Demon Hunters test

Yami is glad that she is done with her training. In total, she managed to create 4 spells! She asks Kenji "So, what am I supposed to do now? I only have one week left... And by the way why haven't you been doing your demon hunter work?"

Kenji says "Oh, My friends are filling in for me. I told the captain about you and he doesn't mind letting me train you. But, for the next 3 days just exercise and for the last 3 just rest. Got that?" Yami yells "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Kenji looks at her confused and says "But... YOU JUST ASKED ME WHAT TO DO!?"

Yami just goes inside, makes a snack, and eats. After she's done, she exercises. She does that for 3 days and the last 3 she rests. It's the last day before the demon hunter test. Kenji wakes Yami up at 4:00Am and tells her it's time to travel. Yami Yells "WHAT? IS IT THAT FAR THAT I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 4 IN THE MORNING! I DIDN'T EVEN EAT!!!" Kenji yells "WELL EAT SOMETHING AND HURRY UNLESS YOU WANNA BE LATE!!!" Yami just gets up and makes breakfast.

She makes: Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausages. She leaves some for Kenji and eats. Kenji eventually gets some and he says "Woah! You're surprisingly good at cooking." Yami yells "JUST EAT YOUR DAMN FOOD! OF COURSE I'M GOOD AT COOKING! CAN'T YOU TELL BY MY GOOD LOOKS?!" Kenji yells "GOOD LOOKS DOESN'T MAKE YOU COOK GOOD IDIOT!" Yami yells "I'M NOT AN IDIOT, IDIOT!"

Kenji only says "Just stop yelling... One of these days I'm going to die because of you." Yami, who is trying not to yell, eyes are twitching. Kenji bursts out laughing "If it hurts that bad not to yell then don't hold it back." Yami yells "SHUT UP! I'LL YELL IF I WANT! I'M GOING OUTSIDE!" With that being said, Yami stomps her way outside.

Then Kenji comes outside with two backpacks, one for him, and one for Yami. They eventually start traveling, and at 8:34pm They finally arrive at a nearby hotel to sleep. They wake up and have breakfast at 7:00am. The demon hunter test starts at 8:30am. Yami is nervous so she tells Kenji "What if I fail? Then that would mean i waisted 6 months on training only to fail."

Kenji stops eating and says "If you fail then you can try again next year. Never give up because you'll eventually reach your goal. Many people quit trying when they're so close without even knowing it. I'm with you to make sure you get through this." Yami smiles and says "Thanks..." It's 7: 28 which means they better get going. They walk to the location and when they arrive, Yami has a panic attack. She says "Thi- This place is huge! I- I don't think I can beat all of those people."

Kenji places his hand on her shoulder and says "Don't worry. I believe in you, 100 percent!" Yami says "Thanks" and they enter. The first test begins. It's a written test?! Yami is confused... The test administrator says "Everyone that is participating is here right? Okay, I'm pretty sure everyone can tell what the first test is. And if you don't... It's a written test. Anyone who scores bellow a 50 is eliminated. Any questions?"

Yami raises her hand and says "Yes. WHY THE HELL IS THE FIRST TEST A WRITTEN ONE! I DIDN'T KNOW DEMON HUNTERS HAD TO WRITE SOMETHING DOWN BEFORE KILLING A DEMON!" The test administrator says "No, they don't. Stop being sarcastic! And if you got a problem then you can leave." Yami wants to yell but she doesn't want to get disqualified. The test administrator says "Begin" and everyone starts their test.

In Yami's head she says "Okay, first question: If you hear someone screaming help. What do you do? A: Run to help B: Call for help C: wait to see if they stop D: Spy to see if there's an actual demon. What am I going to pick! I have no idea... I know it's not C but there are still 3 choices. I'll just pick which one seems more professional. If I get 6 questions wrong I'll fail so I have to choose wisely. Hmmm.... How about D. Someone could be screaming because of something else. It'll be dumb to run over there for no reason."

The rest of the questions were hard too. One was if a teammate was captured what would you do? And another was if a demon child was crying and helpless what would you do? Yami had her work cut out for her. After 30 Minutes... The timer went off... Yami didn't answer 2 of the questions so if she gets four wrong, she fails.

The test administrator says "The answer to number 1 is D, The Answer to number 2 is D, The answer to number 3 is A, The answer to number 4 is B, The answer to number 5 is C, the answer to number 6 is C, the answer to number 7 is A, The answer to number 8 is B, The answer to number 9 is D, and finally, The answer to number 10 is C!" Yami looks at her test... She scored a 50! If she would've gotten one more wrong... She would've failed. Then the test administrator says "Everyone that scored a 40 and below, leave now." Not a lot of people got up... There were only 15 people... Leaving 35 People Left.

The next test begins. It's a Race! Last 10 people to Pass the finish line are disqualified. The test administrator says "Ready? GO!" Yami is in 18th place. She gets passed up by 2 people. Then she falls. She's now in 24th place. She runs... And runs. Until she can see the finish line. Then she feels someone pull her shirt back and 2 people pass her. She's now In 26th place. She realized that she's going to fail once she passes the finish line... That's when it hit her. If she doesn't pass the finish line then she doesn't lose.

Everyone passes the finish line except for her. Kenji looks worried but Yami just gives him a thumbs up. But she doesn't really know if it'll work or not. When it was time to announce the winners... Yami passed! Kenji was surprised! But she passed and that's that. It was time for the final challenge.... A 1v1!

Yami noticed a girl with blonde hair and Blue eyes. She's stunning! Yami walks up to her and says "Howdy partner" and the girl says " You don't even have the accent idiot... Please stop bothering me. I'm trying to focus, unlike you!" That's when Yami yells " OH? IS THE LITTLE BARBIE DOLL A NERD?!" The girl just walks away. After a while it was Yami's turn... She goes up against a tall guy with long black hair and Yami says "I have to fight him? He's one heck of a guy I can guarantee that!" He smiles and says "Aww you flatter me. But that won't make me go easy on you" With that being said he runs toward her and saws "Wind Magic: wind of a hurricane" Yami flys back and rolls on the ground. She lay there and the guy thought he had already won so he began to walk away but then Yami quickly got up and said "Light Magic: Light of a God" The light shines brightly and blinds the opponent for 5 seconds. Then she says "Light Magic: Light spear!" She threw a spear made of light which looks like it stabs through him but it only made him feel the pain of being stabbed through his stomach. He falls to the ground and Yami wins!

Next was the girl that walked away from Yami. As soon as the match started the girl yelled "Spirit Magic: Spirit sword" The girl threw her spirit sword... But it misses. But, the Guy falls to the ground. How?! The girl wins! Then she walks up to Yami and says "By the way, my name is sakura" Yami says "Sakura? What a beautiful name." Then Sakura says "I know! Unlike yours which means darkness." Yami yells "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM BARBIE GIRL!?" Sakura just walks away. Everyone that passed got to choose a team but if the team rejects them then they can't join. Yami Chose the dark Blades (The team Kenji is on) and so does Sakura. Both of them Get accepted! Another guy named Yuto Joins the dark swords as well. They were the three new members of the demon hunter squad named The dark blades!