Chapter 22: Shrug

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Naruto quickly asked the group, "Do you guys have any area in particular you want to do the spar?"

"Not really. We just do typical training, cardio runs and stuff, around town or at school. For spars or magical training we just go into the forest outside of town," Rias admitted.

"No need. I have a place. Follow me," Naruto claimed with a grin. He then started ahead of the group. With a shrug from Rias, they quickly followed.

They walked down a long corridor and then started down some stairs. As they walked down another door lined hallway, Yuuto questioned, "No offense, Uzumaki-san, but why do you own such a large home? This is a mansion, and you clearly live alone."

"First of all, enough with the Uzumaki. We're comrades now," Naruto told Yuuto sternly. When Yuuto gave an accepting nod, Naruto continued, "As for this house.

Yeah, it's way too big for me. However Icha Icha net me enough to live comfortably for ten years. I'm not really the guy to save my money either. So I really just had so much money I had no idea what to do with it."

"You bought a mansion because you could," Yuuto commented with a sweat drop.

"…Idiot," Koneko muttered blankly.

Ignoring Koneko's insult, Naruto shrugged before admitting, "Kind of, but I did buy this place for a reason.

We're just about to enter it." He said this as they walked down a good number of concrete stairs. Reaching a door, Naruto threw it open while gesturing grandiosely, "Behold."

"Wow," Rias muttered in shock before finishing, "This is a massive basement."

Naruto nod with a grin as he explained to the group, "The rich guy that built this place twenty years ago wanted an Olympic sized swimming pool at his house.

He couldn't get the land to put one though. Since he couldn't expand outwards, he went down. Building this massive basement, he then built the house on top.

The pool was then placed here. I really wanted a place to train without worrying about collateral damage or being seen. I had to fill in the pool and replace the tiles with regular concrete.

Cost a pretty penny, especially considering how much this place cost, but I had the cash available. Once I placed reinforcement seals on the walls, I had a private training grounds."

The group looked at the basement that could comfortably fit an Olympic sized pool. It was rather basic.

The walls and floor were plain concrete. There were numerous training weights and other gym equipment in a corner.

Rias eventually stated, "That is smart, if extremely wasteful."

Naruto shrugged, accepting both. He did buy a mansion just for the basement. Not something the average person can do. Naruto replied with, "I'm rich. I can be wasteful."

"True. How much did you make on Icha Icha?" Akeno curiously questioned.

"A lot, and I'm still getting payments. I get commissions based on sales. Icha Icha is still being released in numerous countries as the translations finish.

Considering I'm writing another book right now, money isn't really an issue for me," Naruto claimed with a shrug.

"Okay. We can't get distracted. Let's get to work right away," Rias announced to the group sternly. When everyone looked at her, she ordered, "Naruto. We'll start with having you spar Koneko."

Naruto looked at her and nodded. Any other response was cut off when a fist collided with his jaw.

A fist with a lot of power packed into it. Enough to send Naruto flying. Hitting the ground twenty meters away, Naruto bounced across the concrete multiple times before finally coming to a stop.

Lying on his back, Naruto blinked up at the roof of the basement in a daze. Damn that was a good punch, and that is coming from someone used to being hit by people with super strength(Sakura and Tsunade).

Lifting his head to look at the culprit, he asked while rotating his sore jaw, "You've been waiting a while to do that, haven't you Koneko-chan?"

"Yes," Koneko answered without shame as she pulled on some punching gloves.

"Good one," Naruto grunted as he got to his feet. Rule Number Two of Naruto's list of prankster rules was that you can't be mad if someone gets revenge.

You have to be accepting of the consequences of your actions. Doesn't mean he's going to let people get him, but if it does happen then he'll accept it.

Rule Number Three is always get payback, and always raise the stakes. Weak men stop when they break even.

Real men escalate that shit for the hell of it. So Naruto cracked his neck before saying with an eager grin, "Looks like the pussy has some claws."

Koneko's eyes narrowed, and she shot towards him without saying anything. Naruto stood there without moving, a wide grin on his face.

He didn't even move when she shot a punch towards his face, letting it connect without dropping his smile.

Unlike the last time though, this time he rolled with it to create a spin. Circling around behind her, Naruto then put all the force of the swing into his open palm slap. Which landed right on Koneko's cute little ass.

"Nya!" Koneko yelped/squealed out at the action. Stumbling when she landed, she fell to her knees as her hands fell back to hold her stinging cheek.

Naruto stood there grinning. What he was hiding was the intense pain he was feeling in his hand. Holy crap! Koneko takes the idea of a firm behind to a ridiculous level, likely because she is a rook. Either way, it felt like Naruto slapped a rock.

Naruto watched as Koneko slowly turned to look at him with watering eyes, an adorable pout on her face as she tried to glare at him.

Naruto opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. After a few seconds he admitted with a shrug, "Okay, I got no pussy joke for that. I'm not that clever. Sue me."

"Pervert-senpai," Koneko growled out as she stood up, trying to be intimidating. Naruto just found it adorable. She then finished as she jumped at him again, "You're the worst!"


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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