
"Mister Whiskers? Did you just speak?" 

*Sigh* "I have been trying to speak with your for a while now." 


"Mmhmm, I am L-

"Mister Whiskers are you my familiar?!" Amelie exclaimed excitedly completely interrupting the introduction I had made for myself. 

"I- ugh… nyeghhhh."

"Mister Whiskers?" Amelie looked concerned. 

"I am nyaaahhahahhha."

Try as I may I couldn't seem to say no. This was probably the goddesses work. I sighed and nodded my little fuzzy head. 

"Yes," *Sigh* "I am your mighty familiar."

Amelie forgot everything else in that moment, it seemed that she had been wanting for an animal companion for a while. She picked me up and began to spin around her room. 

Seconds later I was quite dizzy and nearly threw up down her tunic. Luckily for her, I had missed and only vomited on her face. Amelie gagged and dropped me, gracefully landing on my feet I followed her to her wash room where she cleaned the puke that had gotten in her hair.


"No, it's my fault Mister Whiskers. I shouldn't have spun you like that." She looked down. 

"What is the matter Amelie?" 

"It- it's just that I just got a familiar and I've been treating you like a simple pet." 

'I did not see it as that big of a deal, so I let her know.' 

"It's okay Amelie, I do not mind being pampered every once in a while." 

I tried to smile but it came out as a grimace. 

Amelie giggled at the apparently funny face I was making, "Mister Whiskers, why are you making that face?" 

"I am trying to smile…" I slumped down in defeat. 

"Pffft, hahaha. That's your smile? Oh heavens, Mister Whiskers that's silly!" 

"I am trying my best okay." I was definitely not pouting. 

"H-hey, I didn't kidnap you from your family as a kitten right?" Amelie looked down in worry. 

"No… I was alone when I met you."

"Oh, I'm sorry Mister Whiskers." 

'She must think that I am the only survivor…' "It is fine Amelie, come on let us go get something to eat."

"Oh right! You must be starving. Familiars need more food than normal animals right?" 

"Ah? Sure?"

Even if I was now a cat, I would not say 'no' to free things. Especially not food, and Amelie was a surprisingly good cook. 

Following Amelie to her tiny kitchen I jumped up onto her counter while she went about preparing a meal for the both of us. I patiently watched her crack eggs into a pan while humming a lullaby that I was somehow familiar with. 

My tail subconsciously waved in the air along to the song Amelie was humming. A content pur escaped my body before I could hold it back. 

'I- I guess this really is not that bad, a quest to defeat evil? Why not? It could be fun.'