Chapter 10: Naruto

Three of our familiars in the school, and one searching the city for any sacred gear users or supernatural creatures. We review them all, and make a decision. We then recruit them. No delay."

Rias nodded, but still argued, "We don't have long before our match with Riser. We don't have time to properly train someone from scratch.

We should focus on finding sacred gear users or those already with a proficient fighting level that are in the city."

"Didn't you listen to anything I just said, Rias," Akeno chastised with a frown. She then explained, "There aren't any of those. Or so few the chances of us finding them are low.

Do you know why we were sent to this school, besides to fit in? It's because this is the place most likely to have sacred gear holders in this entire city.

They don't last long, Rias. They are either killed, or recruited by someone. Don't expect to find some random, middle-aged shop keeper with a sacred gear.

Stop expecting someone like that to appear. We have no choice but to look for less appealing options."

Rias lowered her head slightly at the brutal summarization. She still managed to comment, "I just don't think we have enough time to train a regular person to the point they'd be useful."

"Then I'll whip them into shape if I have to," Akeno claimed with a scary look on her face, for once not thinking of receiving pleasure at such an action.

She then added, "We don't need them truly powerful. Not to the level of Yuuto or Koneko. As long as they are semi-competent, they'll fill up our numbers.

The less Riser's peerage outnumber us, the better our chances. Our current members will just have to fill the gap in skill and experience."

Rias still wasn't sure, but finally gave her assent. Even if the chance of such a plan succeeding were low, it might be her only chance.

A Week Later

Rias stood looking out the window as she commented, "I guess it was only as matter of time. Naruto-san has been going around pranking clubs since he arrived.

He's already passed over us several times, since he probably didn't even know this club exists. He'd eventually find out and hit us, and he seems to have targeted us as individuals instead of a group since there are so few of us.

It is a weird coincidence though considering what we were going to talk about today."

Rias then turned to look at the two others in the room with her, Yuuto and Akeno. Naruto had somehow managed to dye Rias' uniform a vibrant red, which raised all sorts of questions.

The only chance he had was when she took a shower, and she had placed the uniform within her sight. How the hell did he take it, and dye it all before she even saw him.

She didn't even care that he no doubt saw her while she was showering. He'd also managed to write in big, bold letters across the front, where her breasts were, 'Red Hot Mama.' She didn't mind that much, since all of Naruto's prank dyes and paints dissolved once washed.

So they only lasted a day. Her biggest complaint was that her entirely red clothing along with her red hair created a bit too much red, and her rampant curiosity over how he did it.

"I don't really mind either. He's done every other club at least twice by now…I did almost get mauled though," Yuuto claimed while laughing awkwardly.

Naruto had somehow managed to place a crown and a cape on him, both of which he couldn't remove for some reason.

Then on his shirt were the words, 'Kiss The Prince.' Needless to say, his face was decorated with lipstick marks from all the girls who were all too happy to oblige.

"I had fun," Akeno announced with a small smile on her face. Naruto had somehow managed to make her grab two things that she similarly couldn't stop holding. One was a whip.

The other was the handle of leash, with a dog on the other end. Where Naruto got the dog was a mystery.

On her shirt was a larger message than Rias or Yuuto. It said, 'Anyone want to switch places with the dog? I'm looking for a new pet/slave.'

Rias just sweat dropped at the message, and Akeno's apparent enjoyment of the prank. She quickly asked, "Aren't you upset about Naruto, you know…ruining your image by insisting you are a sadist?"

"I might have been, since I've made such an effort to hide my sadism to not make us stand out too much, but this was entertaining. And illuminating. Look at this," Akeno informed them as she managed to use a loose pinkie to hold up a paper.

Rias frowned and grabbed it. The frown only grew as she skimmed it. She then commented in confusion, "I don't get it. What is this? It's just a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers."

Akeno chuckled before revealing, "That is a list of people willing to become my pet or slave.

All it took was walking around like this for three hours, and I got a total of 64 males and 17 females." She then grew thoughtful before asking, "Think I should walk around town like this? Just to see how many are willing. I admit to being curious. Maybe I can break a thousand in a week."

Rias and Yuuto both sweat dropped. Rias quickly answered, "No!…Just...No. That is not…recommended."

"Aww," Akeno groaned with a pout.

Rias just shook her head before looking at the door to the bedroom her and Akeno usually sleep. She then asked, "Why is Koneko hiding in there?"

Yuuto smiled uneasily before telling her, "I'm guessing it has to do with the prank. I head she ended up skipping school after being pranked, but I did hear rumors of what Uzumaki-san did."

Curious, Rias called out, "Koneko. You need to come out now."


Rias blinked in surprise. Koneko was usually one of the more well behaved of her servants. She then frowned before ordering, "Koneko. Come out now."