Chapter 24: Grumbled

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It doesn't quite look purposeful though. Not deceptive. More like it is…malleable. Experienced. He has so much experience at fighting, he doesn't need a style.

Everything Koneko has done, he's been ready to counter. If you took away their devil abilities and rook attributes, I'd say Koneko wouldn't stand a chance against Naruto.

As it is, he's still raw and inexperienced as a devil and rook. Koneko inherently has the advantage right now. An advantage that is dwindling as this spar continues."

Rias nodded in understanding. Yuuto's words are proving true. Koneko is finding fewer and fewer opportunities to try and counter Naruto as the spar continues.

Not to mention Koneko was starting to tire. Naruto's stamina really is impressive. He's still going strong.

Grinning, Rias declared happily, "This is perfect." Seeing both her peerage members look at her, she explained, "It is clear that Naruto is an experienced fighter.

He also claims to have fought in a war. That is exactly what we need. Riser has already participated in a number of Rating Games.

He's experienced. We aren't. That's a major disadvantage for us, but Naruto might be able to mitigate it somewhat."

Yuuto and Akeno both nodded, understanding her argument. Real life experience is always better than theory.

Having a person on their side with plenty of fighting experience to guide them and give them advice against Riser could prove extremely useful.

Deciding the spar had gone on long enough, Rias clapped to draw their attention before announcing, "Okay, that is enough."

Naruto and Koneko immediately stopped their match. Naruto quickly started rolling his shoulders with a wide grin on his face.

Turning to Koneko, he told her, "Great match, Koneko-san. You are really strong." Koneko ignored him, making him sweat drop.

Okay, maybe he really should stop the pussy jokes. They clearly aren't endearing him to Koneko, but she is so adorable when she is angry at him. Ah, he'll decide later.

"Think you are up for a quick spar with Yuuto, Naruto-kun?" Rias asked.

Naruto did a quick status check. His body was in good shape considering how much power Koneko managed to pack into her punches despite her size.

It wasn't anything he couldn't handle though. No broken bones, no internal bleeding. He'll no doubt have some wicked bruises later, but he's tough. The rook enhancements worked miracles in that department.

They also lowered the amount of chakra enhancement he needed for his taijutsu to be effective.

His new durability meant he didn't have to continuous circulate chakra into his muscles to boost his speed to a level to dodge all attacks since he now could just take the punishment. Only needing a quick burst of speed every now and then.

Naruto was particularly happy with his new improved raw strength. Although he couldn't test it out in this basement, he was pretty confident he could replicate the attacks of Sakura and Tsunade's super strength technique eventually.

Say what you will, but Naruto had always been a bit put out by being physically weaker than the frail looking Sakura. He didn't even need chakra for it either. Awesome.

These things meant his chakra reserves are still going strong. With his larger reserves, he'd used less than a fifth of his total in that match. His stamina meant his body wasn't tired either.

Resolved, Naruto nodded at Rias as he declared, "Bring him on."

Chuckling, Rias waved at Yuuto before telling him, "You heard him, Yuuto. Bring it on."

"Of course, Buchou," Yuuto replied with a smile as he walked towards Naruto. He drew a sword he had prepared beforehand.

As the two blondes faced each other, Koneko reached Rias and Akeno. Rias quickly questioned, "So what do you think of Naruto, Koneko?"

Koneko paused and tilted her head. She then answered blankly, "He is skilled in hand to hand. Adapted to rook attributes quickly. Overall impressive combat abilities."

"Yet I can tell you still have reservations," Rias commented knowingly. When Koneko didn't deny it, Rias sighed before asking, "What is it, Koneko? If you know something, you should tell. Everything we know about Naruto is helpful."

"He uses chakra weird," Koneko finally admitted. She then clarified hesitantly, "Chakra is the base of one's life.

The energy of the soul. It is not meant to be a power one can grasp easily. The easiest way to use it is with senjutsu. With senjutsu, one can sense and draw upon it.

He isn't drawing it out to use touki or using the ki in chakra to empower his body. He is manipulating the chakra with it remaining part of him. It is…different. I don't know if I could even use such a method."

"He does claim to be from another world. It is only natural that they could develop their own ways to use their inner energies," Rias quickly reasoned.

"I realize. It is different, but not worrying," Koneko claimed emotionlessly.

"Yet you are worried. If not of this, then what?" Akeno pointed out with a quiet certainty.

This time one could see the emotions on Koneko's face. Subtle, but noticeable. It was a mix of dislike and fear.

She declared in an uncertain voice, "His chakra…feels similar to the energy of nature. No, not similar. Like the two have interacted. Mixed before."

"You think he knows senjutsu?" Rias demanded with alarm in her voice. Senjutsu is dangerous and taboo. If her new servant knows senjutsu it would complicate things.

"I'm…unsure. Since I have refused to train in senjutsu, my sensing abilities are weak. Plus, usual senjutsu wouldn't result in one's chakra changing.

Normal senjutsu requires one to manipulate natural energy outside of their bodies. No mixing it with chakra, thus no change in the chakra," Koneko explained, looking rather baffled herself.

Akeno was the one to connect the dots, and added, "But since Naruto uses chakra differently, then who is to say his method of using senjutsu isn't different as well."

"Exactly," Koneko muttered with a nod, her eyes fixed on Naruto with a scary intensity.

"And I doubt asking him will get us answers. He seems to be playing any personal info close to the chest," Rias grumbled in annoyance. She could understand that Naruto was being careful, but it is only causing her headaches.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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