Chapter 16: Uchiha

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It may take a while to adjust completely. Especially since you are a rook. Learning to properly adjust and compensate for your raw strength will take a while. "

"I guess," Naruto replied noncommittally. While somewhat different from chakra enhancement due to it being a physical change instead of a magical one, Naruto was still confident he could adapt after a good workout or two.

He was also rather distracted due to trying to properly judge the increase in his chakra coils. He was currently at the level of a low-level chuunin.

It was increase from the mid-level genin he had been at before. Not as much of an increase as he had been hoping for though. This level of chakra was truly pathetic to Naruto.

He likely had more chakra than this when he was four. It also limited him a lot. Naruto hadn't ever bother to learn E, D, or C-ranked techniques, besides the Academy Three, because it had literally been easier to learn B or A ranked techniques due to his chakra reserves.

Right now he could only use the Transformation, Replacement, Temporary Paralysis, and the Transparent Escape techniques.

Those are literally the only techniques Naruto knows that are below B-rank. He isn't even that familiar with any of them either.

So Naruto's ninjutsu abilities, his bread and butter, is almost completely sidelined. He can't even use a single Shadow Clone till he gains the chakra capacity of a high-level chuunin.

"Welcome to the family, Naruto-kun," Rias interrupted his thoughts be saying.

Naruto looked at her with surprise before commenting, "Family? No offense, but I thought we were your servants."

Akeno was the one to answer him, although Naruto did take a step back to keep a five foot distance between them, "That might be the case for most peerages, but Buchou here is a member of the Gremory Clan.

They are renown for their extraordinary affection for devils. They view their servants as friends and servants."

"That's certainly better than being a servant," Naruto claimed while giving Rias a warm smile at the thought.

Rias blushed slightly at the attention, but then grew serious as she said, "Now, usually I we would do our best to familiarize yourself with any information you would need to know as a devil. I believe you owe me an explanation though."

Naruto nodded in understanding, and quickly announced, "That I do. I suggest getting comfortable because it is a long story." Everyone nodded and sat down in their respective spots. They all then looked at him, content to wait for him to start.

Naruto appreciated that, and took a few moments to think on how to start. He finally declared coolly, "The first thing you should know is that I am from a different world."

"A different world?" Rias repeated incredulously. She then raised an eyebrow as she asked, "You mean you come from the Underworld?"

"No. I mean an entirely different world. A world that is typically impossible to travel to from here," Naruto answered while shaking his head.

He then started hesitantly, "In my world, humans were capable of wielding power that highly resembles magic through the use of 'chakra.' The greatest examples of this were 'ninjas,' soldiers of the hidden villages.

I was a ninja as well. You don't need to know much else, but you do need to know that we were engaged in a war. All the hidden villages teamed up to battle a mad man.

The focus of the war was to prevent him from gaining the power to enact a plan to place the entire world in an illusion by obtaining and harnessing the power of a primordial god."

His last words caused both Rias and Akeno to gape before Akeno asked in shock, "Did you just say a primordial god?!"

"Yes," Naruto answered seriously.

With both Rias and Akeno in shock, Yuuto and Koneko were still left confused. Yuuto quickly asked politely, "I'm sorry, but can anyone tell me why that is so serious?"

Rias looked at Akeno meaningfully. Akeno nodded and turned towards the two before explaining, "You both know that Gods and Buddha's exist.

That is a fact. You can think of them as the weak knockoffs of a primordial god, born from the fragments of its energy."

That caused both Yuuto and Koneko to gape as well. Rias nodded at their expressions before elaborating, "The existence of primordial gods have always been mere conjecture, since any that existed in this world have long since died.

Put simply, primordial gods are the beginning of everything. It is theorized that primordial gods are the beings responsible for the creations of all worlds.

Their power is thought to be infinite and limitless. Even they are not immortal though. Eventually they age and die. Their energy then dissipates, eventually birthing the Gods or Buddha's that currently exist."

"Huh, I didn't know that," Naruto commented in interest.

"Then are you sure that you are talking about a true primordial god and not just a regular god," Rias asked quickly.

"I'm sure. Kurama told me that the Juubi was a primordial god, and that it was responsible for the creation of our whole world. Even said that it could destroy our world as well.

He would know. Plus, the person that rescued me on this side said that she sensed remnants of a primordial god on me," Naruto immediately replied with certainty clear in his voice.

Rias shook her head as she considered the implications. She finally managed to tell him, "Then your world must have been incredibly young. For a primordial god to still live."

With Rias still looking to be in shock or denial, Yuuto interrupted by announcing, "I'm sure we can talk about this more another time. How about you continue your story, Uzumaki-san?"

Naruto nodded in agreement and explained, "Uchiha Madara, the madman I said earlier, planned to become the jinchuriki of the Juubi.

He would then use its power to cast an illusion over the entire world, using the moon as a medium."

"I'm sorry, Naruto-san, but I simply can't believe a human, no matter how powerful, could control a primordial god.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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