
I got my revenge on Amelie later that night while she slept. I decided that I would park my butt right on her face. How was I to know that she would grab onto my tail with a grip that could crush diamonds. 


"Hmm? GobacktosleepMisterWhsikers." She mumbled before pulling me into her chest and smothering me with her breasts. I could not even 'meow' anymore. 

'Ah… this is how I die. Smothered by a buxom woman, if only I wasn't a cat." 

As my world slowly spun into darkness I heard Amelie waking with a start and calling my name. I vaguely felt her shaking my limp furry body trying to wake me up but it was for not. My souls had already left my shell and I was on my way to the next life.

"Ah ah ah, you're not getting out that easy." 

My eyes widened when an ethereal figure materialised in front of my spectral body. It was that prude goddess Eos again. 

"You do realise I can hear your thoughts right?" 

"Ahahaha, pardon me Mademoiselle. Ah, I can finally talk!" 

"For now yes, you're not escaping your punishment so easily. For your lecherous ways you will continue to live as a cat." 

"Pardon, but this woman will kill me before I can atone for whatever made up crimes you saddle me with." 

"You're right," I smiled, then she continued, "since I can't have you dying so easily. I'm going to be granting you a blessing." 


"You will have the strength of a hundred men, and you will have a total of nine lives since I can not make you immortal." 

"But." I tried to protest. 

"Your task will be to help Amelie fulfill her quest to vanquish the Demon King." 


"What? Have something to complain about?" 

"Non, I only have a small question." 

Eos hummed, "I see, very well… ask." 

"Er, can I just die and go to hell?" 


I sighed, "Fine then, I just have to help her right?" 

"That is correct." 

"Then let me be able to communicate with her." 

"Hmm, that shouldn't be an issue. Very well, granted." 

"Merci." I bowed my head respectfully. 

"So you can learn." The goddess muttered. 


"Never mind you, go back now." 

"Hey wai-

I was thrown back into my body before I could say anything else. I bolted upright, shocking Amelie who was crying. 

"Oh Mister Whiskers! You're alive! I'm sorry!!!" 

"It's okay Amelie." 

"Mister Whiskers? Did you just speak?"