La Princesse

I spoke too soon. 

The bond was a ritual of sorts that bound master and familiar together with magic. Amelie would always know where I was and the same for the other way around. 

An unexpected but welcome surprise was that we had inherited certain traits from each other. Amelie gained a tail and ears that were similar to mine and I gained the best thing in the world… opposable thumbs, and they were proportionate to my new feline body. 

Sure I was still not the lion I imagined myself to be, but now I could pick things up without having to pull any strange maneuvers. 

Amelie also seemed to enjoy her new feline traits. Her agility, flexibility, and her five main senses had all gotten boosts. She had been over the moon when we had first completed the bonding ritual. 

I was genuinely happy for her, I had heard many snippets of her story from the townsfolk, enough to paint a picture of her past. She deserved happiness in her life, not just constant training to become a warrior. 

"Amelie, someone is at the door." I mentally told her.

"Coming!" She called out as the person knocked on her door again. 

I stretched a bit before jumping off the shelf I was laying on and followed Amelie to the door. There I stood next to her as she spoke with the messenger that had come to hand her a letter from Henrietta. 

Amelie thanked the messenger and closed the door. She opened the letter and read it out loud so that I could also know what Henrietta had written. 

"Mister Whiskers! They're sending us on a mission!" Amelie jumped up and down happily. 

"We are just picking up and escorting Henrietta's daughter as she returns from visiting her uncle."

"I know, but we finally get to go outside the city walls, aren't you excited?" 

"A little, I am worried is all." 


"First missions usually go terribly." 'At least in my experience.' I silently thought. 

"It won't be that bad, come on what's the worst that could happen." 

"And you just jinxed us." I sighed and shook my head. 

"Eh? We'll be fine, you're really strong Mister Whiskers. I know you'll protect me like I'll protect you." She smiled brightly. 

"Alright, let us go prepare then." 

Amelie nodded and ran off nearly bumping into a wall with how excited she was. 


Amelie and I had finally reached the manor belonging to Henrietta's brother. It was currently in flames and several bandits could be seen running off into the woods with valuables stuffed in sacks. 

One of the bandits was carrying Henrietta's daughter over his shoulder as he ran to catch up with his compatriots. 

"Told you so." I glanced at Amelie who looked away abashedly. "*Sigh* Let's just go save the Princess." 

"Right!" Amelie drew her sword and ran after the bandits. 

 I held on tightly to her shoulder as she sped through the woods. She weaved through the trees effortlessly and caught up to the bandits. The one carrying the princess spotted her and shouted out to the others. 

I jumped from Amelie's shoulder and latched onto the bandits face with my claws. The man screamed as I turned his cheeks into a scratching post. 

He released the princess who retreated behind Amelie who had already defeated her opponents. I decided to end my fight as well as the man could not catch me while I clawed at him all over. 

With a solid but underpowered *PAP* from my paw, I sent the bandit I was clinging to through a tree and into the world of dreams. Amelie checked on the princess while I stood guard. There were still one or two bandits walking around in the woods. 

"Is she okay?" I asked Amelie. 

"Yeah, she's just shaken up." 

"Good, let's get her back to Arlac then."

The princess looked at Amelie then at me, a smile appeared on the princesses face, one that I was all too familiar with. 

"CUTEEEEE!" The Princess squealed as she pushed past Amelie so she could pick me up. 

She held me in a bone crushing hug and I silently thanked the goddess who had blessed me with strength. I'd have been crushed otherwise.