used."

Cottontail opened his mouth to say something but his words were lost in the string of moans that poured out of his lips. Jamie drank them one by one, prolonging the sensation as the bunny boy sprayed him with everything he had in his balls. Now was his turn, and he held Cottontail tightly, until his cock shot and shot, filling the condom, putting the rubber to the test.

They were both drained when they pulled apart. Cottontail rose on shaky legs and carefully extracted the condom. "Wow," he said in a tired but happy voice, "now this is what I call a load."

Jamie laughed. "Do you still think I'm bouncing from one guy to another? That should be your proof."

Cottontail examined the full condom. "Are you trying to tell me that it's all a lie? Why are people saying that they're sleeping with you when they aren't?"

Jamie smiled, offering no answer whatsoever.

"You want me to figure it out by myself," Cottontail concluded. "Look at the mess I made on your abs." He moved his fingers over Jamie's sweaty skin, playing with his own cum. "I only jerk off when I think about you," he confessed, staring squarely at Jamie.

"Hmm, then, according to the load you just shot out of your balls, you're thinking about me only once in a blue moon."

Cottontail disappeared with the condom to throw it away, and then returned wearing the same pleased expression in his eyes and on his lips. "I need to study," he continued their conversation, "which is the only reason I don't allow myself to think about you too often."

"How is that working?" Jamie asked, his hands behind his head, not bothering at all to wipe the proof of Cottontail's surrender from his body.

"Not very well. I think about you anyway."

Jamie gave his guest a cocksure smile. "Do you have a crush on me, bunny boy?"

"I haven't yet had the time to analyze these developing feelings. You are different from what you let most people see."

"How so?"

Cottontail shrugged. "That is also something I would like to analyze at length."

"Is it something you do often? This analyzing thing?"

"It's supposed to work. You know, see the smallest details, put two and two together, that sort of thing."

"You sound like you've read too many self-improvement books."

"It's more like information someone else gave me. I don't like that sort of book. They make me sleepy, and then I dream of people jumping up and down on a stage, trying to get me to feel energetic, with a can-do attitude. I wake up tired every time that happens."

"Who gave you that information, as you call it?" Jamie sensed that he was on the path to discover something, and he didn't want to let go of it, like a dog with a bone.

"It doesn't matter."

"If it's not someone important, fuck it," Jamie advised. "Don't I get the clean-up service now that my work is done?"

"Sure." Cottontail seemed lost in thought as he disappeared from the room again.

All sorts of things were battling for dominance in Jamie's mind. If the bunny boy was able to bounce around the campus and even out of it in his special outfit, he needed to have some interior pockets in that pink monstrosity. After all, he had brought that cream for Jamie's bruises somehow. Since he appeared to be the conscientious type, Cottontail most likely had his student ID, just in case. That would be something worthy of investigating.

Jamie didn't want to put Cottontail into a rough spot by unveiling his identity, but it was just his tough luck that he had gotten his 'victim' so interested in him. Once he knew his real name, Jamie would get closer and get to know the real man behind the mask. It would be all in good fun, so why not? And once they became thick as thieves, he'd reveal everything so they could have a laugh together.

All in due time. Soon, Cottontail would be out of here, but there would be other opportunities to watch out for. Since the bunny boy was his livestream partner, he would come up with an excuse during that time to go to the bathroom and search the pink outfit for clues.

This strange guy was turning him into a sleuth. There was also that John Smith fellow, who Rusty and Matty had been quick to write off; Jamie wanted to be a thorough detective. That meant that he would get to know John Smith and see if he had any inclinations regarding cosplay as sexy rabbits in his free time.

Cottontail was back and now carefully wiped down Jamie's abdomen, insisting on removing each spot as if he wanted to make him squeaky clean.

"Do you happen to know a guy named John Smith?"

The wiping stopped. "That's a weird name," came the reply.

Jamie searched Cottontail's voice for any sign of quivering, but it seemed like there was none.

"He goes to Sunny Hill, like you."

"The college has thousands of students. I don't know everyone. Actually, I'm a bit of a recluse myself. I only go out at night – didn't you say so yourself?"

"Hmm." Jamie closed his eyes. Sometimes, to see things better, he needed to stop staring directly at them. It had served him well on numerous occasion to tune out one of his senses to get a better feel of the situation. He wasn't sure, but it could be one of the reasons why he was so good in bed.

"Why do you want to know him? Is he someone you haven't slept with yet?"

"Yeah. I've never fucked anyone with that name. It's my goal to make my way through the yellow pages, A to Z," Jamie joked.

"So you are sleeping around," Cottontail concluded for himself.

"Where did you get that idea?"

"You want to fuck John Smith when you have me."

"I was just pulling your leg. I want to meet the guy for another reason. Before you ask, it's a secret."


"What do you mean, why? Last time I checked, you weren't my wife."

"I want to know everything about you, though."

"Well, tough luck. As long as you keep that mask on, I won't tell you my business with John Smith."

Cottontail bit on his bottom lip hard. "Fine, as you wish. I'll get going now."

"Are you mad or something?" Jamie shouted at his guest's retreating back.

"It's a secret," came the reply, thrown over one shoulder.

Jamie grinned as the door slammed behind Cottontail. He was getting closer.