Cosmic energy: Qi

The all father allowed Qi into the earth instead of other forms of cosmic energy. Cosmic energy is the energy of the universe and it can take on different forms, each for with its advantages and disadvantages.

One of such forms is chakra, which is a little more easy than Qi. You see chakra grants physical strength and allows direct control of different elements of nature, while Qi grants you physical strength firstly, and only allows you awaken the elements as you reach it's second stage.

Chakra also grants the user the ability to use different techniques directly, and the technique doesn't have to be physical, it can be mental and also affect your soul, but that is where it draws the line. Although it can be trained to reach certain other levels and has different forms too like sage chakra and God chakra, which are more powerful versions of Chakra, it is a very direct energy.

Qi on the other hand is a bit simpler. Its first stage grants enhanced durability, endurance, strength and speed. It also increases your physical senses.

As you train harder, you are then able to coat your armor and weapon with Qi making it stronger and more durable.

As you gain more knowledge and experience, you will be able to create techniques, this means you will be able to implement Qi in a form of martial art and using it to enhance your attacks, or even create new devastating attacks. An example is the hand of judgement that was used by Darius king. It is a technique that uses Qi to attack by concentration making it tangible.

This takes a lot of practice and dedication, so only easier techniques are taught to mechanised soldiers. Mech soldiers, even though they don't learn Qi techniques, they also have to train their physical strength as they rise through the ranks of not they'll remain low rank soldiers. So they use Qi to improve their physical attributes so as to not be highly outclassed by Qi soldiers.

It is Qi soldiers that dedicate their lives to learning Qi, some even fail at it. But the amount of people who chose to be masters of Qi did not dwindle, instead it increased because Qi is not just some super power given by the gods. It is a way of life, and to some it is life itself.

In new earth there are those who have dedicated their lives to the way of Qi. Some have created special techniques and passed it down to their descendants. Others passed their findings to the world.

It might cross your mind that, since everyone has Qi, doesn't that mean everyone is strong? That is like saying everyone who holds a gun knows how to use it. Even though you own a gun, you still need to learn how to aim and balance it.

Same law applies to Qi.

Just like how almost anyone can legally learn how to use a firearm, not everyone is willing to, that is just basic human nature. Humans are lazy.

Of all the abilities the alfather could give to the people of earth, he chose Qi. Some other beings might think,.. isn't that a weak aspect of cosmic energy? But you'd be surprised hlat how resourceful humans are. How they can make so much with so little.

It is why the all father cares for them so much, their minds are always at work even the weakest of them is strong in his or her own way.

Buddha was sent by the alfather to guide the humans in this era. Even though many gods came, Buddha was the one to have the most influence in human culture in the new first five thousand years of new earth. He guided them and showed them the way to live.

At a certain point, he selected few people and guided them personally on Qi making them the most powerful humans on the planet, their roles were to further improve the genetics of human kind causing humans to evolve even further.

There were seven of them, four men and three women. They all had families and their families had families. They became the seven greatest clans on new earth, and even until this day their family tree extends far and wide. These seven families at some point fought against each other but the gods intervened before their fight would blow out of proportion.

These families grew and filled the entire earth and certain branches broke off from them and took new names, entirely changing their heritage. This gave rise to hundreds of different families with different strengths who controlled different regions and parts of new earth. This caused a divide in rulership. And although the main 7 families still exist and they rule the seven continents of new Earth, there are places outside of the 7 continents that are under the rulership of certain other powerful families who were previously part of the original 7.

The City which Thanos and the rest of the rookie Qi soldiers are headed to is ruled by one of such families.

Flaming Bull City. Ruled by the Obarisiagbon clan. The City is named after it's native beast, the flaming bull. A mutated beast, the cause of Qi flowing into earth. The bull has a mane of fire and it breathes fire. When the head of the Obarisiagbon came to the city hundreds of years ago, he defeated a herd of these flaming bulls in combat and then named the land he founded after them.

Since then the Obarisiagbon family has supported the African military the way they can. They even let the military open a base of operations in the city, and offered send some of the family's elders to train young soldiers in the way of Qi.


Thanos used the night to pack up and get ready for his trip the next day he was excited. He has called his parents and wished them goodbye before he left with a new captain.