Chapter 17: Shinigami

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The very concept is illogical. Primordial beings are those responsible for creating entire worlds. For creating humans.

Their very existence is a level humans cannot even comprehend let alone match," Rias immediately argued.

"You might be underestimating just how freakishly strong Madara was. Madara had managed to unlock the Rinnegan, the legendary eyes of the Sage of Six Paths.

He had been capable of pulling giant meteors from the sky, growing entire forests in seconds, creating a mountain sized samurai of pure energy, and throwing around nine, mountain sized animals just by looking at them.

I hate the man, but even I can't deny he was a freaking badass," Naruto retorted, shivering as he remembered just how ridiculously powerful Madara was even before becoming the Juubi jinchuriki.

All of them were now looking at him in disbelief. Koneko finally asked bluntly, "…Are you high?"

Naruto just deadpanned in her direction. Rias managed to say in confusion, "I am really lost here. You mentioned something about a Rinnegan."

"Yes. The Rinnegan is an ocular bloodline that was said to have been possessed by the Sage of Six Paths, characterized by the entirely purple coloring and ripple pattern. The ultimate doujutsu," Naruto told them in exasperation.

"…What's a doujutsu? And who is the Sage of Six Paths?"

Naruto let out an annoyed groan. Trying to explain the clusterfuck that was the Fourth Shinobi World War to people completely ignorant was not easy in the least.

Naruto finally straightened and started in an annoyed tone, "Okay, I'm going to start from the very beginning. There used to be a massive tree in my world, thousands of years ago.

It was called the God Tree, or the Shinju. One day, a princess, Kaguya Okatsuchi or some weird name like that, decided to eat a fruit from the tree in an attempt to gain the power to stop a war that was going on.

It worked, and she managed to stop the war with her godlike powers. The Shinju sensed the theft of its fruit and power though. The tree turned into a massive beast with ten tails, the Juubi.

The Juubi had no intelligence and only one purpose. Reclaim the power that was stolen from it. It was a force of nature, razing everything to the ground in its mindless search to reclaim its chakra.

Until it was stopped by a man. The princess had apparently died due to the intense power, but she had given birth to a son, Hagoromo or whatever. I'll just call him the Sage of Six Paths from now on, since I hate his real name.

The Sage had been born with power surpassing even his mother, the first human to be born with chakra. He soon grew up and confronted the Juubi.

He defeated the Juubi in battle, and then sealed it inside his body. Using its power, he became powerful as a god. He then gifted and taught other humans how to use chakra.

He ended up having children that would go on to found two separate ninja clans. The Senju and the Uchiha. The Senju inherited the Sage's strong body, and the Uchiha inherited his mystical eyes.

Madara was an Uchiha. He managed to unlock the Rinnegan by infusing the DNA of a powerful Senju into his body.

In that way he gained the ability to control the Juubi just like the Sage did." Naruto took several deep breaths after the short story.

No one spoke for several seconds after he finished. Koneko was the one to break it by deadpanning, "…That makes no sense.

A woman ate a fruit to become a god, which caused a tree to turn into a giant monster, and then it was defeated and absorbed by the woman's son. How high were you when you thought up that lie?"

"I'm not lying. I know its messed up, but it is true," Naruto exclaimed in annoyance. Seriously, he only learned this like an hour before he came to this world.

It was just as ridiculous to him, but Madara didn't seem like a liar. Delusional megalomaniac, sure. Liar, not really.

"No, it makes perfect sense," Rias claimed while in deep thought.

Naruto looked at her skeptically before questioning doubtfully, "It does?"

"Yes, it does," Rias claimed with a firm nod. She then looked at Naruto before demanding, "Were there any other gods in your world that you know of?"

Shrugging, Naruto informed her, "Yeah, I think. Ninjas aren't very religious, but I know for certain of at least one god. The Death God, the Shinigami."

"I thought so," Rias said with a satisfied nod. Seeing everyone looking at her curiously, she quickly explained, "It does make sense it you think about it.

I believe the Juubi or Shinju or whatever you want to call it, was at the very final stage of its life. It was dying. So it assumed the form of the Shinju.

Instead of absorbing nutrients from the ground like a normal tree, it instead likely used this form to pump it energy throughout the planet. Laying the groundwork for later gods to come into being.

It was interrupted partway through though. The princess stole part of its energy by eating the fruit. Losing part of its power like that must have entered a…self defense mechanism you could say.

It changed into a different form to regain that power. Kaguya couldn't make full use of that energy, but her son could because he had been exposed to and absorbed the energy as a fetus. His body adapted to utilize it to its fullest.

This Rinnegan was probably just a physical manifestation of his ability to use a divine energy. It also explains why he could successfully subdue the Juubi.

He was capable of using its own power. He had literally adapted to use its energy. Thus absorbing it would be a simple affair. Since the Juubi had no intelligence of its own, his own will was able to control it.

He could have been considered a mini-Juubi if you will since he could control its power, and he then in essence became the Juubi after absorbing it."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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