Chapter 2: Roguish

Once he had become a ninja, Naruto had reluctantly been forced to stop doing pranks. Something about professionalism and image. Now that he could once again prank to his heart's desire, well…it was like an early Christmas to Naruto. All Kuoh became his playground.

He had to make sure to keep it safe and minimize the damage, except to people's pride, but that just made it more fun. No one was safe from him. He's even started pranking entire clubs at a time.

Otherwise he'd sort of settled into the role of an ordinary student. His grades were below average, since Naruto had never been one for book work. Not to mention the ninja academy didn't quite teach them the stuff they learn here.

So Naruto basically lacked the middle school education of this world. The only subject Naruto excelled in was physical education, for obvious reasons.

Even in his weakened state, Naruto was in fantastic shape. Easily the most fit kid in the school.

His social life was even better. Even if Naruto has been widely accepted as a pervert, he was charismatic enough that people generally can't hold it against him for long.

It wasn't even a conscious thing. Naruto didn't consider himself smooth or charming, and thus didn't even try to be.

He was just completely honest with himself, which had a certain charm to a lot of people who felt they had to hide parts of themselves.

It also helped Naruto was probably one of the most empathetic and overall kind individuals in the world.

Even his romantic life was pretty good, considering he was widely considered the most perverted kid in the school.

He was even kind of popular with the girls. He was kind, funny, and caring. He also wasn't that bad looking.

Girls weren't willing to drop their panties whenever he smiled, like a certain princely bishounen at the school, but most would agree his looks were on the higher end of the spectrum.

He apparently had the 'roguish, free spirit' look to him. He hasn't had an official relationship, but he has had…relations with a number of girls.

What? Don't judge him. Naruto was a straight male. Not to mention he was a bit of a pervert. Being the apparent author of Icha Icha also sort of doomed any desire for chastity he might have had.

It was a turnoff for most girls, but there were the rare perverted females. They tended to volunteer as models for his next book, as well as offering to provide him 'inspiration.' Once again, Naruto was straight.

So he simply couldn't refuse offers like that. Aika Kiriyuu was a regular, providing him inspiration once a week. Things snowballed from there since it quickly spread around the school that Naruto was a very, very accomplished lover.

Seems plenty of high school girls don't mind the idea of starting a casual relationship with a person gifted in the bedroom arts as long as it remains on the down low…Totally awesome. Even Naruto couldn't deny that.

Back to the Perverted Trio. The three seemed insisted on treating him like an icon. It was actually annoying. Not to mention they bothered him incessantly for dating advice or asking him to set them up with some girls.

It was like they thought he owed them for outing him as the author of Icha Icha, or empathized with them due to their supposed 'similar' personalities. Naruto just wanted them to leave him alone. He did not get his wish.

"Naruto-sama," Matsuda practically screamed before getting on his knees and clasping Naruto's hand. He then continued, "As always, I give praise unto your name for the blessings you have bestowed upon this world.

Yes, Icha Icha is truly the greatest blessing this world has ever seen. I worshipped your work all last night."

Naruto just gave him a disgusted look. It grew even more disgusted when he looked at how Matsuda was clasping his hands.

Naruto had no doubt of what those hands had been doing last night, and Naruto did not want them touching any part of him.

Roughly ripping his hand away from Matsuda's, he then commented in irritation, "Great, now I need to wash my hand.

Thoroughly…With industrial strength cleaning products. I don't care if my skin in burnt off. The very thought of where those hands have been is nauseating."

His words sent Matsuda crying in the corner, but Motohama quickly filled in the gap by questioning with an intensely serious face more fit for one going to war, "Please, Naruto-sama. I know you have refused to answer 127 times before, but I must know.

What is the current progress on the next Icha Icha? And what is the main theme? Icha Icha Journey included many different women, and a variety of sexual fetishes.

It was aimed at everyone. Icha Icha Slave was an exploration of masochism, with the main character interacting with far fewer females.

It was aimed at a smaller, but more devoted fan base. Can we expect a more wide ranging book like Journey, or a more fetish focused book like Slave?"

Naruto growled as he face palmed. He asked this everyday. Sometimes twice a day. Naruto was already ashamed he had finally caved into writing a third Icha Icha because of pressure by the publishers.

He didn't need this type of pressure during the process of writing it. Writing porn was really hard! Especially since Naruto wasn't a pervert on the level of Jiraiya, who could get off on just about everything.

Naruto couldn't even read Icha Icha Slave due to how much he dislikes the idea of being a masochist. It makes him nauseous just thinking about it.

Naruto could only write stuff that fit with his own preference, which he was rather embarrassed to admit.

The idea of people reading erotica that he wrote himself was even worse than people thinking he wrote the previous two. So Motohama bringing it up everyday was just plain stressful.

Stressful enough that Naruto kicked him away roughly before ordering, "Stop asking me this for the next six months and I'll tell you how far along I am."

"Deal," Motohama replied instantly, completely uncaring of the footprint on his chest.