Chapter 19: Curiosity

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"Then how are you alive?" Rias quickly demanded.

"The remnants of the Bijuu's wills, oh yeah. You don't know about the Bijuu. Let's just say that the Juubi decided to try and save me.

It managed to wrestle control from Madara for just a few seconds. It used its energy to regenerate any damage I was receiving.

Madara was left out to dry though, and died. The energy eventually dissipated in a few seconds after Madara died, but it bought me the time I needed.

I was only exposed for half a second before I ended up dropping into this world, and even then the person who saved me said I resembled a pile of shredded meat and bones more than a human.

She says I had maybe two seconds before I died if she hadn't put me in a stasis to preserve my life force."

"So we have finally come to this point. Who is this mysterious savior of yours?"

Naruto scratched his cheek before announcing, "Yeah, sorry about not telling you before. She told me her real name is Selene, but apparently she is known by something else.

Lady of the Water or something. Wait, she gave me something before sending me here. It's a personal seal or mark." Naruto then started unbuttoning the academy uniform to show off an orange undershirt he was wearing.

Over that was a medallion or pendant on a necklace. Grabbing it, Naruto held it out for Rias to examine.

It's a silvery-green pendant. It was actually rather simple. A small circle. The only real identifying feature was a symbol in a blue material that contrasted well with the rest of the metal. Simple, but elegant. It also had a sense of power to it.

Rias immediately confirmed, "That's the symbol of the Lady of the Lake. The aura around it also indicates she likely enchanted it. For what purpose i don't know.

Maybe as an energy signature, since the symbol could be copied. This way any god or powerful being that had met her could recognize this as a sign from her."

"The Lady of the Lake. Like from Arthurian Legends," Yuuto asked in interest. He then added, "The spirit that supposedly presented King Arthur with Excalibur." To Naruto Yuuto seemed a little too interested, although he wasn't sure what to make of it.

Rias quickly announced with a small frown on her face, "She's much more than that. That is just the most popular story including her, and even those stories are heavily distorted.

She's usually classified as a demi-god, although she is more technically a full god. She simply hasn't ever acted in a way to facilitate worship of her like most gods.

Since the overall strength of a god is directly connected to the amount of worshippers they have and the prayers they receive, this means she is one of the weakest gods overall.

She does have several unique and powerful abilities though. She is said to have the power of prophecy, or the ability to see the future.

She is also said to be able to confer powerful enchantments or blessings, the latter is the true way she interacted with the legendary King Arthur.

She supposedly blessed him when he was young. Later versions simply switched what she gave him from a blessing to Excalibur."

"Yep, pretty sure that's her," Naruto declared calmly while shrugging nonchalantly.

The group sweat dropped at his attitude. Rias eventually commented, "Why are you so calm about this? The Lady of the Lake is a god.

A secretive one that only appears during times of great change, and interacting with individuals of incredible importance and potential."

"I just don't get why you guys are freaking out. Yeah, she's hot…Totally, amazingly, unbelievably hot, but god or not, she's not a whole lot different from anyone else I've met.

I'm more thankful of her for saving my life than I am in awe of her," Naruto claimed, still relaxed about everything. Leaning forward, he continued, "Anyways.

Apparently I appeared just above a lake in northern Russia. She, and probably every god or being with great power, felt the disturbance.

When I fell in the lake it allowed Selene to transport me to her own little pocket dimension that exists in all lakes.

She then put me in stasis when she saw my condition, and she spent the last three decades healing me up."

"T-Three decades?!" Rias asked in shock.

Naruto nodded before explaining to the disbelieving group, "Yep. Specifically, thirty-two years. That's how long it took her to heal me.

Apparently well over ninety percent of my cells were shredded completely. It would have been instant death if I didn't have such a powerful life force.

It allowed for my life force to remain for a few seconds even after my body was for all intents and purposes dead.

The stasis she placed me in then preserved it as she healed my body. It is also the reason I didn't age during that time."

Naruto then let out a depressed sigh before informing the group, "That's also why I am in such a weak state. My chakra circulatory system was destroyed.

One of the reasons it took so long to heal me was the pure difficulty she had in recreating it. Apparently humans don't have them here.

She couldn't finish either. She managed to recreate it, but in an undeveloped state more suitable for a beginning academy student.

She could have brought it up to the state it was before I came here, but she estimates it would have taken her twelve to fourteen years.

She didn't have that amount of time since I apparently had to come here during this year, so I'm stuck rebuilding my chakra reserves the old fashioned way."

"Why did you have to come here? I'm grateful you did, since I'm in a bind where I need as much help as I can gey, but I just don't see why she sent you here," Rias pointed out, her natural curiosity showing.

"Hell if I know," Naruto answered with a mystified shrug. Seeing Rias, and everyone else, wasn't happy with the answer, he groaned before telling her while trying to think,


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