Chapter 15: Chakra

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The knight is also worth three pawns. Knights gain enhanced speed and agility, allowing them to perform high speed maneuvers and attacks. Their main weakness is their weak defense.

Their offence isn't supplemented either, so most knights are weapon specialists to compensate. A rook is worth five pawns. Rooks gain enhanced offensive and defensive capabilities.

Rooks usually act as 'tanks' in battle. Their main weakness is that they don't have any speed enhancements, so hitting faster opponents can be difficult. Then there is the queen. A queen is worth nine pawns.

The queen is a combination of all three, bishops, knights, and rooks. This makes the queen the most balanced and powerful piece.

Queens typically use spells, but there are those who prefer close quarter combat. Finally we come to the king. The king is the most important piece.

It is the duty of the peerage to protect the king above all else. Kings don't receive any special bonuses besides the ability to form a peerage."

Naruto nodded as he absorbed the information. He quickly asked, "I know why king and queen are not an option for me, but why wasn't I given the option to be a pawn? While seemingly the weakest unit, their ability to promote to any piece seems to make the pawn the most adaptable piece for any situation."

Rias nodded, pleasantly surprised at his insight, before explaining, "True. A pawn can make or break a battle if used properly, but they are also dreadfully vulnerable before they are promoted.

Thus a pawn needs to have incredibly high base stats to compensate. You are not at that level currently, and we don't have the time to train you up to such a level. An…event is soon approaching where I'll need you as strong as possible."

Raising an eyebrow at the 'event' part, Naruto decided to just accept it for now. He instead looked back towards the three pieces Rias was holding.

Magic reserves, speed, or strength and defense. Naruto eventually started slowly and carefully, "I am tempted to do the bishop to gain the chakra reserves I desperately need, but I choose the rook." Koneko's eyes focused on him when he mentioned chakra, he noted in the back of his head.

Everyone looked interested at his choice, and Rias quickly asked, "Mind explaining why?"

"Not at all," Naruto replied with a grin before clarifying, "Right now I am in a dreadfully weakened state.

Nearly all of my ninjutsu techniques are unusable to me right now due to my current chakra reserves.

The bishop would have alleviated that problem somewhat, but I doubt to the degree I would need. I'll probably have to do it the slow and steady way on that front.

With ninjutsu out, I'll have to rely on taijutsu, or hand to hand. On that front, I'm more of the kind of fighter that crashes into someone and hope I can stand back up."

Rias sweat dropped at his explanation before repeating in disbelief, "Crash into someone and hope you can stand back up?"

Naruto shrugged at her disbelief before explaining, "Pretty much. In my old state the number of people who could compete with me in pure power could be counted on one hand.

So I used that. I was never one for running around, jumping in and out…or dodging" That's what Shadow Clones are for after all. Absorbing absurd amount of damage in his place.

Naruto then continued, "I was durable as fuck, and never ran out of stamina. So I would practically always win if I managed to force my opponent to exchange hit for hit with me." Or them getting ten hits and Naruto getting one.

Naruto can't even count the number of times an opponent was throwing him around for ten minutes before losing when Naruto finally managed to return the favor.

Naruto had been ready, willing, and capable of taking whatever his opponent dished out as long as he got the opportunity to land his own shot.

"So the rook fits my fighting style far better than the knight. Would enable me to take more punishment, and would increase my knockout power to help take advantage of that one opportunity that always presents itself."

Rias nodded in understanding, or at least pretended to understand. She then questioned, "You keep mentioning that you are in a weakened state. What do you mean?"

Chuckling awkwardly, Naruto informed her, "I'll explain everything after this. It is kind of a long story, so we should finish this business up first."

Rias assented to that with a reluctant nod. She then ordered him, "Lay on your back so I can commence the ceremony to reincarnate you as a devil."

Naruto nodded in understanding. He gently laid himself down against the ground and waited. Rias moved to stand above him, incidentally giving him a prime view of her rather lacy panties.

He ignored it, well mostly ignored it, in favor of watching as she crouched to place the rook piece on his chest. A red circle of…something immediately formed around Naruto as Rias started chanting.

"I command thee, Uzumaki Naruto, on my name of Rias Gremory, become my servant. Return to this land as a devil. You shall lead a new life with great joy as my rook!"

Naruto could only describe the sensation of the rook sinking into his chest as feeling like ice water was being inserted into his veins.

The feeling was even more intense around his chakra coils. It wasn't truly unpleasant, but not pleasant either.

It was just an intense, neautral feeling. Then, it disappeared within an instant as soon as Rias finished her chanting.

Naruto took a few deep breaths since it had been a pretty intense process. He quickly recovered though, and stood up. Clenching his hands and hopping lightly on his feet, he commented, "I feel…lighter."

Yuuto was the one to respond as he patted Naruto's shoulder in congratulations, "That is natural.

Devils are fundamentally stronger than humans. Muscles are stronger, bones are more durable and light, overall more durable and resistant, and a greater healing factor.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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