Chapter 21: Ninja

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Plus, that stuff is in the past. There's no going back."

"I just don't much enjoy the idea of not knowing a member of my peerage," Rias maintained stubbornly.

"We'll get to know each other. You can't force things like this. No offense, but I don't really trust you guys yet.

It isn't anything about you, but I just don't know any of you anymore than you know me. That will change over time.

For now we should just focus on becoming friends," Naruto professed awkwardly to the group. Telling a group you are now part of that you don't trust them is not an easy task.

"That is…actually rather reasonable," Rias hesitantly admitted. She soon straightened though as she added, "Either way.

You are part of my peerage, so there are some things I need to know. Your abilities specifically. You never told me much before besides that you are more of a reckless fighter.

You even admitted that you are in a weakened state as well. With your rook enhancements being so new, it will benefit all of us to get a full measure of your battle prowess."

"I guess that makes sense. Just let me get dressed," Naruto replied in acceptance.

"Sure, but I got to ask. What is with that tattoo on your stomach. It doesn't look…normal," Rias asked curiously.

Naruto looked down to see that he had subconsciously started to circulate chakra through his system.

This had allowed the Hakke no Fuin Shiki, Eight Trigrams Seal, to appear on his navel. He had been surprised to find out he still had it after having his body destroyed and put back together. It didn't even hold anything anymore.

Apparently Naruto had been so damaged when he arrived here that traditional healing methods wouldn't work.

To heal him would require immensely complicated and dangerous healing spells that even Selene was reluctant to do.

Instead she had apparently resorted to a time manipulation spell. She didn't heal him so much as reverse the damage he took entirely.

It was a very slow process, but it left Naruto in the exact condition he had been before tackling Madara through the dimensional tear. Even all the seals Naruto had on his body were restored.

The only reason his chakra network wasn't healed was due to his own chakra interfering in the process.

To heal that required Selene to resort to those difficult and risky healing methods he mentioned before.

Another reason she had stopped after managing to recreate his chakra system on the basic level. To try and heal it further was simply too dangerous and difficult.

"That's just a seal. Fuinjutsu," Naruto informed them nonchalantly before adding while showing the insides of his wrists, where two tiny seals were.

Personal storage seals Jiraiya had applied during his training trip. They hurt like a bitch to apply. Naruto punched Jiraiya in the face for revenge. Naruto quickly finished, "I have a few."

Yuuto was the one to ask, "What's fuinjutsu?"

"The art of sealing," Naruto replied simply before gesturing to his window. The window had several seals inscribed on the inside.

He then clarified, "In simple terms, fuinjutsu is a way to mold and shape chakra through the use of writing.

A master can accomplish anything with it. I'm not at that level, but I am adept enough to have placed many different levels of protection on my house…Although it matters little since you proved you can just teleport inside.

I doubt even a master could come up with a way to prevent that. At least not without years of effort."

Jiraiya had taught Naruto fuinjutsu during the training trip. Naruto just hadn't ever really used it. He'd preferred big ninjutsu techniques to sitting still and writing.

That had changed after coming here. With Naruto's reduced chakra capacity, fuinjutsu was a lifesaver.

He wasn't a master, but he's still an expert. The only difference between a master and expert is years of experience.

Rias looked closer at the seals on the window as she commented, "That sounds useful. Like a different style of Rune Symbols.

We'll have to explore this later, but for now we should just focus on your physical capabilities."

"Alright. We can get to that as soon as I get dressed. Unless any of you guys want me to explain something else first," Naruto asked wryly.

Since they woke him up, he was in his sleeping attire. Boxers. Naruto wasn't exactly shy, neither were they since they didn't seem to care either, but having to hold an entire conversation in his boxers was starting to wear on him.

Akeno took this opportunity to remark in a teasing voice, "Ramen themed boxers? Really?"

Naruto just shook his head as he headed towards his closet. On the way he retorted in a sly tone, "Please. You're just jealous you don't have sexy underwear like this, Ms. Granny Panties."

"Granny panties?!" Akeno repeated in an honestly offended tone. She quickly countered by saying indignantly, "I'll have you know I only buy top-of-the-line lingerie. Stuff so sexy you'd-" She was cut off by Rias placing a hand over her mouth.

"Not right now, Akeno," Rias ordered with a sigh.

"Good. Now can you all leave while I change. I'm going to do it even if you stay, but just a warning. If you don't want to see a bit more of me than usual, the hallway awaits," Naruto told them as he opened his closet.

The group seemed overall amused by his attitude towards changing in front of them, but filed out regardless. They waited in the hallway for a minute as he changed. The door opened to reveal him.

Naruto had decided to wear something different compared to the other members of the Occult Club, who were all wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform.

He was wearing some white, special order sandals. He was also donning white cargo pants, and an tight, orange sleeveless shirt.

Around his head he was tying a white cloth to hold back the hair he hadn't bothered cutting for a while.

These were his workout clothes, all of them practical clothes that were reinforced with seals. Not quite to the level of ninja wear, but decent enough to fight and train in.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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