Chapter Five

I am the only living member left in my family. I called the police, but they declared my father's death as a heart attack, just like the others who have died in New York City. Thankfully, his death won't be linked back to me, as the whole state is in chaos. I can't risk getting caught up in that. As time goes on, more and more bodies are found deceased, making it difficult for the police to conduct proper investigations. Soon enough, news about these deaths will spread at school and I will remain an outcast, just as I've always been. Yugin Kato - the loner who foolishly fell for Hana Choi. It disgusts me how such a label has been placed upon me. But it's true; I did end up taking my brother's life, and of all people, why did he have to like Hana?

" School will not be going on tomorrow thanks to the stunt I created but there is another user in the school. I only wrote the student who was behind me, Kevin Smith but Mr. Allen wasn't my doing." I muttered under my breath as I paced around my room, replaying the events in my head and trying to make sense of the people who had died. However, most of those deaths were not my responsibility.

As I shifted my weight, my peripheral vision caught Edel's sharp gaze fixed on me. I paused, turning to meet his intense stare. His arms were crossed, causing the muscles in his bony shoulders to tense. Even without eyes, I could feel the weight of his hollow sockets boring into my soul. "Is there an issue, Edel?" Although I tried to keep my tone composed, I could feel irritation seeping into my words as I spoke to him. when I was pacing back and forth, and voiced my thoughts aloud He remained silent the entire time. He sat there, unmoving and unresponsive, like a mute statue. He might as well have been made of stone for all the reaction he showed.

"You are intriguing, out of all of the years of existence, I don't think I have met a person who caught my attention just yet. I hope I didn't jinx myself." 

As he spoke, my right eyebrow involuntarily shot up in surprise. My mind drew a blank as I tried to comprehend his words."Well, back to the subject, there were other two shinigami on the top of the school roof. So there are other users in the school." As the words effortlessly left his mouth, I realized that I wasn't just thinking creatively. It was crucial for me to discover the identities of the other death note users before they discovered me.

"I'm glad I played my role yesterday and covered my tracks"

"Indeed. It was a smart play, what will be your plan further on?" 

I was caught off guard by that question. My only strategy is to observe and gather information until the other candidates reveal themselves slowly. I couldn't help but wonder if this mystery individual had a god complex. It seemed very likely given their beliefs on Mr. Allen's death and how we are all unworthy of their greatness. The situation in the classroom was surprisingly mind-blown and organized, suggesting the culprit had a high level of intelligence. They were probably someone who excelled at logical thinking, like a champion chess player rather than a checkers enthusiast. This person likely boasts about their academic achievements and looks down upon those they deem as lesser beings.

" The waiting game should be my best option. I and this person had one thing in common and that was making a grand entrance to let the other candidates know that we are here wanting to challenge the rest of them. " my legs had their own mind as it was walking without me realizing it until I have seen my sights turning as I walked in circles. "It feels like I am going against myself . . . well, let me not give that person a compliment yet."

Edel remained rooted in the same position, but his body language shifted as he angled himself towards me. His hollow eyes stayed fixed on mine, betraying a newfound focus and interest in our conversation. "I am a shinigami of chivalry and I don't really like foul play in these terms." He suddenly stopped mid-sentence, his bony finger tracing a line along his jaw as he furrowed his imaginary brow in deep concentration. " But something tells me that chaos will approach ahead of us so I have to be on board. I have a question for you." that same finger he was tracing his jawline with was now aimed toward me.

" Me?"

" Yes, how dirty are you playing to be, Yugin?" 

I couldn't risk revealing my true self at that moment. Edel might run away if he saw the real me, with my fake name and my father's death on my hands. But if he could see through my mask, then maybe he knew the less-than-noble side of me too. With Edel, I could let go of the nerdy saint act and embrace my true nature. A laugh bubbled up inside me as I plotted to do whatever it took to become a god. It was a goal I had been waiting for since that day when Light Yagami exposed my true identity, no longer pretending to be just another citizen blending in amongst the rest.

" Whatever it takes."

" What if innocence is involved? Would you feel a way about them?" Edel was bombarding me with questions as if trying to sway my future plans. But I made a promise to myself that day: I would follow through with my goals once I got the opportunity. Causing bystander's harm would give me satisfaction while also achieving my dreams. And a plan cannot truly be considered successful if it results in zero tragedies. 

I stared into his empty eyes, determined to make him understand that nothing could stop me from giving my all in the upcoming war. My face was finally at ease, no longer putting on a facade of fear as I had done when pretending to be Yugin. Even without a mirror, I knew my eyes lacked any trace of humanity. The true version of myself didn't concern itself with such trivialities; all living beings were merely tools for me to use, and I had no qualms about who fell under that category. This mindset had been ingrained within me since I could remember anything at all. "Those thoughts right there will ruin my percentage of winning. If they want to live, they better stay out of my way."

From right there, Edel knew it was pointless to speak further about this topic since my mind was already set on doing what I had always been plotting to do and that is to chaos into this world to make it enjoyable to finally be in it. Before any of us can speak the doorbell rings to my apartment.

" Police?" Edel questions aloud.

I shook my head in response to his question. It didn't make sense for there to be any police nearby; they were needed all over New York City. A poor teenager like me shouldn't have access to such lavish services, especially when the middle and upper classes have an abundance of police to solve their problems.

I quickly signal to Edel, silently telling them to hide. It's better to be safe than sorry in this situation. I have no idea who these candidates are and I'm not going to reveal my cards to someone who has nothing to offer. I approach the door cautiously, making sure to look through the peephole before opening it. To my surprise, Hana is standing on the other side. Why would she come?

As I opened the door, Hana stumbled in with her hair mussed and uncombed. Despite her usual meticulous appearance, today she wore a chaotic ensemble - a pink overshirt adorned with garish orange palm trees over black leggings and white crocs. I could tell she hadn't put much thought into her outfit, as it didn't meet her own standards of "aesthetically pleasing."

"Hana, what are you doing here?" Once again, I had to adopt my persona as the nerdy and loyal admirer who has had a crush on her since we were kids.

"Why didn't you tell me you, idiot?!" Her voice rose as she expressed her anger, lightly punching my chest with her fist. Her frustration was evident on her usually pale skin, which now had a red tinge to it.

Confusion washed over me as I struggled to figure out what she wanted me to talk about. Were we even close enough friends for me to confide in her? I usually just waited for her to initiate conversation, content with playing the loyal admirer from a distance. "What I didn't tell you?"

A deep crimson flushed her cheeks as she snarled in exasperation, her brows knitted tightly together and her jaw clenched. She may have been trying to be fierce, but all I saw was a tiny tiger cub, all bite with no bark. 

"Your father!" Her fists clenched at her sides, and she let out a guttural roar, releasing all the frustration that had been building up inside her. But as she turned to face me, the anger in her eyes gave way to a softness. " You didn't tell me he's gone. I thought we were friends?" Although her voice was light and could easily be mistaken for that of a young girl, she was not a child. She was an adolescent, on the brink of becoming a woman. It seemed as though she struggled to express herself to me, perhaps feeling guilty for neglecting me all these years.

This was my opportunity to exploit her guilt and throw her emotions off balance for my own benefit. Who knows what the future holds? I needed to keep my options open for any potential events that may arise.