Chapter 27: Plenty

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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He then explained to the stunned club members, "This is the Transformation Technique. This is an illusion.

I have a better version where I physically transform, but my current chakra reserves don't allow me to use it."

Poofing back to himself, he then ran through a few more hand seals. This time he seemed to disappear.

Those present could see the slight bending around him with their advanced eyesight. Even they would admit that is probably only because they knew exactly where he was.

As he was invisible, Naruto explained, "And this is the Transparent Escape Technique. It bends light around the user to turn me invisible. I have still not perfected this technique.

I couldn't use it before due to lack of control, and recreated it just from memory. It's good when I'm still, but when I start moving…" The group watching all flinched when a sudden bright light invaded their eyeballs.

Naruto quickly told them as he let the technique fall, "I'm still not familiar enough with bending the light properly. When I move it bends wrong and causes flashes of light like that. Not exactly stealthy."

Rias nodded as her eyes recovered. She then commented in a gleefully, "They each have their issues, but are certainly useful. For infiltration, stealth, and battle."

Naruto accepted the compliment with a nod, but it was clear by his heavy breathing and sweat on his forehead that he was tired. He quickly stated, "I hope that's it for today.

I used a lot of chakra in the spar with the sadist, and I'm now running on empty from those techniques."

"It's not the end for today, but don't worry. The rest will be relatively boring in comparison," Rias reassured him calmly. She then announced, "We should go back to the clubroom. We can teleport there."

"Think I can shower and eat first? You guys did sort of drag me out of bed," Naruto requested in exasperation.

He had worked up a sweat, not to mention he was slightly burnt from Akeno's lightning. A shower would be nice. Getting some food in his stomach will help him recover his lost chakra as well.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot," Rias said with a slight blush and a sheepish expression. Turning to the rest of the club, she told them, "You guys head back first.

I'll stay back here with Naruto-kun to teleport him there when he's showered. Akeno, prepare some breakfast once you get there. I think all of us could have a bite to eat."

They nodded before stepping away. Koneko and Yuuto stepped close to Akeno, who closed her eyes and concentrated.

A bright red, magic circle formed on the ground beneath them. Naruto watched in interest as another formed above them.

The top one then lowered, and the three disappeared as it passed over their bodies. When the two circles lined up, they disappeared in a bright flash to show the three completely gone.

Naruto wasn't too surprised by the spell. Selene had used similar spells. Even taught him one.

Instead he turned to Rias and said, "Let's go upstairs. You can explore or watch TV. Whatever you want. I'll be taking a shower."

"Got it," Rias said in acceptance.

As the two moved towards the door, Naruto's eyes swept across all the burnt and destroyed logs his match with Akeno had resulted in. He then grunted, "Dammit. I'm the one that has to clean this up, too. That's going to suck."

Twenty minutes later Naruto stepped out of his shower. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stepped towards the mirror. Wiping of the condensation on it, Naruto took a moment to look at his reflection.

His appearance hasn't changed a whole lot since coming here. He'd only been here for a few months after all.

His blonde hair had been allowed to grow out a bit, and his whisker marks had faded a bit since he no longer had Kurama in him. Otherwise his face looked the same.

He had grown a good three inches in height already, something Naruto was glad about and hoped would continue.

It also looked to Naruto like he was a bit more cut, although that could just be his ego talking. He had been doing a lot of physical exercise though.

Shrugging over his concern for inane things like his appearance, Naruto walked out of the bathroom. Moving to his bedroom, he dropped the towel before grabbing some clothes.

Since the rest of the club members were using their school uniforms, Naruto figured he should as well. So he slipped on the black dress pants and the white, long sleeved, button up shirt.

He passed on the black blazer, since the thing was stuffy as hell. He completely ignored the possibility of wearing a tie or bowtie like some students do.

He finished by putting on a pair of brown dress shoes, which Naruto had special ordered to be surprisingly comfy.

With him being fully dressed, Naruto left his room and walked down the stairs to find Rias rummaging through his kitchen.

As soon as she sensed him, she commented, "Not a whole lot in here, Naruto-kun. Plenty of instant ramen, but not much else."

Naruto shrugged before claiming nonchalantly, "Not much a cook myself. I actually go to school early to eat breakfast there.

Buy lunch there. Usually eat out for dinner. The ramen is just there for when I want a snack after training."

"Well good for you, Akeno is an amazing cook. She usually makes stuff for the club, since the rest of us live in the building," Rias told him as she stopped searching through his cupboards. Approaching him, she asked, "So you ready to teleport to the clubroom?"


"Good. Then give me your hand," Rias ordered. Naruto complied with a shrug. A quick tap was all she did before a glowing red symbol formed on Naruto's palm.

She then explained as Naruto examined the mark, "This is a carved mark. It will act as proof that you belong to the Gremory household. It will allow you to teleport with my family's magic circle."

"I see. Is it possible to create my own magic circle?" Naruto asked curiously as he let his marked hand fall.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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