A maid

"This way" Alfred went a certain way as I followed him.

As we moved along I saw 3 children in the courtyard.

2 of them are boys with black hair sparring using wooden swords while the other is a girl with golden hair and blue eyes reading a book while sitting against a tree.

"Those are the young masters and lady of this mansion, remember to treat them with the utmost respect and watch over your mouth when they are present" Alfred noticing my gaze explained.


After walking a little longer we arrived at the edge of the mansion where many maids were coming and going out of their rooms, and we stopped in front of one of the doors.

"Enter here, this will be your room, we will order a seamster to create an outfit for you, in the meantime get acquainted with your fellow employees and be ready to serve at any time" After saying so, Alfred left.

After he disappeared I turned to the door and opened it to see an empty room with a bed, a wardrobe, and a chair and table.

Opening the wardrobe, dust spewed out and I coughed as fanned the dust away with my hand.


What did I expect, closing the wardrobe I lay on the bed finally after a long day.

"Ahh, bliss" I unconsciously sighed, maybe because it had been several days of not having a proper bed as the closest 'bed' I've ever slept in is a wooden board on a barely surviving shack.

Moreover, I've finally gained a room away from that bastard of a father, it was very hard to hold back the thoughts of killing him, though he was mostly drunk and abusive, he repelled the evildoers that wanted my body or the real state of the shack.

"Hey beggar why are you here" Several maids entered my room, clearly looking for trouble.

'Sigh, why do these people exist' Rising from my bed I lazily looked at them with the expression 'What do you want'

The 3 maid's faces were distorted by my lackluster reaction.

"Is that how you greet your superiors? insolent brat!" One of them screamed and pointed at me.

Sighing and looking outside of the room, the other spectators looked relieved for some reason, and some were expecting this situation to happen.

'Most likely a frequent occurrence'

Scratching my chin of how to get rid of these nuisances they were offended by how they were just ignored by me.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Yes yes, if you enter a person's room, you are likely to address the occupant of the room no? I thought this is the basic manner, or do you lack them?"

Their faces contort to more anger.

"How did a beggar like you come into here, you're clearly plotting to steal!"

"But you saw how I came in with sir Alfred no? Are you blind? or have short-term memory loss, either way, you should get them checked out" I provoked them further.

Stifled laughs came from outside and the 3 maids, their faces were red as tomatoes, and fumes were coming out of their ears.

Judging by the crowd's reaction im more than sure that they didn't have any sides and were just observers which gave me more confidence.

Rising out of my bed, I walked to the door and closed it before turning to the 3 confused maids.

Trying to make a sinister smile I pulled my dagger from my back pouch and showed them.

"Now.. do you see what I have in my hand, I wonder how will you scream, ah the thoughts of it make it exciting don't you think?"

Their faces contorted into fear and they fell to the ground and shivering.

"P-Please, don't do anything rash" One begged.

"Now now, shhh" I placed my finger on their mouth scaring them further.

[Rolling intimidation {10} 10+2 = 12, success]

"In the slum, there are so many bastards there I had to adapt, and I'm not afraid to use those skills on you" I gently put the tip of the blade under their chin.

"One... Two" Counting slowly they closed their eyes in fear.


"Ahhhh!!" Hearing one of them scream they instinctively screamed along but none of them felt anything and looked around.

"Hahaha, c'mon girls, don't take jokes seriously, I'll be working here, and creating a mess on the first day would get me kicked out" The atmosphere turned friendly again but they were still scared.

"Hup hup, up we go" Pulling one of them the 2 remaining followed along.

"Go along now, I'm sure you have stuff to do, the Earl would be very disappointed if 3 maids went missing"

As they walked to the door I grabbed one of them by the wrist with a dead expression, pressing my knife against her neck I looked her dead in the eyes and whispered.

"Don't try to do anything of these shits again, I'm sure you know the consequences"

She fearfully nodded and quickly left.

The outside observers were left with their imaginations as to how it went down after the door closed and hearing their screams their imaginations wilder but seeing the 3 girls are fine, they quickly scattered without knowing a solid answer to what just happened inside.

"Sigh, I want to sleep" Scratching my hair I looked at the bed calling my body and I did nothing to stop myself.


In the morning, a knock on the door woke me up.

"Child, are you awake?" Alfred's voice came from beyond the door.

"Yes, I'll be right there sir" Opening the door, I saw Alfred with a small French maid dress in his hand.

"Wash yourself and dress up, you will be serving the young masters from now on"


As he was about to leave Alfred seemed to remember something and asked.

"You haven't introduced your name yet"

Right, I forgot what name this child has, glancing at my character sheet I read the name out loud.


"Red? A peculiar name"