Character and Settings List: Spoilers

For Posteririty, Will be deleted once the book is finished/completed. [Will Contain Spoilers read at your own risk]

Louis Alarie Bernard: (ML) French gentleman spy, reincarnated as a tabby cat in a fantasy world. Currently bonded to Amelie.

Amelie Arceneaux: (FL) Heroine in training, secretly related to the Queen of Arlac. Currently bonded to Louis who became her familiar.

Henrietta Élise Legrand de Arlac: (SC) Former Heroine of the world, acting queen of Arlac. Amelie's aunt and mother to Charlène, married to Adrien, the royal wizard.

Adrien Legrand: (SC) Royal Wizard, married to Henrietta, father to Charlène. Currently focusing 99% of his power and energy into shielding Arlac from demons.

Charlène Henrietta Legrand: Crown Princess of Arlac, clutzy and a bit airheaded but has a kind heart. Becomes close friends with Amelie and adopts her as an unofficial sister after learning of their relation.

Remy Legrand: Henrietta and Céline's younger brother. Current status is unknown after his manor is attacked by bandits.

Dideir Arceneaux: Amelie's older half brother, traitor to humanity. Possessed by Ulralan, making him the Demon Kings host. Felt betrayed that his father married Amelie's mother after his mother had died. He saw it as a betrayal on their marriage. Amelie doesn't remember him due to the trauma of watching her parents die at his hands. Dideir redeems himself in the end by letting Amelie erase him.

Fleur Arceneaux nee DuPont: Dideir's mother, she constantly appears to him as a specter to try and bring him back to the light. She was killed by bandits while Dider's father was out on a hunting trip, first wife of Alexandre Arceneaux.

Céline Arceneaux nee Legrand: Amelie's mother and Dideir's stepmother. She is Henrietta's younger twin sister and second wife of Alexandre Arceneaux.

Alexandre Arceneaux: Father to both Amelie and Dideir, former general of Arlac. Killed while protecting Céline from demons that Dideir summoned to their house. Takes after him with her reddish orange hair and deceptive strength.

Ulralan: The Demon King and son of the previous Demon King, hates humanity and all its allies. Wishes ti turn the world into a mirror image of the demons home world.


Arlac: One of the last cities still standing after the second demonic invasion. Henrietta is the current acting Queen for the last ten years.

Greenwood: Forest near Arlac, contains the beast man willage of Skystead, an allied village with Arlac.

Hero's Tower: A tower in the center of Arlac where Alexandre stays to maintain the barrier around Arlac. Built on top of an ancient hero's tomb.

Hudrad Plains: An area of grasslands that has been taken over by the demon horde. A large castle has been built there by the demons as a base. Home territory of Ulralan and his commanders.

More TBA