A New Hero

 Kirito slept peacefully that night, his mind at ease for the first time in what felt like forever. Knowing he had someone he could truly share his life with—someone who understood him and accepted him—brought calm to his heart that not even the most tranquil nights in Aincrad had ever offered. His last thoughts before drifting off were of Shino and how their bond had deepened.

The morning light gently streamed through the window as Kirito woke up, feeling unusually rested. He stretched, his mind still pleasantly clouded by memories of the previous day. As he sat up, he was greeted by Shino, who was holding a cup of coffee, a gentle smile on her face.

"Good morning, Kirito," she said, handing him the steaming mug.

Kirito accepted it gratefully, the warmth of the coffee soothing his hands as much as the sight of Shino brightened his morning. "Morning. This is a nice surprise," he said, taking a sip.

Shino laughed softly, sitting beside him. "I've been given some more time off from my duties as a Knight of the Blood Oath, so I thought we could spend the day together."

Kirito grinned. "I'm definitely not complaining about that."

With their plans set, they decided to spend the day exploring Aincrad as a real couple. They strolled hand-in-hand through Arc Sofia, one of the grand cities of the 22nd floor, enjoying the bustling marketplaces and the serene beauty of the sky. They shopped for trinkets, bought food from fancy restaurants, and even rented a boat to drift lazily across the shimmering lake under the bright, artificial sun.

As the day wore on, the bond between them grew even stronger. Every moment felt perfect, almost unreal. When night fell, they returned to Kirito's guild house to rest, their hearts full of contentment.

In the quiet of the room, Kirito lay beside Shino, their hands intertwined. They gazed into each other's eyes, the world around them fading into insignificance. Slowly, Kirito leaned in, pressing his lips to hers in their first kiss. Shino responded, her heart fluttering as she kissed him back, savoring the warmth and tenderness.

They cuddled close, whispering soft words of affection, feeling like the rest of the world had melted away. Eventually, their connection deepened further, and they made love for the first time, their bodies and souls intertwined in a moment of pure intimacy.

The next morning, Kirito and Shino made their way to the Knights of the Blood Oath headquarters. As soon as they arrived, Asuna greeted them with a teasing grin.

"Well, well, look who's glowing this morning," Asuna said, her voice dripping with playful mischief.

Shino blushed deeply, and Kirito looked equally embarrassed. "It's not like that," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

Asuna just laughed, clearly enjoying their discomfort. "Oh, come on. You're not fooling anyone!"

Despite her teasing, Asuna quickly grew serious. "Kirito, Heathcliff wants to speak with you in person. He didn't say much, but it sounded important."

Kirito nodded, curious but also slightly uneasy. "Alright. I'll go see what he wants."

He made his way to Heathcliff's private quarters, where the Commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath stood waiting for him. As always, Heathcliff was the picture of calm authority.

"Kirito," Heathcliff began, his voice steady. "There is a local boss on the 76th floor—the Wicked Queen. I need you to eliminate it. It's causing problems for our operations. I'll send some of my men to assist you."

Kirito nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling that something about the request was strange. "I'll take care of it," he agreed. Shino and Asuna, busy with their own duties, stayed behind, leaving Kirito to undertake the mission alone, accompanied only by the knights Heathcliff had assigned to him.

Kirito arrived at the 76th-floor boss room, the dark and eerie surroundings unsettling him slightly. But as he entered, he realized something was off—the Wicked Queen had already been defeated.

Confused, Kirito scanned the area, his eyes landing on a group of people gathered at the far end of the room. They were dressed in special pitch-black suits with golden linings. He had never seen such attire before, and it made him wary.

"Who are you?" Kirito asked, stepping forward cautiously.

Before the group could respond, the knights accompanying Kirito suddenly attacked without warning. Swords clashed, and chaos erupted in an instant.

"Stop! What are you doing?!" Kirito shouted, trying to break up the fight.

But the group in black fought back fiercely, their skills evident. One by one, the knights fell, leaving Kirito alone. His eyes widened in horror as the last of his allies dropped to the ground, their avatars shattering into fragments.

And then, out of the group, Kirito saw a familiar face. Keita. His heart dropped. His old guild, the Moonlight Black Cats, stood before him—Keita, Sachi, Silica, and another girl he didn't recognize. But something was wrong. Their expressions were cold, emotionless.

"Keita... why?" Kirito's voice was laced with disbelief. "Why did you kill them?"

A figure emerged from the shadows, standing at the front of the group. It was a man, tall and imposing, his face hidden behind a mask of shadows. The mysterious girl stood beside him, her gaze piercing through Kirito.

Kirito's hand instinctively went to his sword. "I won't let you leave until I know what's going on."

Keita, Sachi, Silica, and the mysterious girl stepped aside, making way for the masked figure. Without a word, the man unsheathed his sword, pointing it at Kirito. The challenge was clear.

Kirito's heart raced, his instincts screaming at him to prepare for battle. "Fine," he muttered, drawing his own blade. "Let's finish this."

The duel began, their swords clashing with blinding speed. But no matter how hard Kirito fought, every strike seemed meaningless. The masked man was too fast, too strong. His movements were impossibly precise, as if he was toying with Kirito.

In a final, devastating blow, the masked man disarmed Kirito and knocked him to the ground. Darkness closed in around him as he lost consciousness, his mind filled with confusion and fear.