
Dont do witch craft people.


Yami hears something. What is it? Where is she? Yami quickly wakes up only to find out she's in the hospital. "WHAT! I'M IN THE HOSPITAL!!?"

The doctor runs into the room as fast as he can and says "You're awake!" Yami looks at the doctor and says "Why are you excited? I don't know you." The doctor says "Well of course not. I don't know you either but you don't have to make it sound like I'm a complete stranger, after all, I am YOUR doctor."

Yami, who is annoyed, says "I don't know you at all, you might Know me but I don't know you. Therefore, YOU ARE A COMPLETE STRANGER! NOW... TELL ME WHY THE HELL I'M IN HERE!?" The doctor, surprised by yami's outburst, says "Keep it down! I'll tell you if you shut the hell up!" Yami looks at him and says "Who the hell do you think you are?And who gave you permission to say that to me? Now tell me why I'm here or I'm just gonna jump out that damn window and if I die it'll be your fault."

The doctor, who's already mad at her because she was screaming like she was being burnt Alive, says "Fine! The reason your here is because you got injured, Now are you satisfied!?" Yami smirks and says "You think I'm joking? I WOULD LITERALLY JUMP OUT OF THAT FREAKING WINDOW! THINK IM JOKING!? WELL THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM! DO I LOOK OR SOUND SATISFIED TO YOU!"

The doctor walks up to Yami, gets very close to her face, and says "I don't get paid enough to deal with people like you. I'm tired and you're annoying me. So if you wanna jump out of a window like the crazy person you are then go right ahead! I'll be your one and only viewer!"

Yami rolls her eyes and holds her nose then she says "Please back the hell up because your breath smells so bad that i can't even describe it. Also if you're going to watch someone your supposed to keep an eye on jump out of a window then you deserve to be fired! But, I'll do it because I don't wanna be in the same room as someone that doesn't brush their teeth" With that, Yami gets up, stretches, walks to the window, and jumps out, leaving the doctor shocked. He didn't think she'd actually do it. He runs to the window and watches as Yami falls.

That's when Yami realized she screwed up big time. She was falling from the fifth floor! Yami, who is terrified, yells "IF ANYONE HEARS ME JUST KNOW THAT MY DOCTOR PRACTICALLY THREW ME OUT OF THAT WINDOW!"

As soon as Yami was about to hit the ground she feels pressure against her stomach. Yami rolls across the ground and when she stops, she looks up, and sees someone walking towards her. That's when Yami says "Who are you? And why the hell did you just kick me in my damn stomach! And also... Why are you so fine?"

The guy smirks and says "Never would've thought I'd run into someone trying to commit suicide... Anyways nice to eat you. My name is Archer!" Yami looks a him for a moment, confused, and says "Wait... Did you say nice to meet you or nice to eat you? Because I swear on my life I heard you say nice to eat you. And also, I didn't try to commit suicide! That doctor practically threw me out, didn't you hear me? Also, I thought I was at least on the first or second floor but now my stomach hurts thanks to y-"

That's when Yami noticed his eyes.... They were red and his pupils was just like a wild cat's. That's when Archer says "Oh? You've never seen a demon? Well if so this is your first and last so make sure you enjoy it."

With that being said the demon picks Yami up by her neck and as soon as he was about to devour her she hears "FLAME MAGIC: HELLS BLAZE!" After that, Yami fell to the ground and the last thing she sees is the demon burning."

When Yami wakes up, she hits her head on something, and she yells "OUCH WHAT THE HELL?" That's when she sees a boy with brown eyes and black hair holding his head and he says "Watch your language! And aslo... WHAT THE HELL? WHY'D YOU HEADBUTT ME?!" Yami yells "YOU'RE ACTING LIKE I DID THAT ON PURPOSE! NO ONE ASKED YOU TO LEAN OVER ME! AND DON'T TELL ME TO WATCH MY LANGUAGE AND USE THE SAME EXACT WORD THAT YOU JUST TOLD ME NOT TO USE!"

That's when the boy yells "STOP YELLING! YOU'LL WAKE EVERYONE UP!" Then Yami yells "HOW ABOUT YOU STOP YELLING BECAUSE YOU'RE SPITTING ON ME!!" The boy, surprised by what Yami just said, blushes out of embarrassment and says "Oh, sorry... Anyways, I wanted to offer you a job and I know what you're thinking... Why would I want a job? Well.... This is no ordinary job I'm offering you! This is a job that saves lives! This could make you famous! And also.... You get paid 40,000¥ a month!"

That's when Yami says "You're asking me to be someone who kills these things called demons to save strangers, am I correct?" The boy nods and then Yami says "Okay, first of all... Why the hell would I want to do that and second of all, whats your name because you look kinda... Anyways.... I'll do it if you take me on a date."

The boy face turns red and he yells "WHAT?! THAT'S INSANE! YOU'LL BE A DEMON HUNTER IF I GO ON A DATE WITH YOU!?" That's when Yami says "Yeah... Isn't that what I just said? If you say no then my answer is also a no." Then the boy says "Fine but when you take the demon hunter's test and you pass... Join our team, okay? Also... I'll be the one to train you for the demon hunter test. It's in 6 and a half months which means you have half a year to create at least two spells."

Yami just nods and says "Okay... Doesn't really bother me. Anyways, are you gonna take me shopping for some clothes because I don't have a house or anything because apparently I was asleep for an entire year. So please let me live with you and also can you buy me some clothes?"

The boy just gets up and says "Fine! By the way my name is Kenji... You'll sleep in the guest room and you won't be getting a lot of clothes!" Yami agrees and they both leave the hospital since Yami's stomach injury wasn't even a bother.