The Truth

Kirito slowly regained consciousness, his head spinning as he opened his eyes. He found himself sitting on a chair, his arms bound to the armrests. The room was dimly lit, and the atmosphere was cold and oppressive. All around him were people dressed in pitch-black suits with golden linings. His mind raced as he struggled to understand what had happened.

"Where... am I?" he muttered, his voice hoarse from the battle he barely remembered losing. He scanned the room and finally spoke louder, his confusion turning into frustration. "Who are you?"

One of the figures stepped forward, his face becoming visible in the dim light. Kirito's eyes widened in shock as the man removed his hood, revealing his identity.

"I am Cid Kirigaya," the man said, his voice calm but filled with authority. "Your older brother."

Kirito's heart stopped. "Cid? What are you doing here?!" he exclaimed, disbelief washing over him. And then, as his eyes fell on the girl standing beside Cid, his shock only deepened. It was Kirigaya Suguha, his cousin.

"Sugu?" he whispered, his voice faltering. "What... how are you here?"

Suguha stepped forward, her expression filled with determination. "We came to save you, Kirito."

"Save me? What are you talking about?" Kirito asked, completely confused. He demanded an explanation, his mind racing to make sense of what was happening.

Suguha sighed and began to explain. "After the Sword Art Online incident started, Cid and I discovered that you were trapped in the game. We couldn't just sit by and do nothing. So, we decided to find a way to save you. It took us a month of hacking the game's software with the help of Cid's friends, but we finally got inside."

Kirito's mind struggled to process her words. "You... hacked your way into the game? And you've been here all this time?"

Cid nodded. "Yes. We've been here for months, fighting alongside you, keeping an eye on you from the shadows. We created the Moonlight Black Cats guild to stay close to you, to protect you."

Kirito's heart sank as he realized what they were saying. All this time, his brother and cousin had been watching over him without him knowing. "But why? Why all this secrecy?"

Cid's expression darkened. "Because there's something you need to know, something we uncovered. Heathcliff... is not who he seems. His real identity is Kayaba Akihiko, the creator of Sword Art Online and the NerveGear. He's the final boss, Kirito. Only by defeating him can everyone log out of this game."

Kirito's breath caught in his throat. "No... that can't be true," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's the truth," Cid said firmly. "And what's worse, Asuna, Shino, and Klein—they've known all along. They hid it from you, Kirito. They've been keeping this dark secret from you."

Kirito's world was spinning. "No," he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "Asuna wouldn't lie to me. Shino wouldn't lie to me. They're my friends!"

Keita, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "Then how do you explain what happened earlier? Those people who accompanied you attacked us without any provocation. Think about it, Kirito."

Kirito clenched his fists, his mind swirling with doubt. Silica, standing next to Keita, spoke softly. "Shino's been getting close to you, Kirito, but it's only to win your trust—not your heart."

Kirito glared at her. "That's not true! Shino would never betray me!"

Sachi, who had been watching the conversation intently, finally added, "I've seen her with Klein... in places where she shouldn't be. They've been meeting secretly, Kirito."

For the first time, Kirito's temper flared. He stood up, his chair scraping against the floor as he glared at Sachi. "Stop it! Don't you dare talk about Shino like that!" His voice was full of anger, something rare for him.

Suguha quickly stepped between them, raising her hand. "Enough. Everyone calm down." She turned to Kirito, her voice soft but firm. "Kirito, I know this is hard to believe. But you need to find the truth for yourself. Trust your instincts, not just your heart."

With that, she pulled out a Teleport Crystal. "Come with us or don't, but whatever you decide, you need to search for the truth on your own." With a nod, Suguha, Cid, and the others used their crystals, teleporting away in flashes of light.

Kirito was left standing in the dimly lit room, his heart pounding in his chest. His family—the people who had always wanted the best for him—had just accused his friends of betrayal. His mind was clouded with conflicting emotions, and for the first time, he didn't know who to trust.

Before leaving, Cid had left one piece of advice. "Go undercover, Kirito. Don't let them know you're onto them and seek out the truth all by yourself."

Kirito sat down, his body trembling with doubt and frustration. Could Shino and Asuna really have been hiding such a secret from him? He didn't want to believe it, but Cid and Suguha had never lied to him before.

After a long moment of thought, Kirito made his decision. He opened his menu and deleted his name from the Moonlight Black Cats guild. Then, with trembling hands, he changed his name to Alpha, erasing his identity as Kirito. One by one, he unfriended Asuna, Shino, Klein, and everyone else.

As he finished, he noticed a small bag in the corner of the room. Curious, he opened it to find a pitch-black costume with golden linings—the same outfit worn by his brother and the others. He held it in his hands, staring at it for what felt like an eternity.

Meanwhile, back at the Knights of the Blood Oath, Asuna approached Heathcliff with no reaction. "Kirito is gone," she said softly and heartlessly.

Heathcliff leaned back in his chair, a dark shadow crossing his face. "I see. So, the hackers got to him as well." He sighed, his expression unreadable. "Keep looking for them. They're a danger to everything we've built."

Several days passed. Shino stood alone in a dungeon, clearing out the last of the monsters. She had heard the news of Kirito's demise and felt nothing in her heart. She felt like a burden is gone forever.

As she made her way back home, she opened her menu and sent a message to Klein. "I want to meet. Come to the 22nd floor."

At a local tavern, Klein sat with his fellow guild members, enjoying a hearty meal. His menu pinged with Shino's message. He stood up, smiling at his friends. "Take the rest of the day off, guys. I've got somewhere to be."

He made his way to the Teleportation Gate, selecting the 22nd floor. Little did he know, Kirito—now Alpha—was watching from afar using a telescope. Seeing Klein head to the 22nd floor piqued Kirito's curiosity, and he decided to follow. (Kirito saw Klein's menu bar using the telescope ).

Klein arrived at Shino's house, where she was taking a bath. Without hesitation, he joined her, the two of them laughing together.

Kirito's heart pounded in his chest as he approached the house, slipping inside quietly. He searched the living room, Kitchen, and finally her bedroom. But couldn't find her anywhere. The he heard someone taking a shower in the bathroom. His stomach churned with anxiety as he heard muffled noises coming from the bathroom. Slowly, he crept closer, his heart sinking with every step.

Then he heard it—the unmistakable sounds of Shino and Klein together. Shino was moaning while Klein was enjoying himself. Kirito realized that they were having intimate sex in the shower. Kirito's world shattered.

As Klein spoke, mocking Kirito's manhood, Kirito's heart broke even further. And then Shino's words—"Kirito was a disappointment"—ripped him apart completely. Silent tears streamed down his face as he turned and left the house without making a sound.

His mind was numb, his body moving on autopilot as he walked aimlessly through the streets of the 22nd floor, wiping away his tears. He had trusted her. He had loved her. And now, everything was broken.