Chapter 1: Motohama


Naruto let out a groan as he heard that. What did he do to god for him to punish Naruto so? He's a hero for goodness' sake. Saved his world. Sacrificed his life to kill Madara.

So why has he been cursed with this horrible trio? Naruto lifted his head from where it had been resting on his arms to glare at the approaching trio that had become the bane of Naruto's high school existence.

Okay, that might have been a bit exaggerated, but still overall true. The three were known throughout Kuoh Academy as the 'Perverted Trio.' Put into simple terms, they were like three little Jiraiya's. No, worse. Jiraiya had been things besides a super pervert.

He'd been a sage, a writer, a ninja, a spy master, etc. While it had been one of his biggest traits, being a pervert was only one of his traits. These three were like 100% perverts. They really had no other redeeming qualities…Okay, that might be a little bit harsh. They aren't that bad. Their lives just seem to revolve around perversion.

The trio consisted of Matsuda, Motohama, and Issei. Matsuda was a former jock and sports star who apparently gave it all up in favor of his perversion, which made no sense to Naruto since girls loves guys who are good at sports.

It's like putting down a sword to jump into a sword fight. Giving up your biggest weapon before it even starts. He was usually referred to as 'Perverted Baldy' or 'Sexual Harassment Paparazzi.' He was also a self-proclaimed lolicon. Motohama was usually referred to as 'Perverted Glasses' or 'Three Sizes Scouter,' due to his apparent ability to calculate a woman's three sizes just by looking.

The final one was Issei Hyoudou who was…pretty average. Besides his ridiculous libido and obsession with breasts. He was also the one Naruto preferred the most, if only because he seemed to scream about his perverse thoughts less.

It was clear he had them…all the time, but he was less likely to announce it as shamelessly as Matsuda or Motohama. Motohama literally once screamed 'I'll rape all you girls in my mind.' That's just creepy.

Truthfully Naruto could have overlooked their rampant perversion. He had a lot of experience dealing with perverts from his training trip with Jiraiya. No, it wasn't their perversion he didn't like. It was because they damn near fucked up his reputation within ten minutes of him starting here.

Naruto had started at Kuoh Academy as a second year. It hadn't been Naruto's idea either. He had not wanted to attend school, not in the least. It didn't matter if Kuoh's school population was about three quarters female.

It was still school in Naruto's mind. Naruto owed the person a favor for saving his life though, and they wanted him to attend Kuoh. Sometimes Naruto hates being so good-natured.

So he'd reluctantly applied and been accepted. He'd transferred in just two weeks after the start of the year. He'd had the misfortune of being in the same class as the Perverted Trio. He'd only needed to say his name before the three stood up and screamed out his most shameful secret.

He'd woken up from a coma in a different world. His money didn't count here. The person to save him didn't have money for obvious reasons due to their identity. He'd needed money to pay for an apartment, food, school tuition, and other miscellaneous stuff in order to repay the person who saved him.

So he published Icha Icha. He'd found a reputable publishing company and done it. He'd only had two of the series in the sealing scrolls that survived the journey over here.

Even those two were only there because he forgot about them, since he hadn't liked the series enough to carry them all around on him. He wasn't Kakashi after all. Those two had still been worth enough for Naruto to live the next ten years comfortably.

It gave him bad karma though, which quickly came to bite him in the ass. Naruto had published them under the pseudonym 'Jiraiya Sennin,' but he hadn't made it too rock solid.

He hadn't expected anyone to investigate…He shouldn't have underestimated how determined heavy duty perverts can be.

Within a week of the books hitting the shelf, all three members of the Perverted Trio had managed to dig up that the real author of Icha Icha was apparently a sixteen year old, Scandinavian looking boy named Uzumaki Naruto. So when Naruto introduced himself to their class within days, their reaction was clear.

Declaring that he was the author of Icha Icha to the world, and then bowing before his greatness as the 'ultimate pervert.'

Kuoh Academy is like 70-80% female, so being referred to as the ultimate pervert by the three most perverted students in the school was quite possibly the worst way to start his school life in existence.

No one believed him when he claimed that he had simply published books his godfather had written either. Apparently something about Naruto screamed 'pervert.'

It was thankful Naruto had thick skin. Yeah, he would have preferred being accepted as another average student in the beginning, but it wasn't like he was going to cry in a corner about his fellow students calling him names.

He was Uzumaki fucking Naruto. He faced down Uchiha Madara when he was the Juubi jinchuriki without fear. Call him names and he'll just laugh in your face before pranking your ass.

In the end, Naruto viewed this as a similar, easier form of the Konoha he endured as a child. Just deal with everything, stay positive, stay true to himself, and eventually everyone's perceptions will change. He had absolute confidence in that.

It proved true. Perceptions changed far faster than those in Konoha had, although that probably had to do with the difference in initial loathing.

A pervert and a jichuriki are two entirely different things. Naruto was still considered a pervert by most of the student population, but they had eventually accepted that there was much more to him.

Like his prankster side. That might be the thing Naruto likes most about going to this school, probably even more than the many beautiful girls all around.