Chapter 25: Minimize

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So she just sighed before continuing, "Koneko. Continue monitoring his chakra to the best of your abilities.

If you start to sense a change in his chakra that might indicate he's experimenting or using senjutsu, tell me. I'll confront him about it then. Don't spy on him.

Just by aware. We need to gain his trust before he'll open up more with his abilities and past. Hopefully this is nothing.

Koneko nodded in understanding. She truly feared senjutsu. It was a dangerous ability. The possibility that Naruto could use it was naturally making her wary.

On the other hand, she never got a sense of danger from Naruto himself. He was infuriating, sure, but her instincts were never acting up around him.

If Naruto knew how to use senjutsu in a better way, without going insane, then this might be an opportunity for her. As a Nekoshou, senjutsu comes to her even more naturally than it does a normal Nekomata.

She knew she would eventually have to master it or it would master her. If a teacher appeared with a superior method of senjutsu…She would still be scared of senjutsu, but it would still be a preferable alternative than having to experiment by herself.

With the issue put on the backburner, the three turned back to the ongoing spar.

Knowing the spar was already started, Naruto readied himself. Yuuto was a knight, so speed was his strength.

Yuuto proved his thoughts by breaking into a sudden dash. He was fast, but Naruto was used to fighting fast opponents.

Sasuke had always had the speed advantage over him, and he used a sword as well. Naruto couldn't hope to match Yuuto's speed currently, but he could track him and react in time.

So when Yuuto attacked with a simple slash, Naruto easily leaned out of the way. Yuuto didn't stop for an instant.

He dashed again, circling around Naruto to attack from his side. Naruto once again leaned out of the way of the attack. Yuuto then once again dashed to come from the side again.

Naruto quickly grew tired as the cycle repeated. Yuuto wasn't giving him a chance to attack. Moving too fast for Naruto to target, and only stopping to do a quick attack.

Naruto had to move out of the way, but by then Yuuto was moving again. It was smart of Yuuto, but it was a pain for Naruto.

So Naruto withdrew a kunai from one of the storage seals on his wrists. He then used it to block the sword strike that had been going to his side.

The sudden change was enough to briefly surprise Yuuto. Using the opportunity, Naruto's other hand shot out in a quick jab towards Yuuto's face.

The princely blonde barely managed to dodge. Naruto tried to strike again, but Yuuto showed his resourcefulness by kicking out with a leg to connect with the leg Naruto was stepping forward with.

Naruto barely even felt the kick, but it did succeed in unbalancing him for a second. Which was more than enough for Yuuto to recover and create some distance.

Yuuto's method of attack quickly changed to a more hit and run style. Instead of running around Naruto, he darted in and out.

Each time unleashing a quick combination of sword strikes before leaving once Naruto looked about to retaliate.

This time Naruto stayed calm. He had to be to ensure Yuuto didn't manage to sneak in a strike. A single mistake when fighting a sword wielding opponent could be fatal.

Naruto knew that from his fights with Sasuke. His rook durability might be able to deflect a shot, but Naruto really wasn't in the mood to test that theory. Much rather not get stabbed or slashed in any way.

So he stayed calm, and defended as he analyzed Yuuto's sword style. Yuuto was skilled with a sword. He obviously had a good teacher. A style meant there was a pattern though.

Yuuto was skilled, but obviously lacked the pure experience necessary to adjust his style on the fly. Getting his rhythm down would enable Naruto to counterattack.

As soon as he got it down, Naruto acted. When Yuuto came in with a downward slash, Naruto rose his kunai to block it.

Simultaneously, Naruto's other hand shot out in a hook at Yuuto's face. Yuuto predictably leaned out of the way, but Naruto's hook had been wide enough that he lost his balance in the process.

With Yuuto's base unstable, thus preventing him from dodging, Naruto dropped for a sweep kick. Yuuto tried a quick slash to distract Naruto, but it was for naught as Naruto's kunai once again blocked it as his leg swept Yuuto's legs out from under him.

Naruto's other leg than shot out in a mule kick towards Yuuto's chest. Yuuto had to use his sword to block the attack.

The sword snapped under the force of Naruto's kick, but the force it took to break it was enough to push Yuuto out of the way before the kick hit him. Yuuto rolled with the momentum to regain his feet. He then looked at his broken sword.

Straightening, Naruto taunted with a grin, "Looks like you are out a weapon, Yuuto-san."

"Not at all," Yuuto replied with his usual polite smile. He then easily threw away the broken sword before continuing, "This just means I can go all out."

Naruto was confused, but got ready. Whatever Yuuto was going to do was stopped prematurely when Rias announced, "Okay, that's enough you two. I got enough."

"What? We were only sparing for like three minutes," Naruto exclaimed in annoyance. Even Yuuto didn't look all that happy for the spar to end.

"You can spar another time. I simply wanted to see how you would react to fighting someone with a significant speed advantage over yourself," Rias told them firmly.

Naruto sighed at her explanation before telling her in resignation, "Fine, but you could have just asked. There are usual ways to fight someone faster than yourself.

Fight defensively. Minimize your movement. Look for patterns. Try and move to a smaller area, where your opponent will have less area to maneuver.

Shoot for simultaneous exchanges. Target their legs or disrupt their footing. Pretty standard stuff."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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