Chapter Fifty Three – Four Twins

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Fifty Three – Four Twins




Harry arrived early to his first Seventh Year Charms class on the Monday morning and sat perched on a stack of books in the front corner of the classroom.

As the Seventh Years NEWT class filed in, they saw him and started to talk among themselves, wondering why he was there.

Professor Flitwick chivvied them into their seats and to quiet before mounting his stack of books at his lectern. "As you are all aware, by now," he began, "a very dangerous convict has escaped Azkaban, and is believed - by the Minister - to be on his way to Hogwarts.

"We, the staff, very much doubt he is. However, the Minister has decided to send dementors to guard Hogwarts. They are currently surrounding the school, outside the boundaries, and at each entrance to the grounds.

"With the support of the DMLE, and the permission of the Deputy Headmistress, it has been decided the older students, at least, should be taught a special charm. Can anyone guess what it is?"

The Professor then led the class through the basics of the Charm and how it was one of the very few Charms known to drive away dementors.

"Now, you will all have, no doubt, noticed Mister Potter has joined us. The reason he is here is because, besides being the youngest person to have ever successfully cast the Patronus Charm..." Harry looked at him in shock. He didn't know that. "... he has also successfully taught this charm to people who had, until then, not been able to cast it.

"For this class, please accord him the same respect you pay me, as he will be the Adjunct Professor who will teach you this charm. I suggest you pay close attention, as it is quite possible this charm will save your life." Turning to Harry, he gestured to the class and said, "Mister Potter..."

Harry rose and said, "Some of you have only seen me cast my patronus once. Some of you may have also seen my patronus as I've sent it galloping through the corridors of the school. But, to ensure you all know I can do it at will..." he popped his wand into his hand, drew in a bit of magic, thought his happy and loving thought, and, "... Expecto Patronum!"

Prongs flew out his wand, trotted a few paces forward, stopped and looked around, and trotted back. Harry held it there while he turned back to the class. Some of the students gasped and chatted a little excitedly to their seat mates.

"As you can see, my patronus takes the form of a stag - my father's animagus form," he said. "Each person's patronus form is unique to them. It is always of an animal and, in one case I know of, a magical animal.

"The components of this charm - and you'd best consider writing this down as it may be in your NEWT exam - are: - intent, as always - the incantation of expecto patronum - no discernable wand movement, other than point - a happy memory that includes the emotion of love - and, as always, a push with your magic.

"Now, unlike most other charms, we are going to focus almost this entire lesson on the emotional component. Once you have that, the rest is relatively easy.

Oliver Wood raised his hand.

"Yes, Mister Wood?" asked Harry.

"If this charm is so relatively easy, as you put it, why can't everyone do it?" he asked.

"A very logical question, Mister Wood," replied Harry with a smile.

"Five points, Mister Wood," said Professor Flitwick.

"The reason, is because most people do not understand what is meant by a happy memory," answered Harry. "How many OWLs did you receive Mister Wood?"

"Seven," he replied a little sheepishly.

"Alright," Harry smiled. "Were you happy with that?"

"It was alright," he replied.

Nodding, Harry asked, "And how would you have felt if you received - say - eleven?"

"Ecstatic!" the boy firmly said.

"Good," said Harry. "However, that feeling would not have been enough to power a Patronus Charm to a fully corporeal patronus. And that's because, while you would have been ecstatic with such a result, there would have been no love involved.

"So, here are some examples of happy, and loving, thoughts you may want to consider to power your own patronus," said Harry. "And, by all means, write them down.

"Being held in the loving arms of your father, or mother - the love you feel being a big brother or sister to your little brother or sister, and having them think you're their hero - the love you feel for your boyfriend or girlfriend - the love you have for your favourite grandparent - the feel and love of family you had at Christmas, while you were sharing around gifts - or something along those lines."

Harry gave them a while to write it down.

Continuing, he said, "Now, while you're sitting there, I want you to focus on those subjects - or a similar one - and remember it as best as you can. Think about all of it - remember all of it - and focus on the feeling of love you felt at that time. Let it fill you up.

He gave them a chance to think about that.

Sitting off to one side he saw a Hufflepuff student almost flushing with her eyes closed. She almost seemed to glow.

'Perfect,' thought Harry.

When she opened her eyes he said to her, "Miss Higgs? Would you mind coming down here out front, please?"

A little shocked at being addressed directly, the girl then blushed and came around to stand out front. Harry then stood her facing parallel to the desks and back out towards the door.

"Excellent," said Harry. "Now, Miss Higgs; it was very easy for me to see you had found your memory. You were practically radiating love. So, I want you to draw your wand and stand loosely with it in your hand..." she drew it out of her sleeve and held it down to the side. "...Excellent."

"Now the incantation is Expecto Patronum," he said. "Bring that feeling of love back to the forefront of your mind. Focus on it. Let it fill you again. Revel in it."

He watched her for a few moments; and, as she started to flush a little again, he softly said, "Cast now."

She effortlessly raised her wand and softly called, "Expecto Patronum." A tiger shot out of her wand and stood there for a moment before it faded away. She'd lost focus.

"Wow!" she loudly whispered.

Professor Flitwick laughed out loud and clapped his hands in glee. "Very, very, well done, Miss Higgs! Twenty points to Hufflepuff!"

"Your patronus is very powerful, Miss Higgs," said Harry, grinning his head off. "The apex predator of Asia - the Asian tiger."

"Wow!" she said a little louder.

"Please, take your seat," said Harry gesturing to her stool. "And please practice it in your own time. Though, if we have time, I'll ask you to cast it again before the class ends.

As she, almost in a trance, went back to her place, Harry said, "So, as you can see, you can do this. It just takes the right memory. And no one needs to know what it is except you.

"Next volunteer, please?" he asked, looking around expectantly.

Harry worked through almost all the students before the time ran out.

"With the professor's permission, I'll return next week to assist the others of you. However, this does not stop you from practicing the charm on your own time," he looked to the Professor who was grinning back and nodding his head. "Excellent. I shall see you all again next week."

Over the next couple of weeks, Harry was able to work through all the Sixth and Seventh Years. About seventy percent of them were able to cast at least a misty shield. About fifty-five percent were able to cast at least an 'alright' corporeal patronus. A few had near perfect patronuses that looked almost solid.

He was disappointed the numbers appeared so low. However, both Professors were incredibly happy with his results; and told him so. Their most optimistic targets were only half what he actually accomplished.




During Harry's stint as an 'Adjunct' Professor. Neville suggested it was the best time to implement their prank on the twins and the school. So, on the Friday as they left Charms together, they grabbed their already prepared Polyjuice Potions and met with Susan and Hannah not far from the History of Magic class. They'd found out the Fifth Year Gryffindors had that class this period and would be coming out soon.

Neville and Harry chugged their potions back and, as they were changing, the two 'Puffs transfigured their robes and other clothing to match the Fifth Year Gryffindors they were mimicking.

The girls checked out their handiwork and, happy with the results, left them to it. Laughing all the way down to the Great Hall.

To not give away who was Polyjuiced, the Group - minus two - sat at the Hufflepuff table.

Both boys joined in with the group of Fifth Year Gryff's and just started chatting with whomever.

Lee Jordan came hurrying up from behind and said, "Sorry I'm late, mates. Professor McGonagall wanted to make sure I was prepared for next week's game. And remind me, again, I'm not to abuse the Snakes."

Neville said, "It's sweet, Lee, my man..."

Harry said, "... but you're still going to, right?"

Lee grinned and said, "Of course."

The real twins heard Lee and, stopping to wait for him, turned around.

Harry and Neville saw the twins had turned from talking to Angela Johnson and Alicia Spinnet.

"Ahhh!" exclaimed Harry, straight away, before the real twins saw them.

"Doppelgängers!" exclaimed Neville.

The twins looked back in shock. So did everyone else for that matter.

"Ladies, those aren't us!" said Harry.

"They're frauds!" cried Neville.

"Mimics!" cried Harry.

"Imposters!" cried Neville.

"Fakes!" cried Harry.

"Besides, we're much better looking..." said Neville.

"...than those two!" declared Harry.

"They're probably snakes..." accused Neville.

"... come to learn..." accused Harry.

"... our Quidditch strategies!" they accused together.

Everyone just looked between the two sets of twins, utterly confused while Harry and Neville glared at the twins.

The twins, however, looked at each other and grinned.

"Well, brother of mine," said Fred.

"It appears the jig is up!" said George.

"Right, then..." said Neville.

"... it's off to Professor McGonagall..." said Harry.

"... with you two!" said both.

Grabbing one each, the two boys quickly hustled them away. As soon as they were around a corner, one of the real twins said, "This way!"

And all four took off down a corridor.

They were shown into yet another secret passage where the real twins stopped and turned to Harry and Neville.

"Harrikins!" said one.

"... and, Neville," said the other.

"We presume," they said together.

Harry and Neville grinned at each other. Neville asked, "You like?"

"Brilliant!" said one.

"Absolutely!" said the other.

"Ready to prank the entire school together?" asked Harry.

"Lunch?" grinned Fred - or George.

"Lunch!" said the other three, together.

That had them all laughing.

The secret passage led down to the ground floor and they entered back into the castle proper not far from the Entrance Hall. "I wish we'd known of that one in First Year," said Neville.

"Yeah, it would make getting back to both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw that much easier," said Harry.

Before walking into the Entrance Hall, Harry and Neville topped up their Polyjuicing and mixed themselves up with the real twins.

One of them even adjusted Harry's tie and said, "We're never that neat and tidy."

By then, lunch was in full swing and the four walked in two-by-two chatting to whoever was really next to them.

The twins liked to sit with their backs to the wall. So the four immediately moved across to the wall and headed in single file up behind the Seventh Years on their way to where the Fifth Years normally sat.

It took the Hall a little while to notice. But, just as they reached their normal places to sit, the whole Hall was staring at them in shock.

"What?" said - someone.

"They think I'm getting better looking each day."

"I'm the one that's getting better looking!"

"Not you. Me!"

"Oh, shoosh. You know I'm the better looking one."

"Misters Weasley!" shrilled Professor McGonagall from the head table.

"Yes, Professor?" all four called back, trying to look innocent.

Professor McGonagall put both elbows on the table and just dropped her head into her hands.

"Whatever it was, Professor..."

"... we didn't do it!"

And, in a four way chorus, "Honest!"

All four, surprised, looked at each other and grinned while many in the Hall burst into laughter.

Professor Flitwick was trying to console Professor McGonagall but was laughing too much to do the best job of it.

Remus - Professor Lupin - was laughing his head off and banging his hand on the table.




"I can't believe we got a week's detention," muttered Neville.

"Hey, don't blame me," said Harry. "It was the twins that bollixed it up."

"Oi!" they heard in stereo.

Turning to look back at them, Harry said, "You just had to see if you could annoy Snape, didn't you. It was a perfect, unpunishable prank until then."

"What do you mean..."

"... unpunishable?"

"Just that," said Neville. "There's nothing illegal or against the rules of Hogwarts about using Polyjuice unless you attempt to use the potion to cheat on exams."

"And we weren't doing that," said Harry. "Therefore, we couldn't be punished for it."

"We didn't know that," said one.

The four were currently in the Potions 'lab' scrubbing cauldron after cauldron. Who knew you could actually go through so many?

"Nooo - You just decided to use the fact we were impersonating you to prank Snape in plain sight," grouched Neville. "He then nabbed us for the same crime as accomplices. And an accomplice gets the same punishment as the instigator."

They scrubbed for a little while longer before one of the twins asked, "So, this Polyjuice Potion your girls brewed..."




The 31st of October was the first Hogsmeade visit for the year. As they were now Third Years, except for Luna, it's was the first Hogsmeade visit for the group. And the group generally wanted to make a day of it.

It was Daphne that looked sympathetically at Harry and told the others that she and Harry wouldn't be joining them. "I want Harry to join me for a quiet time of discussion as we go for a walk. We'll also visit some of the shops, but it should just be Harry and me for this day."

"Oh?" asked Hermione before it dawned on her. She blushed and said, "Oh! Sorry! I forgot. I'm not a very good friend."

Harry reached out and took her hand in his own. "You're a wonderful friend, Hermione," he said kindly. "I don't expect everyone to remember every special date just because I can. All of you already have to remember over a dozen birthdays, plus the holidays, plus other important events. It's okay."

While all of them shared a couple carriages to take them in to Hogsmeade, they split off once they disembarked in the village. Harry and Daphne strolled arm in arm through the village setting within their mind where everything could be found before they actually began their shopping.

"Where to first, my love?" asked Harry.

"Well, I promised Luna I'd pick her up some more parchment, ink and quills to replace that which was either damaged or stolen from her. And I need more, as well," she replied.

"Sounds good. That would be Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop at the other end of High Street," replied Harry. "Let's go."

After picking up the required stationery needs for Luna, Daphne also picked up extra parchment and, when Harry said he need some too, she picked up more for him. Added were more quills and a little more ink. Neither realised, before the year started, just how much stationery they'd be going through this year.

On exiting, Harry looked to Daphne and asked, "Next?"

"Next door," she replied.

"Errm - that's Gladrags Wizardwear," said Harry, a little warily.

"I know," said Daphne. "I haven't had a chance to visit the store in ages, so I want to go in to see what they're stocking."

Harry sighed and said, "Anything for you, my love. You know that. But, please, don't make me into a dress-up doll. Not with all the students running about today."

Daphne smiled back and said, "Okay, no making you dress up in fine clothes just so I can see you in nice clothes. I promise."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief as they mounted the front porch of the store and entered.

Though Daphne didn't make him dress up in nice clothes, as soon as she started working through the women's underwear section, Harry made a little squeak noise and took off for the men's section.

There, he found some nice shirt and trouser combinations and decided to try them on, himself. Inside the change room he quickly changed before stepping out intent on calling Daphne over to take a look.

There was no need, though, as she was standing there waiting for him with a smirk on her face.

He was surprised to see her before he frowned and said, "Please, don't tell me you went through the - unmentionables just to get me to do this."

She grinned back and said, "No. But, thank you for the future idea."

With a pained expression he just sighed.

She lightly laughed and said, "Turn around and let me have a good look."

Obediently, he turned slowly around with his arms held slightly away from his sides

"Your taste is improving," she said. "But, it's not there yet. What else have you got to try on?"

Harry muttered something about finicky women and returned to the change booth. He stepped out a minute later wearing another combination.

Daphne looked up and down his form for a moment before she slowly twirled her finger point down. He'd already learned that particular signal.

He slowly pivoted on the spot the full three-sixty before stopping with an eyebrow cocked.

She nodded a little and asked, "What else?"

With a sigh he replied, "I've only got one more combination to try." And returned to the booth.

A minute later he was stepping back out. The first thing he saw was more men's clothes draped over her arm. "Da-aph," he whined. "You promised!

"Shoosh, you," she said looking him over before making the finger-twirl motion again. "I only promised not to make you dress up so I could see you dressed up. You're buying some of these."

After he spun the three-sixty he saw her standing there with her hip cocked and lightly rubbing her chin. Harry called it 'Daphne's Fashion Deliberation Pose'. He only saw her doing it when she was looking at clothing, shoes, other accoutrements, linen, place settings, or similar; or him in new clothes.

She suddenly stepped forward and handed him a pair of trousers. "Try these with the second shirt," she said before offering him a shirt. "And then this with the first pair of trousers. Set what you're currently wearing aside. I like it."

Harry sighed and returned to the booth, stepping out a minute later in one of her combinations.

A slow twirl and she nodded, "Set that aside, too. Now the other one."

In and out again. Twirl.

Frowning, she shook her head and said, "No. Grab the two outfits I had you set aside. You're buying them."

Knowing complaining would do him no good, Harry just shot her a pained expression before returning to the booth. Stepping back out in the 'civilian' garb he wore from the castle he handed Daphne what wasn't selected and went to the counter with the two shirts and two pairs of trousers that were.

Walking past, she said, "Leave those there, for now. I want your opinion on some things I'm thinking of buying."

Glancing at the sales clerk with another pained expression - which had the clerk grinning back - he dutifully followed Daphne over to the women's side of the store.

When Daphne turned to make sure he was following, she said, "Don't pull that face at me. You went and tried on clothes on your own volition. Now, you're going to help me with mine."

The sales clerk began to fold the clothing harry had laid on the counter before her, ready for processing when she heard, "Gahh! Daphne!"

"It's called underwear, Harry."

"It's all - all - frilly and stuff!"

"Girl's wear frilly stuff, Harry. Now, what do you think?"

"I'm not wearing it! How would I know?"

"Well, think about me wearing it."

"Gahh - Uurkk! - Geeehh!"

"What's wrong with you? - Now, would you prefer me in this - or this?"


"Hey!" *finger snapping sounds* "Snap out of it!"

"Daaa - Phnee!"

"We're betrothed, Harry. You're allowed to think of me that way. Now, come on! Which should I get?"

"Naaa - Errr..."

"Both, then."

A few moments later and Daphne came back out leading a clearly stunned Harry by the hand. She tossed two pairs of rather delicate bra and knickers sets on the counter and said, "Add these, too, please."

Not trusting herself to say anything, the sales clerk prepped the underwear for packing and processed the lot.

When she gave the price, Daphne looked at a still stunned Harry before she rolled her eyes and lifted his right hand. "By ring, please," she said.

The sales clerk took the imprint off the ring to bill the vaults directly, and handed the bag to Daphne.

Daphne spun Harry around and, hooking her hand in his elbow, hustled him out of the shop.

As soon as the door closed, the sales clerk burst out laughing.




After a long day at Hogsmeade the Seven returned to the castle. Harry was acting a bit maudlin but Daphne was able to snap him out of it when she said, "I'll not be going to the feast tonight, either. You and I are going to have a lovely evening in the Come and Go Room. You are to wear the first outfit I had you purchase, today. Throw a light cloak on over it and pick me up at the bottom of the secret passage in the dungeons just after everyone else is seated for the feast."

Harry happily nodded.

As instructed, he was waiting for Daphne at the appointed time. She approached wearing a lovely blouse and skirt combination with a light jacket and cloak on over the top.

Harry wrapped her in his arms and said, "I like this outfit on you. It's quite - 'businessy' yet still casual enough for a night out."

"That's the look I was going for," she replied with a smile. Stepping apart, she glanced around before reaching up and twisting the wall sconce. As the passage entrance opened, she said, "Come on." And led him inside.

As they approached the Room, Harry could see there was already a door in place. He looked to Daphne with a quizzical look but she only smirked in response. Reaching the door he opened it and stepped aside for her before following her in and closing the door.

Before he even had a chance to look around she cast the Door Sealing Charm on the door, followed by a Wizarding Notice-Me-Not. Harry was surprised. They'd never gone to that length before.

Turning around, he saw what she had done. He was gobsmacked.

Like he had done for her the first two years on Valentine's Day, she'd set up a single table for a restaurant meal. However, instead of it being on a balcony looking towards the Eiffel Tower for Valentine's Day in First Year, and on a patio under a gazebo looking across a Pacific Island beach in Second Year, Daphne had selected a rooftop penthouse apartment looking across the New York skyline.

They'd entered as if through the main doors of the apartment and then passed through a floor to ceiling set of glass sliding doors onto the patio. Harry could even just faintly hear the sounds of traffic many floors below.

Waiting for them was a Greengrass house elf.

"I know we're in the Come and Go Room," said Harry. "But what is this place?"

"This is the New York Greengrass property. A penthouse on one of the many skyscraper apartment buildings here - there," said Daphne. "This is the place we come if we want to catch a stage play on Broadway, or go shopping in Fourth Avenue - the magical fashion shopping district - or visit the MaNY district - the Magical area of New York district."

As she was talking, Harry guided Daphne to a seat at the table.

"Shopping in New York is amazing; and Mother tries to come here at least once a year," said Daphne, getting comfortable in her chair. "They have the best fashions in the colonies here. And, I know she brought Astoria here in June for a week, a couple weeks before the end of the school year."

The little house elf waited until they were comfortable before he placed a bottle of alcohol free red wine on the table next to Harry's hand. He didn't even look at it before pulling the cork and filling Daphne's and his own glass as he was paying most of his attention to Daphne telling him about New York.

"And what made you think of choosing this as a locale for this evening?" he asked.

"I wanted to show you one of the properties the Greengrasses own and hope you will consider it as part of the itinerary for our honeymoon," she calmly said. "I intend to show you around the apartment after dinner."

"What a clever idea," mused Harry. "We can do this for all the properties."

Daphne smiled, "My thoughts, exactly."


