Feather Teasing: You're Mine [M]

By the time they were done playing around it was almost six o'clock. "Oh shit!" Aiko says in shock. "What? What's wrong?" Keigo asks Aiko. "We completely forgot about my art project finals. It's due tomorrow!" Aiko says worriedly. "It's better we remembered now than later, right?" Keigo asks Aiko reassuringly. They both calmly walk over to the art room and start to clear one side of the wall so that they could put up the beige backdrop. Keigo helped Aiko place the stool in the middle of the drapes. As he turns around to fix the cloth on the floor he notices Aiko on her phone.

 "I'm emailing my professor and I need your pictures." Aiko says to a very focused Keigo. Keigo turns to his phone and sends his pictures to Aiko. He sent headshots, waist up and full body pictures. "I don't know which ones you needed so I just sent you all the ones necessary for a portfolio." Keigo says to Aiko with a smile. Aiko sets up her painting station and then her phone beeps. She has received a message from her professor telling her to show proof of him being there in person with her since he is a celebrity. "My professor thinks I'm lying about you since you're a celebrity." Aiko says laughing. She motions for Keigo to come closer to her. She holds up her phone and starts to record her and Keigo. "Here's your proof professor. And to make it easier he's a friend of mine." Aiko says proudly.

 She sends the video to her teacher and waits for a reply. "Hey, do you mind if I go shower?" Keigo asks Aiko. "Ah. That would be perfect. It would make the vibe of my art more alluring." Aiko says seriously. As Keigo walks out the room to go take a shower, Aiko's phone rings. "Yes professor?" Aiko replies to her professor. "Why didn't you tell me he was your friend?!" the professor exclaimed over the phone. "Well, you never asked so how I am supposed to let you know?" Aiko asked. "We are both females, child. You could've just told me." Professor Tanaka whispers into the phone. "Do you have a thing for younger men, Mrs. Tanaka?" Aiko teases her professor.

 She hangs up the phone as her professor laughs over the phone saying no constantly. Keigo knocks on the door as he peeks in awkwardly. "Um, I forgot I had no clothes here yet." Keigo says slightly embarrassed. "Actually, I have a drawer filled with your clothes and belongings, but..." Aiko says and pauses. "But what?" Keigo asks confusingly. "Well, you sort of have to be naked for this project. I already told you to not be embarrassed about it." Keigo blushes and looks at his lower body and back up into Aiko's eyes. "You've never seen me naked before though. This was definitely not what I thought it would be." Keigo says as he walks into the room. "You don't have to be completely naked stupid. You can put the silk cloth over your private area if you're not comfy." Aiko states.

 "Well, honestly, if you don't mind it then I don't either." Keigo says walking up to the stool slipping the towel off by the door. He runs his hand through his hair and shakes his wings outwards and relaxes them. Aiko looks up to see a fully naked Keigo in front of her. Her face turned tomato red as she realized his manhood stood tall and proud. She starts to sketch out the first layer of her work. As she continues to sketch Keigo and the background she starts to notice that he is softly shuddering. As she observes his body for little details her eyes come across the tip of his shaft. There was a liquid substance oozing out. Keigo then notices that she was looking in that area and blushes. As she is soon finishing the sketch she got hot. She unties her waist apron and takes off her sweater.

 As she pulls the sweater over her head Keigo looks in her direction, stealing a glance at her curves. Her chest bounced softly as the sweater lifted them so lightly. Her silklike skin turns Keigo on even more even though he tries not to think about it. Her smooth neck begins to become completely exposed as she ties her hair up into a ponytail. Her lacy bra could be seen peeking out underneath her low-cut tank top. She stands up and walks over to her desk and puts her sweater on the rolling chair. Her hips swayed side to side as her short slowly climbed higher up her thighs. Keigo watches closely as she bends over to pick up her apron off the floor. As she walks back, she steals a glance of Keigo's hard, smooth abs internally drooling. She puts her apron back on and sits down in her chair and continues to sketch.

 "Keigo, you can rest now I'm done with the sketch." Aiko says trying to hide the shakiness in her voice. She begins to paint the canvas. This part of the project was the easiest for her because she could get it done quickly. She takes a picture of the finished product and sends it in an email to her professor. She looks around and doesn't see Keigo, so she thinks he went out. She stares at the painting a little longer and decides to add a hint of a shimmery cloudy white paint to the tip of his manhood in the art. "So, you were looking there?" Keigo whispers in her right ear. Her whole body froze as every hair on her body raised. She was too focused on painting earlier to notice that he was sitting behind her in her desk.

 She could feel his breath against the nape of her neck. She then hears a slight pluck sound. He bends over her shoulder leaning to her right. He softly touches her ankle with his father, slowly teasing her. He slides it smoothly in waves up her calf. Aiko's breath becomes shaky and unsteady. "Do you know how hard it was to see you take off your sweater in such matters?" Keigo asks teasingly. He softly flicks his wrist upward, bringing the feather onto her knee and slowly gliding it on her inner thigh. Aiko lets out a soft moan feeling hot and tingly all over. "My little songbird, I love your tunes. Why don't you keep singing?" Keigo whispers breathing behind her ear licking the back of her ear. Her chest rises and drops as her breathing quickens.

 He lets go of his feather and lets it travel under her tank top touching her skin ever so softly. His hands trail down her shoulder to her wrist. She lets out a breathy moan tilting her head backwards as the feather trails up her neck as he kisses her neck gently. He lifts her off the chair, her back still facing him. She could tell that he was indeed still naked from before. He softly pressed his body against her back. "Remember the news this morning Baby Bird?" Keigo asks sternly. Aiko nods slowly as her legs feel jello like. "Do you want to know who the girl is? Have you figured it out yet?" Keigo asks, kissing her neck in between the question.

 "I don't want to guess." Aiko says slowly, turning to face Keigo's chest. "You don't have to Baby bird. I'm going to let her know she's mine. You're mine." Keigo says grunting lightly. He leans in and steals her first kiss holding her closer to his body. As his lips leave hers a thin trail of saliva softly breaks between them. "Are you okay with me doing this to you?" Keigo asks before continuing. She looks up at him, nods, and lifts her arms over his shoulder pulling him in for another hot steaming kiss. As both their lips massages each other, his body naturally starts grinding against hers. "Jump" Keigo says quickly as he places his hands on her butt lifting her. She responds with a soft jump and entangles her legs around his hips. She could feel his member throbbing against her clothed lady area.

 He carries her to her bedroom and places her on the bed. He softly kisses her inner thighs inching closer to her clothed vulva. As he inches closer, he sends two feathers to lift her tank top off her body. He slides his left hand up her thigh creeping it behind her as she arches her back. "You smell so sweet; I haven't even had a taste yet I'm going insane." Keigo says as he rubs his nose against Aiko's clothed vulva inhaling her scent. Her body twitches lightly as his nose rubs against her. Her body became more and more sensitive to his touches. He unclips her bra in an instant as he kisses her clothed vulva. "Keigo..." Aiko moans his name as he roughly spreads her legs open for more access.

 "W-wait...Ha~" Aiko moans trying to say something. He pulls her short and lace underwear off and kisses her vulva. He moans into her as he licks her insides. Moving upwards, downwards, softly inserting his tongue every couple time, making her a moaning mess. Her hands gently pull at his hair as his head moves up and down. "You like that? Do you like the way I flick my tongue?" Keigo asks as he licks her clit. He pushes her legs upwards as he sucks on her clit. Her legs slightly began to shake as he continuously slurped her up. He chuckles and grunts as he continues to moan into her. She throws her head back and arches her back as she comes into his mouth.

 "Hmm, you're so delicious baby." Keigo says looking up at Aiko. Aiko at this point had no words to say, she was a panting moaning mess. "Are you ready to sing for me, my songbird?" Keigo whispers in her ear as he inserts his member in her. Her moans start out soft and airy, but soon turns into cries of pleasure. Keigo lifts her up sitting on top of him, bouncing and grinding into each other. Aiko runs her fingers over his wings as she knows they are sensitive to him. Keigo moans, throwing his head back as she sits all the way down on him. He holds her in place feeling her warmth take over. He gently lays her on her back and thrust deeply into her. The room was filled with her name and his. As Keigo was close his wings twitched and softly moved up and down. He looks at Aiko and takes her lips into his as his thrust grows rougher and faster. They both moan as they come together; Keigo's wings shoot out above their bodies creating a beautiful scene. Panting and dripping in sweat Keigo leans in and kisses Aiko. "I love you, I always have been." Keigo says full of love. "I love you too." Aiko responds as she embraces her head into her chest.