Chapter 18: Madara

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"This is still only possible because the Juubi was near the end of its life. I also suspect the process of pumping it throughout the planet was near finished.

Regular gods are born from the fragments of primordial gods. That gods existed in your world indicates a vast majority of its energy was already gone by the time the princess stole part of its power.

So not only was the Juubi a mindless husk of the primordial god without most of its original power, but it was also going against a person specifically adapted to use its power. No wonder it could be controlled so easily."

"Then when the Sage had children, each inherited half of the traits used to control the Juubi. Although I suspect he 'gifted' your people with chakra by using splitting a smaller amount of the Juubi's energy among your people.

I'm guessing that's why your species could apparently become so powerful. A small bit, but less than what his descendants got.

Once the two halves of the traits his descendants gained were reunited, in this Madara person, he gained the exact same ability to control the Juubi. Once again.

A sentient being adapted to use its chakra going up against a mindless husk with power but no control or will. The result is obvious. The sentient being will absorb and gain control of the husk's power."

Akeno tilted her head as she considered that. She then nodded and commented, "That makes sense."

"Really because I didn't get half of that," Naruto admitted as he sweat dropped. Naruto might be intelligent in a fight, but things like that just go right over his head.

He did get one thing though. Leaning forward slightly, Naruto questioned nervously, "Are you telling me that the most terrifyingly powerful creature I've ever met, a being with energy levels beyond human comprehension…was an senile old man on his deathbed?"

"A rather tactless way of putting it, but yes. Basically. Primordial gods are beyond comprehension for even regular gods.

The concept of a human, adapted to it or not, being able to contain and use its whole power is impossible.

A very small portion might just be possible though. A sliver basically. That small portion would still be enough to raise even a human to heights possibly surpassing even regular gods though. It is a terrifying thought," Rias finished.

Naruto considered all that he learned before a thought came to him. Naruto face palmed as he growled out, "We got so off topic."

"Oh. We did. Woops. I just got a bit distracted due to the nature of the topic," Rias admitted. She truly looked a bit sheepish at how preoccupied she had become.

She then added, "I do think you should talk to a scientist or historian eventually, Naruto-san. You currently know more about primordial gods than anyone in this dimension."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll do it eventually. Let's get back to the important stuff now though," Naruto grunted out, fibbing a bit at the first part.

All this conversation had given him was a headache, so he'd avoid talking about it again like he would a plague.

Akeno chuckled slightly before commenting, "I believe you were talking to us about what happened during the war."

Nodding, Naruto explained, "I think that's right. Anyways, the Shinobi Alliance had hoped to prevent Madara from absorbing the Juubi entirely, but we failed in that aspect.

We still fought him, but it was horrible. Madara had been more powerful than anyone had ever even believed possible before, but with the Juubi he was practically a god.

We were getting smacked around like children. He just kept dropping meteors on our heads. How do you fight that? Seriously!"

Sweat dropping as Naruto started to freak out from the memories, Rias eventually interrupted, "Uh, Naruto. Can you get back to the story?"

Rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, Naruto replied sheepishly, "Sorry. Bad memories, hehe." Growing serious, Naruto then continued, "One good thing did happen though.

Apparently the concentration of power Madara was putting out by doing his best to drop the sky on our heads was enough to tear the dimensional fabric.

A tear just appeared in the air behind him. I knew we could never beat him conventionally, so I decided to do something stupid and insane enough to work. So I put everything I had and just tackled him into the tear. It closed up right behind us."

"So that is how you ended up here," Yuuto commented.

"Yeah, but it was not nearly so easy as it sounds. Dimensional travel is probably the most dangerous thing you can ever imagine," Naruto told him while shivering at the memory.

Akeno quickly retorted, "But it is possible to travel between dimensions. Devils travel between earth and the Underworld all the time."

"Trust me, that is a whole different method," Naruto stated with a frown on his face. He then clarified, "The tear Madara caused was simply a result of how much power he was putting out.

He wasn't trying to do it. Completely different from purposefully initiating dimensional travel. Think of the two like conducting heart surgery.

Proper dimensional travel is like proper heart surgery. You have a surgeon, scalpels, medicine, assistants, and done over ten hours.

Clean and precise. What happened to me is more like someone shoving their hand in a person's chest, ripping out their still beating heart, and then shoving another heart into the hole. The very concept of it working is ridiculous."

"Yet here you are," Koneko pointed out while taking bites out of a snack.

"Trust me, it was a miracle," Naruto grunted out before elaborating, "It felt like every cell in my body was being shredded. Madara, the guy that was for all intents and purposes a god, died after just a second. I was between worlds for four seconds."

"Then how are you alive?" Rias quickly demanded.

"The remnants of the Bijuu's wills, oh yeah. You don't know about the Bijuu. Let's just say that the Juubi decided to try and save me.

It managed to wrestle control from Madara for just a few seconds. It used its energy to regenerate any damage I was receiving.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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