Training begins!

Kenji took Yami shopping for clothes and then they decided to start their date. Yami and Kenji end up at a Restaurant. They waited there awkwardly until the waiter arrived and that's when Yami asked "Kenji... Are you paying for the food? I don't have money." Kenji agreed to pay for the food.

So, Yami said "Well, can I get some lobster, boiled eggs, octopus, mushrooms, ramen, spicy chicken wings, and a large sprite?" Kenji looks surprised and concerned... But not for Yami, but for his wallet. "Geez! You're going to make me Homeless.... Anyways, I'll just have a steak and a medium coke."

As they wait... Yami starts a conversation. "What was that thing you did.... Like you were screaming fire blaze or something like that." Kenji looks at her like she just said something stupid and says "Well, I actually said flame Magic: Hells blaze but just call it what you want. Anyways, it's actually just magic. I thought that was pretty obvious considering the fact that I said Flame MAGIC but okay." Yami burst out laughing "Magic? You gotta be kidding me?! That kid stuff!?"

Kenji rolls his eyes and says "Yes, but it's real. And if you don't believe me I can show you!" Yami says "Go ahead " and that's when a fire ball starts to form in Kenji's hand. Yami looks surprised and says "That's actually cool! Do you think I can do that?" Kenji nods and the waiter gives them their food, they eat, and Kenji pays.

Then Kenji takes Yami to his house. It's not too big or too small... It's average. That's when Yami says "I thought you were going to have a mansion or something since demon hunters are so cool..." Kenji says "Well if you're not satisfied then live on the streets... I don't care one way or the other. I don't live here, this was my dad's..."

Yami just says "Whatever" and accidentally goes into the bathroom, then Kenji's room, and finally makes it into her room. She eventually eats, showers, and goes to sleep. In her dream she saw Kenji on the ground bleeding and a bunch of other people. She wakes up terrified and goes into the kitchen to wash her face only to see Kenji at the table with breakfast ready.

That's when Yami says "You didn't wake me up! Why!?" Kenji just rolls his eyes and continues to eat his breakfast. That's when Yami yells "I ASKED YOU WHY YOU SON OF A BI-" Kenji interrupts her and says "YOU NEED TO STOP YELLING IN MY HOUSE!!! IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR SHARE OF BREAKFAST THEN I'LL EAT IT!"

Yami just Stomps her way out of the door. After 20 minutes, she comes back only to see that Kenji ate everything. "WHAT! YOU FAT PIG! WHY'D YOU EAT EVERYTHING! I'M STARVING!!!" Kenji starts to yell back "TOO BAD! YOU SHOULD'VE ATE WHEN I TOLD YOU TOO! NOW GO BACK OUTSIDE WE'RE STARTING YOUR TRAINING!" Then Yami yelled "NOT UNTIL I'VE HAD BREAKFAST!!" Kenji grabs a plate of food out of the fridge and puts it on the table "THERE EAT UP PIG!"

That's when Yami punches a hole in the wall and Kenji is surprised for a second but then yells "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY HOUSE! THAT CAUSES MONEY, WHICH I DON'T HAVE BECAUSE YOU ATE LIKE A PIG AT THE RESTAURANT AND USED ALL OF MY MONEY!" Yami just rolls her eyes and says "Well fix it yourself! Or are you to dumb to know how to do that?!" Kenji glares at her and she glares back until someone walks into Kenji's house. "What's with the glaring guys? Wait... Who're you?!"

Yami looked at him and said "No, Who're you?!" The boy Scratches his head and says "I'm Kenji's best friend, Ren, what about you?" Yami just yells "ASK YOUR BOYFRIEND, KENJI, WHO I AM." Ren says "wait... Kenji, did you tell her that we're dating?" Kenji yells "NO!! WHY WOULD I EVEN SAY THAT! DO I LOOK GAY TO YOU!!?" Ren says "No, I think... Anyways, do you need help with anything because I'm bored and why is she in your house?!"

Kenji says "I'm going to be training her, do you wanna help?" Ren says "sure" and Kenji walks up to him and whispers "She was about to get eaten by a demon and that's when I sensed it...This girl has some strong magical power... If we can get her to join our team... We won't be the weakest team there is!" Ren nods and asks Yami "Are you coming? We're about to start your training and don't expect it to be easy.... Got that?"

Yami just rolls her eyes and says "Yeah, my name is Yami by the way..." They all walk to a nearby field to start Yami's training. They set up a tent and Ren tells Yami "this won't be easy but if you're a fast learner we can probably get you to an average demon hunter level, got that?" Only says "Sure" and as overconfident as she is she thinks she'll get done in no time. They decide to teach her some of the basics and so, they let her spar with Ren.

Ren wins, and wins, and wins, and wins and she still has no luck. So Yami kicks at Ren but Ren dodges and then Ren tries to trip her but she jumps. Ren punches her twice and then kicks her in the stomach. She lost, again.

The next day, it was the same, and the next, and the next, and the next, and the next. Yami was tired. One month and she still can't beat Ren. She finally catched on...Ren was using a pattern! He punched twice, kicked, and tripped. And sometimes the other way around. Yami came to the conclusion that she was going to win this time. She dodges his first two punches, gets kicked, but manages to jump over his leg when he tries to trip her... And that's when she saw an opening.

She punches Ren in his face, kicks him, punches him again, tries to trip him but he dodges,and then she tries to grab him but instead he kicks her in her stomach. But she immediately grabs his hair and headbutt him.

She finally won... After a Month and 16 days. She learned the basics! Now they can move on. Time to learn how to use Magic. Kenji says "imagine your very soul gathering into your hand. You have to feel it. Feel your energy coming together in one spot. Once you get it to form into your hand... We'll teach you how to use a sword... A sword is not needed but it's the best for you right now." And after 4 days and 13 hours... She finally did it.

Ren said "Woah! Didn't take you long! That's great!" Yami is about to learn how to use a sword... And it only took her 2 days to finish the basics. She got a 10 day break and began her final and hardest training. She worked and worked but it felt impossible... She had to use her first spell. It took her 2 months to finally make one. "Light Magic: Light of a God" it wasn't overpowered even though the name suggested it but it only could blind her opponent for 5 seconds. For the last 2 months... She came up with 3 more spells. She only has 7 days until the demon hunter test…