Chapter 11: Forty

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Rias blinked in surprise. Koneko was usually one of the more well behaved of her servants. She then frowned before ordering, "Koneko. Come out now."

"Don't wanna!"

Now Rias developed a tick mark. She quickly barked out, "Koneko Toujou! As your king, I order you to leave that room this instant."

There was a pause, but the door eventually slowly opened. Koneko then walked out like she was heading to her death. A small blush was on her cheeks, and a near imperceptible pout was on her face.

Once the three saw her, they all couldn't help but burst out laughing. As expected, Koneko had two kitten ears on her head and a tail coming from her tailbone.

The colors even matched her hair. That wasn't the part that made them crack up though. It was the words on her shirt. 'Pet The Pussy.'

Koneko pouted even more when they started laughing. Her eyes grew sharp as she muttered, "I don't like this Uzumaki. I suggest we get revenge. Plant magical traps in his home."

Yuuto quickly interrupted between his remaining chuckles, "Not recommended. The baseball club once tried that after he painted all their baseball to look like old, wrinkly testicles.

Not only could they not get in, but he then got revenge. He put laxatives in their water right before a game…They couldn't leave the field…That was truly the messiest game in the history of baseball."

Akeno chuckled at the story before moving to look out the window. She then told them, "Plus, it looks like the other students are trying to get revenge for us."

The group moved over to see Naruto running from a group ten times larger than usual. Apparently pranking The Two Great Ladies of Kuoh Academy, the school prince, and the person who many consider to be the school mascot was too much for many of the students.

He was still cackling like a maniac though, so it was doubtful they'd catch him. The fact that he could successfully evade several hundred students chasing him at once is rather impressive though.

Rias just sighed before announcing, "Okay, that's enough of that. We need to focus on what the topic of today's meeting is suppose to be about."

The group grew serious and all moved their usual spots. Koneko on the couch, Yuuto beside her, Rias in her chair, and Akeno just behind Rias.

Rias leaned forward and picked up a small pile of folders that were on her desk. She then told them, "You no doubt realize all this, but I'll reiterate.

Hyoudou Issei became a part of Sona's peerage roughly a week ago. So we have switched to a different method of gaining allies that Akeno recommended to me.

Our familiars have been busy scouting out the potential in our school, with one focusing on the rest of the city. The results were…discouraging."

She indicated the filed before continuing, "In our school we have four individuals who appear to have a potential high enough to even consider.

In the city, we found none. Of the four, only one has a good chance of being sufficiently powerful in time for the Rating Match against Riser."

"Uzumaki Naruto. Opinions?"

The group was slightly surprised by her asking for their opinions, but quickly adjusted. They each took one of the folders to read it. Yuuto was the first to speak by commenting, "His magic reserves seem to be growing rapidly.

While still nothing to be overly impressed by, they are 45% higher than our estimates were when we first noticed him a month ago. High rate of growth.

His physical stats are very impressive. His stealth and trapping skills are exemplary based on his pranks.

Also indicates he probably knows a form of magic. His personality is also agreeable, despite his fondness for pranks. Nothing we can't deal with. I say we go for it."

Koneko soon added simply, "Don't like his pranks, but little choice. Yes."

Akeno thought for several moments before declaring with a firm nod, "We need help. Naruto seems the best choice at this point. My answer is obvious."

Rias just sighed before stating, "Then it is unanimous. Yuuto, bring him here after school tomorrow. We'll talk to him then."


Next day

"You do know this random demand for me to accompany you to your club room is rather suspect since I pranked you guys yesterday, right?"

Yuuto just sweat dropped at Naruto's comment. The renown prankster of Kuoh sure did not make it easy. In fact, he seems to have gone out of his way to make it difficult for him.

Apparently Naruto was the kind of person that if someone told him to go right, he would go left just to spite them. Basically, he really didn't like being told what to do.

Yuuto demanding, if in a very polite way, Naruto to follow him counted as such. Yuuto had to deal with Naruto randomly disappearing on him, talking about inane things, and voicing his reluctance to go visit the Occult Research Club.

Naruto even subtle managed to guide Yuuto into the girls locker room. That had not been pretty for Yuuto, and had left Yuuto baffled on how the bloody hell Naruto had managed it.

What would ordinarily have been a five minute walk had turned into a forty minute struggle. Yuuto had not come out of it unscathed.

His clothes were torn, his face was once again covered in lipstick prints, his hair was frazzled, and his eyes were fixed on Naruto with a manic intensity.

He was not going to allow Naruto to disappear on him again. Overall Yuuto was a step away from cracking. Forty minutes dealing with an annoyed Naruto had left his sanity frayed.

Sighing, Yuuto told him in his best reassuring tone, "Don't worry. We don't care about your pranks…Okay, maybe Koneko does, but only her."

Naruto didn't seem very reassured. He just raised an eyebrow at the shorter blonde before informing him, "Okay, but I'll still warn you.

I have a dozen extra strength stink pellets on me, and I will not hesitate to break your window by jumping out of it if the situation turns ugly.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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