The Duel and the Decision

Kirito arrived at the Knights of the Blood headquarters on the 55th floor, feeling a mix of curiosity and anticipation. He was invited by Asuna, who seemed particularly eager about this meeting. As they made their way through the grand halls of the headquarters, the polished stone walls reflected the light of glowing orbs, giving the place an almost ethereal ambiance. On the way to Heathcliff's room, they encountered Shino, who looked at Kirito with a curious expression.

"Why are you here, Kirito?" Shino asked, her tone a blend of concern and curiosity.

"Asuna told me that Heathcliff wanted to meet," Kirito replied, trying to keep his voice steady. The last few days had been a whirlwind, and this unexpected meeting only added to the tension.

Asuna, noticing Shino's lingering curiosity, added, "I'm not sure what this is about either. Heathcliff didn't share any details with me."

As they entered Heathcliff's chamber, Kirito couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the grandiosity of the room and the simplicity of its occupant. Heathcliff sat behind a large wooden desk, his imposing figure accentuated by his crimson armor. His expression was calm but carried an air of authority that commanded respect.

"Kirito, welcome," Heathcliff said, his voice deep and resonant. "I've been observing your progress and must say, you've exceeded expectations."

Kirito inclined his head slightly. "Thank you, Heathcliff. I'm here as you requested."

Heathcliff leaned back in his chair, studying Kirito. "I wanted to extend an invitation. The Knights of the Blood would benefit greatly from someone of your skill and leadership. I'd like to offer you a position in our guild."

Kirito, though honored, shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. I've committed myself to my guild, and I don't plan on leaving them."

Heathcliff's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected this answer. "I respect your decision. However, before you leave, there is one thing I would like to see with my own eyes—your dual-wielding skills."

Kirito's eyes widened slightly. "A demonstration?"

"Yes. I've arranged a duel. You'll be facing Asuna," Heathcliff said, glancing at her.

Asuna, who had been standing silently, looked surprised but nodded. "I accept the challenge."

The Duel

It was nightfall when the duel took place in the open arena outside the Knights of the Blood headquarters. The arena was lit by glowing crystals embedded in the ground, casting a soft light on the combatants. A small crowd had gathered, including members of both Kirito's guild and the Knights of the Blood. There was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air.

Asuna and Kirito stood facing each other, their weapons drawn. Asuna wielded her Lambent Light, the custom-made rapier that had become synonymous with her name. Kirito, on the other hand, held his Elucidator and Dark Repulser, ready to engage in one of the most intense battles he had ever faced.

The duel began with Asuna launching her signature move, Linear, a lightning-fast thrust aimed at Kirito's chest. Kirito sidestepped just in time, countering with Horizontal, a horizontal slash that Asuna narrowly avoided.

Asuna followed up with Star Splash, a rapid series of stabs. Kirito blocked the attacks with quick movements of his swords, but Asuna's speed and agility made it difficult for him to find an opening.

For the first three-quarters of the duel, Asuna dominated the fight, her Flash Penetrator and Quadruple Pain keeping Kirito on the defensive. The crowd watched in awe as Asuna's incredible reflexes and fast movements kept her one step ahead of Kirito.

But as the duel neared its end, Kirito's expression shifted from defensive concentration to something more determined. He switched to his dual-wielding stance, and the atmosphere changed instantly.

Kirito unleashed Starburst Stream, the rapid 16-hit combo that caught Asuna off-guard. She managed to block most of the strikes but was pushed back by the sheer power of Kirito's assault. Kirito followed up with The Eclipse, a devastating 27-hit combo that left the audience in stunned silence.

Asuna, however, was not one to be easily overwhelmed. She used Parallel Sting to counter, managing to land a hit on Kirito. But Kirito's Battle Healing skill began to regenerate his health, allowing him to keep up the pressure.

The duel reached its climax when Asuna, realizing she was running out of time, used her final move, a full-force Flash Penetrator aimed directly at Kirito's heart. Kirito countered with Vertical Arc, a two-hit combo that met Asuna's strike head-on. The clash of their swords sent sparks flying, and for a moment, it seemed as if time had stopped.

When the dust settled, Asuna was declared the winner, but only because the time limit had expired. Everyone, including Heathcliff, knew that had the duel continued, Kirito might have emerged victorious.


Asuna approached Kirito, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. "That was incredible, Kirito. I've never faced an opponent like you."

Kirito smiled, albeit tiredly. "You were amazing too, Asuna. You pushed me to my limits."

Heathcliff walked over, his expression one of admiration. "Kirito, your skills are exceptional. The Knights of the Blood will always welcome you if you ever change your mind."

Kirito nodded but remained resolute in his decision. "Thank you, Heathcliff, but my place is with my guild."

Shino, who had watched the duel with bated breath, stepped forward. "Kirito, should I accompany you back to your guild house?"

Kirito, sensing the underlying concern in her voice, shook his head. "I'll be fine, Shino. I can walk home alone."

Before Shino could respond, Asuna interrupted. "Kirito, before you go, I wanted to ask you something. Next week, we plan to take down the boss of the 75th floor. Would your guild be interested in joining us?"

Kirito looked thoughtful. "I'll inform them and get their opinion. I'll let you know as soon as possible."

With that, Kirito left the Knights of the Blood headquarters. When he returned to his guild house, it was already late. He gathered everyone and explained Asuna's proposal. His guild members were shocked, and they all decided to discuss the matter the next day.

The Decision

The following day, Kirito's guild gathered to discuss the proposal. After much deliberation, they concluded that they were not ready to fight on the front lines, considering their current strength and inexperience. However, they granted Kirito permission to fight alongside the Knights of the Blood.

Kirito informed Asuna of their decision, and she welcomed it. "We'll be glad to have you, Kirito."

Asuna's words echoed in Kirito's mind as he prepared himself for the battles ahead.