A Heartfelt Confession

The dim glow of the torches lining the 75th-floor boss room cast flickering shadows as Kirito, along with the rest of the raid party, cautiously entered. At the head of the group was Heathcliff, his crimson armor gleaming like a beacon of leadership in the dark expanse. The tension was palpable, with each step echoing against the ominous silence of the chamber.

"This is it," Kirito thought, gripping his Elucidator tightly. His sharp eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of movement. The rest of the group fanned out behind him—warriors from various guilds, all united in their goal to take down the floor boss and ascend further toward their freedom.

Then, with a sound like grinding bones, a hulking figure emerged from the shadows—the Skull Reaper. It was a nightmarish amalgamation of skeletal armor and raw malice, its massive tail ending in a deadly scythe-like blade. Hollow eyes glowed with a terrifying red light, and it let out a bone-chilling screech, freezing many of the fighters in their tracks.

"We have to fight together!" Heathcliff's voice rang out, rallying the group.

The battle commenced with a thunderous clash. Swords, spears, and spells were launched against the Skull Reaper, but its thick bones absorbed most of the damage. It moved with terrifying speed for such a large creature, its tail whipping through the air and nearly decapitating several players.

Amidst the chaos, Shino, armed with her trusty bow, focused on landing precise shots on the monster's weak points. Her hands trembled slightly as she loosed arrow after arrow. Sweat dripped down her forehead; fear gnawed at her insides, but she held her ground.

Suddenly, the Skull Reaper lunged in her direction, its deadly tail slicing through the air. Shino's heart skipped a beat—there was no way she could dodge in time. The world seemed to slow as she saw death approaching.

"Shino!" Kirito's voice tore through the chaos.

In an instant, Kirito appeared in front of her, his sword flashing as he intercepted the attack. The force of the blow sent both of them sprawling, but Kirito had managed to deflect the deadly strike. Panting heavily, he pushed himself to his feet and extended a hand to her.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice breathless but calm.

Shino, still shaken, nodded. "You… saved me. I thought I was done for."

"I couldn't let that happen," Kirito replied with a small smile. "Not to you."

They regrouped, joining the others in a desperate final assault. With a coordinated effort, they finally brought the Skull Reaper to its knees. With one last strike, the boss disintegrated into glowing shards, leaving the group exhausted but victorious.

Shino couldn't help the surge of emotion that welled up inside her as she looked at Kirito. Her near-death experience had shaken something loose in her heart, and now, standing beside him, she realized just how much he meant to her.

After a moment of silence, Heathcliff addressed the group. "Well done, everyone. This victory was hard-earned, and I commend each of you for your bravery. Rest well, for you've earned it."

With that, the raid was dismissed, and the party members began to make their way back. But Shino lingered beside Kirito, her heart still racing for a different reason.

"Kirito, thank you again," she said softly, her eyes earnest. "For saving me."

Kirito scratched the back of his head, looking slightly embarrassed. "I was just doing my job as your friend."

A small smile played on Shino's lips. Friend. The word felt too small for the depth of her feelings, but she nodded all the same.

Before parting, Shino turned to Heathcliff and asked for permission to spend some time with the Moonlight Black Cats, her former guild. Heathcliff, always the calm and composed leader, nodded in approval. "You've earned it. Go ahead."

Together, Kirito and Shino made their way to the Moonlight Black Cats' guild house, but when they arrived, the house was empty. Kirito received a message from Keita, explaining that the others had gone to the 47th floor for training.

Shino felt a pang of disappointment. "I was hoping to see them…"

"You've got me," Kirito offered with a smile. "We can make the most of it."

Shino felt her heart flutter at his words, and she nodded. After a quick rest and refresh, they decided to visit the town to buy some goods from the market. As they strolled through the marketplace, Shino tried to learn more about Kirito's preferences, asking him about his favorite foods, weapons, and hobbies. Slowly, she started to feel closer to him.

They returned to the guild house and prepared a grand meal together. The simple joy of cooking and eating with Kirito filled Shino's heart with warmth, and for a moment, everything felt perfect.

As the evening wound down, Shino lied to Kirito about being exhausted, deciding to stay the night at the guild house. Kirito wished her goodnight, and she retreated to her room. However, her mind was racing. Opening her menu, she scrolled through her messages and started a chat with Asuna.

"Asuna… I don't know what to do. My heart is racing. I'm too scared to tell him. What if he rejects me?"

Asuna's response came quickly. "You'll never know unless you try. Be brave, Shino. Tell him how you feel."

Shino hesitated, her fingers trembling, but Asuna's words gave her the courage she needed. Gathering her strength, she made her way to Kirito's room. To her surprise, the door was slightly ajar. Peeking in, she saw him sitting by the window, gazing out at the night sky.

She knocked softly. "Kirito… Can I come in?"

He turned, surprised but smiling. "Of course."

Shino stepped inside, her heart pounding in her chest. She was so nervous she could barely speak. "I… I have something I need to tell you."

Kirito frowned slightly, sensing her tension. "What is it? You seem really nervous."

For a long moment, Shino stood in silence, gathering every ounce of courage she had. Finally, she looked into his eyes. "Kirito… I… I love you."

Kirito's eyes widened in shock. He stared at her, stunned, for what felt like an eternity. "Why… why me?" he finally asked.

"Because… being around you makes me feel safe. It makes me feel at peace," Shino said, her voice soft but sincere.

Kirito blinked, then laughed nervously. "You're not… pranking me, right?"

Shino shook her head, her face serious. "I mean it, Kirito. I love you."

For a moment, they both fell silent. Then, to Shino's surprise, she saw a single tear slip from Kirito's eye. "Thank you… for loving someone like me," he said quietly.

Shino's heart ached at his words. He was hoping for someone to love him.

After another brief silence, Kirito finally spoke. "Yes… I feel the same way."

Relief and joy flooded through Shino's body. She could barely believe it. They both smiled, though neither of them knew what to say next. The air between them was thick with emotion, but it was an awkward, happy kind of silence.

Shino nodded, her face flushed. "I'll… I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well, Kirito."

"Sweet dreams, Shino," Kirito replied softly.

As she returned to her room, Shino couldn't stop smiling. She hugged her pillow tightly, imagining it was Kirito. He accepted her. He loved her back.

In his room, Kirito grinned like a fool, feeling lighter than he had in a long time. For the first time in a long while, Kirito felt truly happy.