
I had no reason to antagonise the Queen. Yet I did so just because she said my name wrong. Petty yes, but I hated it when anyone said my name wrong.

I also saw through the mask she wore around Amelie, the Queen was hiding something from her and I didn't like it. I had a feeling that it would undoubtedly put my new serv- I mean my new master's life in danger. 

'Whew these cat instincts are something else.' 

It had been a few months since the day I got 'blessed' by the goddess. I started noticing that I was behaving more and more like a cat. I attuned this to the fact that I was getting used to *shudders* being a cat.

While I enjoy laying about all day sleeping and eating whenever I want. I could not help but to miss being able to do human things. Truly I just missed having hands that could hold things. 

What I really missed above all was the ability to bathe myself properly. Licking myself clean is about as disgusting as it sounds. The hairballs also were not very pleasant. 

Thankfully Amelie took good care of me. She took being my 'master' seriously and made sure that I was both healthy and safe. 

That goddess had said that I had nine lives, just because I had that many, did not mean that I was just going to go around risking my life for meaningless things. 

Shaking myself from my internal rambling I looked at the target presented to me by the Queen. She had told me she was testing my capabilities and my ability to assist Amelie in her quest. 

I had already passed the mobility tests and shown that I was very quick and agile. More so than a regular cat as I had avoided capture from nearly a dozen guards the Queen had tasked with capturing me. 

Now was the physical portion and the Queen had told me to destroy the target in any way that I saw fit. I raised a fluffy paw and extended my claws. Letting out a sigh, I prayed that no one was behind the wall the dummy was stood up against. 

In a flash my paw hit the dummy.  *Pap* The world froze for a millisecond. 


The dummy collided with the wall as it flew back. The wall, began to crumble before finally coming down revealing the bath house on the other side. Women screamed and ran away from the crumbling wall. 

I turned to Amelie and the Queen. Amelie was laughing nervously while slowly inching away. The Queen was gaping at the damage I had done. 

"Will that be enough?" I mentally asked the Queen. 


"I am a familiar, obviously I have special powers." 

I made that up, I did not know if familiars actually had abilities or if there were even any other familiars in this world. 

"Yes, that will conclude the tests. You are quite a powerful familiar" The Queen finally answered my first question after composing herself. 

"Merci Dame you honour me with your words." I replied with a small bow, clearly shocking Henrietta. 

"So Mister Whiskers passed?" Amelie bounced with excitement. "Does this mean I can do the thing?" 

'Thing? What thing?' I thought to myself. 

"Yes Amelie, you will be able to bond with him fully." 

'Eh? Bond? *Sigh* I hope it is not anything strange.'