Chapter 23: Rather

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This time she came at Naruto smart. Not to mention with an abundance of killing intent. Okay, maybe he had pushed the little pussy a bit too far…Nah. It's just starting to get fun.

Darting in when he felt he saw an opportunity, Naruto lashed out with a roundhouse kick at Koneko. Koneko defended by holding her arms in front of her in a guard.

The kick landed heavily against her forearms. Despite the block, the attack had enough force to send the petite devil flying through the air.

The short flight ended when her back connected with the wall, a nasty crack sounding out from the impact.

Koneko fell to the ground, but then showed her rook durability by standing with almost no sign of injury at the attack.

Which caused Naruto to sigh. The spar had been going on for quite a while by this point. While Koneko had attacked him furiously at the beginning, Naruto turned it around after her anger faded slightly from the few hits she managed to land on him.

No offense to Koneko, but she couldn't quite match him in hand to hand combat. She didn't give up though.

Instead she started fighting defensively, fighting in such a way to prevent him from landing an attack cleanly.

She always made sure to block it or deflect most of the power behind it. Her rook toughness took care of the rest.

She might be rather worn out, but the only real difference since the start of the spar was in her uniform.

That was a mess by this point, multiple holes and tears showing her bra and panties. Not quite what Naruto was looking for.

Naruto decided not to let up and rushed her. Throwing a quick barrage of punches, Koneko reacted by using her small size to slip through the worst of it.

Dropping to the ground, Naruto threw a sweep kick. Koneko jumped into the air to avoid it, exactly what Naruto wanted.

Flipping on the ground in a break dancing style move, Naruto lashed out with his other leg in a back kick.

Koneko crossed her arms to clock the sole of his foot, but the power lifted her into the air. Naruto once again used a break dancing move to spin to his feet, intending to take advantage of Koneko when she was in the air.

Instead he found himself staring down her fist. Crap! Naruto forgot about the whole devil wings thing. She used them to maneuver herself in midair, attacking when he figured she was helpless.

The surprise was enough for Naruto not be able to dodge her punch. The resulting impact creating a loud collision sound. Naruto was relatively unaffected though, having turned his head with the punch. The rook's enhanced durability also helped.

Before Koneko could pull her arm back, Naruto gripped it in his hands. Turning his body, Naruto threw the petite girl at the nearest wall.

The momentum made it so that she couldn't change her flight projection with her wings. She did manage to position her body to land feet first. Hitting the wall hard, she looked towards Naruto.

This time it was her that found herself staring down a punch. Naruto had immediately followed after throwing her, knowing she would recover.

Too late too dodge completely, Koneko only managed to angle her body so that his punch clipped her shoulder.

It was still enough to send her spinning, but was successful at deflecting the majority of the force in the punch. It instead crashed into the wall, cracking the reinforced concrete.

Koneko managed to straighten her spin to land on her feet, proving her nature as a cat-like being.

Naruto got back into a fighting stance, holding in his scream of pain at punching the wall like that.

Naruto shot forward again, intent on pressuring Koneko till she made a mistake or just plain got exhausted.

On the sidelines, the other three members of the Occult Club were watching attentively. Akeno broke the silence by stating, "Naruto-kun is rather impressive. He's got Koneko on the run, even if he can't finish her."

"I agree. It is also rather clear how the two are different despite them both being rooks. Naruto has far more offensive power than Koneko, while Koneko's durability is her advantage.

Her natural evasive abilities and small size also allow her to prevent any strikes that could potentially overcome her defensive power from landing cleanly.

This makes it extremely difficult to finish her. So she is best suited for a defensive duty or stalling opponents. Her weakness would be widespread, heavy duty spells.

She can't dodge, but they still pack enough power to put her down. Naruto's aggressive mindset, vicious offensive power, and relentless stamina make him an ideal front line fighter or shock trooper. His weakness is less clear.

Probably a likelihood to fall into traps or ambushes. Both rooks, but near complete opposites," Rias commented analytically, her eyes not leaving the spar.

Yuuto nodded before adding, "True. I am somewhat confused on Naruto's fighting style though. It is rather…well, wild would be the word I'd use."

"I understand what you mean. He basically said he was a soldier yesterday, so you'd think he'd be a rather disciplined fighter.

I wonder if Naruto-kun lied to us," Akeno replied, ending in a voice that showed she wasn't pleased with the idea.

"I really don't think so, Akeno. Just because he isn't a…controlled fighter doesn't mean he isn't a soldier," Rias retorted quickly.

"If you say so, Buchou," Akeno replied with a giggle.

"I think you both are misunderstanding my words," Yuuto interrupted calmly. Directing their attention back to the spar, he elaborated, "True, he isn't using a rigid or disciplined fighting style.

Even I can tell that. It appears there are holes in his stance, and that he has no real set attack pattern.

That doesn't mean it is bad though. Whenever Koneko tries to take advantage of those holes in his defense, he reacts instantly.

Like he is expecting her. His rather crazy methods of attacks are also very effective at catching Koneko by surprise.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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