Chapter 20: Outlandish

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Not to mention she enjoyed speaking in riddles if I asked. I do know that my entrance into the world sent out ripples, for a lack of a better term.

Selene is capable of seeing into the future, and no doubt sensed how the future altered when I arrived here.

I'm guessing something bad, since it prompted her to spend the next three decades healing me. I assume that something important is going to happen to you, or around you, that can have massive consequences.

She once admitted my presence, 'altered the reincarnation process of a select number of Sacred Gear.' So basically something bad happened because I entered this world, and thus she sent me to try and fix it."

"Reincarnation of sacred gears?" Rias muttered to herself as she thought about that. She knew all the pieces were there. She just had to put them together.

Deciding to put it in the back of her mind to think on it later, she looked at Naruto to announce, "Alright. I certainly didn't expect anything like this when I decided to add you to my peerage.

It is a lot to take in, but I don't see any problem. A god sent you to me, although the reason for such a thing is unknown.

That is probably a good thing. You are also far more than we believed. I think it will benefit everyone if we conclude the serious business for today.

Everyone can sleep on this tonight. Tomorrow we can work on acclimatizing you towards your duties as a devil."

"Finally," Naruto eagerly exclaimed as he jumped to his feet. He then stretched his arms above his head.

That had been a long, complicated discussion. Naruto preferred light topics. Not to mention he wanted to go train to try and get used to his new abilities.

That thought was put on hold when he heard and felt his stomach growling. Grabbing it, he then claimed in a weak voice, "I need food, preferably ramen."

"That is actually a good idea. Even if we keep it lighthearted, eating together will be a good way to bond as a group," Rias declared in thought.

Naruto reacted by grinning widely and proclaiming loudly, "Awesome. I know this awesome ramen place.

They also sell other stuff. Don't know why. Ramen is the food of the gods. Everything else is just a downgrade."

Choosing to ignore Naruto's extra comments, Rias turned to the other members of her peerage and questioned, "Is that okay with you guys?"

They all thought for a moment before replying in their own ways.

"It will be nice to get to know Uzumaki-san better."

"…I guess if I must."

"It would be a pleasure. Ufufu, I call the seat next to Uzumaki-kun."

"Hell no, sadist! Five foot distance."

Rias sighed as the group left the room, Akeno starting to chase the pale and sweating Naruto.

Why does she have the feeling that Naruto is going to really complicate things from now on? Oh well.

At least she got a silly new brother. With that thought, Rias followed the group out the door.

"Naruto-kun. It's time to wake up."

"He's not waking."


"Ufufu, I can shock him awake."

"I'm awake," Naruto exclaimed at that, still half asleep. He was not going to let someone shock him!

He then wondered what was happening, since he had literally only woken up to avoid being shocked.

He popped his head out from the blanket he was bundled in to look around blearily. He was in his room. It was rather Spartan overall, the main feature being his massive bed.

He didn't spend much time there besides to sleep. The sun was shining through the window, and his clock said it was nine in the morning.

The most important thing was that the entire Occult Research Club was in his room.

Blinking at them, Naruto finally just shrugged and went back into his blanket cocoon. He then tried to go back to sleep…Wait, what? The fact that four people were in his room finally registered to him.

Letting out a shocked cry, Naruto tried to jump to his feet in an alert stance. Tried because he forgot his body was thoroughly wrapped up in his blanket.

With the blanket constricting his movements, Naruto ended up tumbling off his bed in a heap.

Engaging in a short wrestling match with his blanket, which he swore was fighting back, Naruto finally managed to free himself.

He then sprang to his feet and pointed at the amused members of the Occult Club before demanding, "What the hell? How'd you get into my room?"

Rias chuckled at him panic before answering, "Well, you told us your home address yesterday. We came here, but we couldn't seem to get in. So we had no choice but to teleport to you directly."

Naruto blinked at her blankly as he absorbed that information. He then questioned bluntly, "Okay, but why were you looking for me? It's Sunday. A free day."

"Maybe for school, but not for us. As a devil you now have responsibilities. I figured today was just as good a time as any as to familiarize yourself with those duties," Rias told him.

She then added, "I figured I could have you spar with Koneko, Yuuto, and Akeno. To find out your abilities and everything. We really don't know anything about you after all."

"I told you a lot yesterday. Don't you believe me?" Naruto pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't mean that. While your story is pretty unbelievable, I think you are telling the truth. Your story is just too outlandish and detailed to be a flat out lie.

Not everyone will believe you so easily, of course, but that doesn't really matter right now," Rias informed him calmly before adding, "Your story did also rather clearly lack much information on yourself."

Naruto scratched the back of his neck as he commented sheepishly, "So you noticed that?"

"Yes. I realized it when I was going to sleep," Rias claimed in an unamused voice.

Naruto sighed before explaining, "Sorry, but did you really expect me to tell you my entire life story? I only really joined your peerage because Selene wanted me to, and I owed her.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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