
Living day to day as a cat is very difficult. Learning to walk again with four limbs is as challenging as trying to perform surgery on a patient having a seizure. 

But I persevered, or my name isn't Louis Alarie Bernard, gentlem- *cough* gentlecat, and overall a blessing on this new world. 

Water and berries only got me so far… eventually I got hungry enough to try and catch a bird to eat. Unfortunately I was but a kitten, and the birds were very fast. 

I even saw one with four wings, I thought I was hallucinating due to hunger but non, the prudes just sent me to a fantasy world. 

At least that's what I figured this was, I saw many different and exciting people while hiding in the grass. Girls with furry tails and perky… ears. Large men with bodies that seem to be a mix between different species. 

It was all very overwhelming for my poor brain. I had failed to catch a bird yet again and was about to give up when I heard the distinct sound of someone calling for a cat. 

"Pspspspsps… here mister whiskers." 

Curious as I was, I followed the sound and found my gaze attracted to a girl in plate armor waving what looked like a brochette. 

"Pspspsps." She called again. 

Seeing no reason to refuse the free food I came out of the grass and approached the girl. A smile blossoms on her pretty face. 

"Ah, thank you for the meal Mademoiselle." 

Is what I tried to say, only it came out as;

"M-meow meewwer mow wrraoow." 

The armoured girl beamed and picked me up before I could protest. I dropped the food she had given me making me shout at her to put me down.

"Mrrrawrrr mrowww mew hissss" 

"Awwww so cute!!!!" The girl squeals while crushing me against her armored chest. 

My life flashed before my eyes again as she hugged me with deceptive strength for her size. My eyes bulged and I did what any ma- I mean cat would do. 

*pap pap pap pap pap pap pap pap* 

I started swatting at her face, but since I was but a kitten, it translated to me basically patting her on the face gently.

She eventually set me down without a moment to spare. I gasped loudly catching my breath. 

"Sorry Mister Whiskers, I have to go train now. I'll see you tomorrow 'kay?" The orange haired girl looked at me sadly. 

"Mrrrowww meww." (translation: "hmm, go away you brute, you nearly killed me.) 

She waved at me sadly before running off with the sound of clanking armour. I let out another sigh and looked at the dropped food. There was a bit of dirt on it but I was a cat now. Such things weren't too big a deal to me anymore.